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Stability and change in the field of residential care for children. On ownership structure, treatment ideas and institutional logics

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  • Ahonen, L. 2012. “Changing behaviors or behavioral change? A study of moral development and transbehavioral processes in juvenile institutional care.” PhD diss., University of Örebro.
  • Arman, R., R. Liff, and E. Wikström. 2014. “The Hierarchization of Competing Logics in Psychiatric Care in Sweden.” Scandinavian Journal of Management 30 (3): 282–291. doi:10.1016/j.scaman.2014.01.001.
  • Bergmark, A., Å. Bergmark, and T. Lundström. 2011. Evidensbaserat socialt arbete [Evidence Based Social Work]. Stockholm: NoK.
  • Bergmark, A., and T. Lundström. 2011. “Guided or Independent? Social Workers, Central Bureaucracy and Evidence-Based Practice.” European Journal of Social Work 14: 323–337. doi:10.1080/13691451003744325.
  • Bergmark, A., and L. Oscarsson. 1994. “Swedish Alcohol Treatment in Transition. Facts and Fiction.” Nordisk Alkoholtidskrift, English Supplement 11: 43–54.
  • Björk, A. 2016. “Evidence-based practice behind the scene. How evidence in social work is used and produced.” PhD diss., Stockholm University.
  • Dellgran, P., and S. Höjer. 2005. “Rörelser i tiden. Professionalisering och privatisering i socialt arbete” [Trends of Today, Professionalisation and Privatization in Social Work]. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift 12: 246–267.
  • Ekhaugen, T., and I. Rasmussen. 2016. Bruken av private aktører i barnevernet – Ansvar på avveie? Oslo: Vista Analyse.
  • Forkby, T., and S. Höjer. 2018. “Placeringar i köpt vård – Om rationell styrning och kontraktsproblem på den sociala barnavårdsmarknaden” [Placements in purchased care - on rational governance and contractual problems in the child welfare market.]. In Socialtjänstmarknaden – Om marknadsorientering och konkurrensutsättning inom individ- och familjeomsorgen [The Market of Social Services – On Marketization and Competition in the Personal Social Services], edited by M. Sallnäs and S. Wiklund. Stockholm: Liber.
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  • Höjer, S., and T. Forkby. 2011. “Care for Sale: The Influence of New Public Management in Child Protection in Sweden.” British Journal of Social Work 41 (1): 93–110. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcq053.
  • Hood, C. 1991. “A Public Management for All Seasons?” Public Administration 69 (1): 3–19. doi:10.1111/padm.1991.69.issue-1.
  • IVO. 2013. En trygg och säker vård – har personalen lämplig utbildning? [A Safe and Secure Care – Do Staff Have Appropriate Training?]. Stockholm: IVO (The Health and Social Care Inspectorate.
  • Kirkpatrick, I., M. Kitchener, and R. Whipp. 2001. “Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Assessing the Impact of Markets for Children’s Residential Care.” Public Administration 79 (1): 49–70. doi:10.1111/padm.2001.79.issue-1.
  • Kvaran, I., and J. Holm. 2012. Barnevernsfaglig miljøterapi [Child Welfare Milieu Therapy]. Oslo: Cappelan Damm.
  • Liljegren, A., P. Dellgran, and S. Höjer. 2008. “The Heroine and the Capitalist: The Profession’s Debate about Privatisation of Swedish Social Work.” European Journal of Social Work 11: 195–208. doi:10.1080/13691450802220933.
  • Lindqvist, E. 2014. Institutionsvård, incitament och information [Residential Care, Incentives and Information]. Stockholm: ESO (Expertgruppen för offentlig ekonomi).
  • Lundström, T. 1993. “Tvångsomhändertagande av barn: en studie av lagarna, professionerna och praktiken under 1900-talet” [Children placed in public care by mandatory means. A study of legislations, professions and practice during the 20th century]. PhD diss., University of Stockholm.
  • Lundström, T. 2016. “ADHD; Om förekomst, ökning och konsekvenserna för social barnavård” [ADHD; on Prevalence, Increase and Consequences for Child Welfare]. Socionomens Forskningssupplement 1: 18–31.
  • Lundström, T., M. Sallnäs., and S. Wiklund. 2018. “Marknadsutrymme för privata utförare inom social barn- och ungdomsvård och missbruksvård – förändringar och drivkrafter” [The Market for Private Providers in Child Welfare and Substance Abuse Care - Changes and Driving Forces]. In Socialtjänstmarknaden – Om marknadsorientering och konkurrensutsättning inom individ- och familjeomsorgen [The Market of Social Services – On Marketization and Competition in the Personal Social Services], edited by M. Sallnäs and S. Wiklund. Stockholm: Liber.
  • Meagher, G., T. Lundström, M. Sallnäs, and S. Wiklund. 2016. “Big Business in a Thin Market: Understanding the Privatization of Residential Care for Children and Youth in Sweden.” Social Policy and Administration 50: 805–823. doi:10.1111/spol.12172.
  • Montin, S. 2007. Moderna kommuner [Modern Municipalities]. Malmö: Liber.
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  • Nordstoga, S., and A. M. Støkken. 2009. Barnevernsinstitusjoner og markedsbyråkrati [Child Institutions and Market Bureaucracy]. Oslo: Universtetsforlaget.
  • Pålsson, D. 2018. “The Prerequisites and Practices of Auditing Residential Care.” PhD diss., University of Stockholm.
  • Sallnäs, M. 2000. “Barnavårdens institutioner: framväxt, ideologi och struktur” [The growth, ideology and structure of the institutions for care of children]. PhD diss., Stockholm University.
  • Sallnäs, M. 2009. “Swedish Residential Care in the Landscape of Out-Of-Home Care.” In Residential Care of Children: Comparative Perspectives, edited by M. Courtney and D. Iwaniec. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sallnäs, M., and S. Wiklund. 2011. “Privata utförare av välfärdstjänster - Om marknad och konkurrensutsättning inom individ- och familjeomsorgen” [Private Providers of Welfare Services – On Market and Competition within the Personal Social Services]. Socionomen 8: 23–27.
  • Sallnäs, M., and S. Wiklund, eds. 2018. Socialtjänstmarknaden – Om marknadsorientering och konkurrensutsättning inom individ- och familjeomsorgen [The Market of Social Services – On Marketization and Competition in the Personal Social Services]. Stockholm: Liber.
  • Scott, W. R. 2008. Institutions and Organizations: Ideas, Interests, and Identities. London: Sage.
  • Scourfield, P. 2007. “Are There Reasons to Be Worried about the ‘Caretelization’ of Residential Care?” Critical Social Policy 27 (2): 155–180. doi:10.1177/0261018306075707.
  • Shanks, E. 2016. “Managing social work: Organisational conditions and everyday work for managers in the Swedish social services.” PhD diss., University of Stockholm.
  • Shanks, E., T. Lundström, M. Sallnäs, and S. Wiklund. 2018. “Om socionomers arbetsmarknad i en tid av privatisering” [The Labour Market for Social Workers in a Time of Privatisation]. In Socialtjänstmarknaden – Om marknadsorientering och konkurrensutsättning inom individ- och familjeomsorgen [The Market of Social Services – On Marketization and Competition in the Personal Social Services], edited by M. Sallnäs and S. Wiklund. Stockholm: Liber.
  • Thornton, P. H., W. Ocasio, and M. Lounsbury. 2012. The Institutional Logics Perspective: A New Approach to Culture, Structure, and Process. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Toikko, T. 2017. “What Is the Best Outsourcing Strategy? Nonlinear Association between the Outsourcing Degree of Institutional Care and the Costs of Substitute Care in Child Welfare within Finnish Municipalities. Human Service Organizations.” Management, Leadership and Governance 41: 30–43.
  • Trydegård, G. B. 2001. “Välfärdstjänster till salu: privatisering och alternative driftformer under 1990-talet” [Welfare Services for Sale: Privatisation and Alternative Forms of Operation during the 1990s]. In Välfärdstjänster i omvandling, SOU 2001:52 [Welfare Services in Transition, SOU 2001:52], edited by M. Szebehely. Stockholm: Fritzes.
  • Wiklund, S. 2005. “Social barnavård i nya former: Om marknadsorientering i barnavårdsarbetet” [New Forms of Child Welfare: Marketisation in Social Work]. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift 12: 149–168.
  • Wiklund, S. 2011. “Individ- och familjeomsorgens välfärdstjänster” [Services for individuals and families]. In Konkurrensens konsekvenser [The Consequences of Competition], edited by L. Hartman. Stockholm: SNS.