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Practitioners exploring intertwined challenges and possible solutions for user participation in social services



  • Arnstein, S. R. 1969. “A Ladder of Citizen Participation.” Journal of the American Institute of Planners 35 (4): 216–224. doi:10.1080/01944366908977225.
  • Askheim, O., P. Beresford, and C. Heule. 2017. “Mend the Gap – Strategies for User Involvement in Social Work Education.” Social Work Education 36 (2): 128–140. doi:10.1080/02615479.2016.1248930.
  • Beresford, P. 2013. “From ‘Other’ to Involved. User Involvement in Research: An Emerging Paradigm.” Nordic Social Work Research 3 (2): 139–148. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2013.835138.
  • Bessant, J., and K. Broadley. 2014. “Saying and Doing. Child Protection Service and Participation in Decision-making.” International Journal of Children’s Rights 22: 710–729.
  • Björk, A. 2019. “Reconsidering Critical Appraisal in Social Work: Choice, Care and Organization in Real-time Treatment Decisions.” Nordic Social Work Research 9 (1): 42–54. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2018.1475299.
  • Carey, M. 2009. “Happy Shopper? the Problem with User and Carer Participation.” British Journal of Social Work 39: 179–188. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcn166.
  • Davies, K., M. Gray, and S. A. Webb. 2014. “Putting the Parity into Service-user Participation: An Integrated Model of Social Justice.” International Journal of Social Welfare 23: 119–127. doi:10.1111/ijsw.12049.
  • Ebsen, F. 2018. “Decision-making in Social Work.” Nordic Social Work Research 8 (1): 1–5. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2018.1426547.
  • Eriksson, E. 2018. “Incorporation and Individualization of Collective Voices. Public Service User Involvement and the User Movement’s Mobilization for Change.” Voluntas: International Journal for Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 29: 832–843. doi:10.1007/s11266-018-9971-4.
  • Grell, P., N. Ahmadi, and B. Blom. 2016. “‘Sometimes It’s Really Complicated!’: Clients with Complex Needs on Their Encounters with Specialized Personal Social Service Organizations in Sweden.” Nordic Social Work Research 6 (3): 188–200. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2016.1156017.
  • Grim, K., M. Tistad, U.-K. Schön, and D. Rosenberg. 2019. “The Legitimacy of User Knowledge in Decision-making Processes in Mental Health Care. An Analysis of Epistemic Injustice.” Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health 6: 157–173.
  • Healy, K., and Y. Darlington. 2009. “Service User Participation in Diverse Child Protection Contexts: Principles for Practice.” Child & Family Social Work 14: 420–430. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2009.00613.x.
  • Herz, M., and P. Lalander. 2019. “An Abstract and Nameless, but Powerful, Bystander – ’Unaccompanied Children’ Talking about Their Social Workers in Sweden.” Nordic Social Work Research 9 (1): 18–28. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2018.1457558.
  • Hsieh, H.-F., and S. E. Shannon. 2005. “Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis.” Qualitative Health Research 15 (9): 1277–1288. doi:10.1177/1049732305276687.
  • Johansson, M. 2011. I dialogens namn. Idén om en överenskommelse mellan regeringen och ideella organisationer. Växjö: Linnaeus University Press.
  • Kensing, F., and J. Greenbaum. 2013. “Heritage: Having a Say.” In Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design, edited by J. Simonsen and T. Robertson, 21–36. New York: Routledge.
  • Knutsson, O., and U.-K. Schön. 2020. “Co-creating a Process of User Involvement and Shared Decision-making in Coordinated Care Planning with Users and Caregivers in Social Services.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 15: 1. doi:10.1080/17482631.2020.1812270.
  • Levin, L., S. Gewirtz, and A. Cribb. 2017. “SDM in Israeli Social Services: Social Workers’ Perspectives on Policy Making and Implementation.” British Journal of Social Work 47 (2): 507–523.
  • Matscheck, D., A. Ljungberg, and A. Topor. 2020. “Betond Formalized Plans: User Involvement in Support in Daily Living – Users and Support Workers Experiences.” International Journal of Social Psychiatry 66 (2): 156–162. doi:10.1177/0020764019894603.
  • Matscheck, D., and K. Piuva. 2021. “In the Centre or Caught in the Middle? -social Workers’ and Healthcare Professionals’ Views on User Involvement in Coordinated Individual Plans in Sweden.” Health & Social Care in the Community. doi:10.1111/hsc.13311.
  • McCormack, B., J. Dewing, and T. McCance. 2011. “Developing Person-centered Care: Addressing Contextual Challenges through Practice Development.” Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 16 (2): 3.
  • McLaughlin, H. 2009. “What’s in a Name: ‘Client’, ‘Patient’, ‘Customer’, ‘Consumer’, ‘Expert by Experience’, ‘User’—what’s Next?” British Journal of Social Work 39: 1101–1117. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcm155.
  • McLaughlin, H. 2011. “Promoting a Research-minded Culture in Welfare Organizations.” European Journal of Social Work 14 (1): 109–121. doi:10.1080/13691457.2010.516631.
  • Muller, M. J. 2007. “Participatory Design: The Third Space in HCI.” In The Human-computer Interaction Handbook, edited by A. Sears and J. Jacko, 1061–1082. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781410615862.
  • Nykänen, P. 2019. “Shared Decision-making in Social Services? Reasons to Consider When Choosing Methods for Service User Participation.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 26 (2): 569–574. doi:10.1111/jep.13323.
  • Razon, S., and L. Levin. 2021. “Shifting the Focus Inward: Israeli Social Workers Participation in Decision-making and Their Inclusion of Service-users in Intervention-related Decisions.” Health & Social Care in the Community. doi:10.1111/hsc.13614.
  • Shier, H. 2001. “Pathways to Participation: Openings, Opportunities and Obligations.” Children & Society 15 (2): 107–117. doi:10.1002/chi.617.
  • Stranz, H., S. Wiklund, and P. Karlsson. 2016. “People Processing in Swedish Personal Social Services. On the Individuals, Their Predicaments and the Outcomes of Organisational Screening.” Nordic Social Work Research 6 (3): 174–187. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2015.1134630.
  • Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (2015). Om vård- och omsorgstagares delaktighet. Rapport 2014-6-18. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen.
  • Vårdanalys (2016). Hinder och möjligheter för att öka patientlagens genomslag. Rapport 2016:1. Stockholm: Vårdanalys.
  • Vingare, E.-L., L. Giertz, and U. Melin Emilsson. 2020. “Do National Guidelines Have Any Impact? A Comparison of Nine Swedish Municipalities and the Dementia Care.” Nordic Social Work Research 10 (1): 51–65. doi:10.1080/2156857X.2018.1542335.