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Time To Engage

De Correspondent’s redefinition of journalistic quality


  • Bauman, Zygmunt. 2000. Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Beck, Ulrich, Anthony Giddens, and Scott Lash, eds. 1994. Reflexive Modernization. Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Beck, Ulrich. 1994. “The Reinvention of Politics: Towards a Theory of Reflexive Modernization.” In Reflexive Modernization. Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order, edited by Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash, 1–55. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Biressi, Anita, and Heather Nunn. 2008. “Introduction.” In The Tabloid Culture Reader, edited by Anita Biressi and Heather Nunn, 1–4. New York: Open University Press.
  • Bogaerts, Jo, and Nico Carpentier. 2013. “The Postmodern Challenge to Journalism. Strategies for Constructing a Trustworthy Identity.” In Rethinking Journalism. Trust and Participation in a Transformed News Landscape, edited by Chris Peters and Marcel Broersma, 60–72. New York: Routledge.
  • Bregman, Rutger. 2014a. “Hoe Ideeën De Wereld Veranderen.” De Correspondent. April 24.
  • Bregman, Rutger. 2014b. “Waarom Een Uitdijende Overheid Geen Ziekte Maar Een Zegen is.” De Correspondent. June 9.
  • Bregman, Rutger. 2014c. “Al Onze Theorieën over Het Kapitalisme Weerlegd in één Grafiek.” De Correspondent. March 24.
  • Bregman, Rutger. 2014d. “Waarom Politieke Partijen Steeds Meer Op Elkaar Lijken.” De Correspondent. July 16.
  • Broersma, Marcel. 2010a. “Journalism as a Performative Discourse. the Importance of Form and Style in Journalism.” In Journalism and Meaning-Making: Reading the Newspaper, edited by Verica Rupar, 15-35. Cresskill: Hampton Press.
  • Broersma, Marcel. 2010b. “The Unbearable Limitations of Journalism: On Press Critique and Journalism's Claim to Truth.” International Communication Gazette 72 (1): 21–33.10.1177/1748048509350336
  • Broersma, Marcel. 2013. “A Refractured Paradigm: Journalism, Hoaxes and the Challenge of Trust.” In Rethinking Journalism. Trust and Participation in a Transformed News Landscape, edited by Chris Peters & Marcel Broersma, 28–44. New York: Routledge.
  • Broersma, Marcel & Chris Peters. 2013. “Introduction: Rethinking Journalism: The Structural Transformation of a Public Good.” In Rethinking Journalism. Trust and Participation in a Transformed News Landscape, edited by Chris Peters and Marcel Broersma, 1-12. New York: Routledge.
  • Castells, Manuel. 1996. The Rise of Network Society. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Chalaby, Jean. 1996. “Journalism as an Anglo-American Invention: A Comparison of the Development of French and Anglo-American Journalism, 1830s-1920s.” European Journal of Communication 11: 303–326.10.1177/0267323196011003002
  • Chalaby, Jean. 1998. The Invention of Journalism. Hampshire: Macmillan Press.10.1057/9780230376175
  • Conboy, Martin. 2008. “The Popular Press: Surviving Postmodernity.” In The Tabloid Culture Reader, edited by Anita Biressi and Heather Nunn, 45–52. New York: Open University Press.
  • Davies, Nick. 2009. Flat Earth News: An Award-Winning Reporter Exposes Falsehood, Distortion and Propaganda in the Global Media. London: Vintage Books.
  • De Correspondent. 2013. “Crowdfunding Record for Quality Journalism.” Decorrespondent.Nl. Accessed November 12 2015. http://blog.decorrespondent.nl/post/46365101498/crowdfunding-record-for-quality-journalism
  • Deuze, Mark. 2008. “The Changing Context of News Work: Liquid Journalism and Monotorial Citizenship.” International Journal of Communication 2: 848–865.
  • Deuze, Mark, and Jo Bardoel. 2001. “Network Journalism: Converging Competences of Old and New Media Professionals.” Australian Journalism Review 23 (2): 91–103.
  • Ettema, James. 2009. “The Moment of Truthiness: The Right Time to Consider the Meaning of Truthfulness.” In The Changing Faces of Journalism. Tabloidization, Technology and Truthiness, edited by Barbie Zelizer, 114–126. New York: Routledge.
  • Franklin, Bob. 2008. “Newzak: Entertainment versus News and Information.” In The Tabloid Culture Reader, edited by Anita Biressi and Heather Nunn, 13–22. Berkshire: Open University Press.
  • Giddens, Anthony. 1994. “Living in a Post-Traditional Society.” In Reflexive Modernization. Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order, edited by Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens and Scott Lash, 56–109. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Greenberg, Susan. 2011. “Personal Experience, Turned Outward: Responses to Alienated Subjectivity.” Free Associations 12 (2): 151–174.
  • Haas, Tanni, and Linda Steiner. 2006. “Public Journalism: A Reply to Critics.” Journalism 7 (2): 238–254.10.1177/1464884906062607
  • Hackett, Robert A., and Yuehzi Zhao. 1998. Sustaining Democracy? Journalism and the Politics of Objectivity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Harbers, Frank. 2014. Between Personal Experience and Detached Information. the Development of Reporting and the Reportage in Great Britain, the Netherlands and France, 1880-2005. Groningen: s.i.
  • Hofmann, Lennart. 2014a. “Hoe De Strijd Tegen iS De Koerdische Vrouw Emancipeert.” De Correspondent. December 17.
  • Hofmann, Lennart. 2014b. “In Deze Jungle Vinden Honderden Onopgemerkte Executies Van Papoea’s Plaats.” De Correspondent. May 28.
  • Jenkins, Henry. 2006. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press.
  • Karlsson, Michael. 2010. “Rituals of Transparency.” Journalism Studies 11 (4): 535–545.10.1080/14616701003638400
  • Kovach, Bill, and Tom Rosenstiel. 1999. Warp Speed: American in the Age of Mixed Media. New York: The Century Foundation.
  • Le Masurier, Megan. 2015. “What is Slow Journalism?” Journalism Practice 9 (2): 138–152.
  • Martijn, Maurits. 2014a. “Hoe ABN Amro Weet Dat Jij Een Buggy Nodig Hebt.” De Correspondent. June 20.
  • Martijn, Maurits. 2014b. “Het Adagium Van Obama Blijft: Yes We Scan.” De Correspondent. January 22.
  • Martijn, Maurits. 2014c. “Dit Geef Je Allemaal Prijs Als Je Inlogt Op Een Openbaar Wifinetwerk.” De Correspondent. March 20.
  • Martijn, Maurits. 2014d. “We Begrijpen Onze Technologie Niet (En Daar Kun Je Wat Aan Doen).” De Corrrespondent. July 10.
  • Martijn, Maurits. 2014e. “Hoe Wapenen We Ons Tegen De Machine Die Nooit Vergeet?” De Correspondent. January 6.
  • McNair, Brian. 2010. Journalism and Democracy: An Evaluation of the Political Public Sphere. London & New York: Routledge.
  • McNair, Brian. 2013. “Trust, Truth and Objectivity. Sustaining Quality Journalism in the Era of the Content-Generating User.” In Rethinking Journalism. Trust and Participation in a Transformed News Landscape, edited by Chris Peters and Marcel Broersma, 75–88. New York: Routledge.
  • Muhlmann, Géraldine. 2008. A Political History of Journalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Mulder, Vera. 2014a. “Een Opgewonden Juf is De Natte Droom Van Elke Puberjongen. Toch?” De Correspondent. January 20.
  • Mulder, Vera. 2014b. “De Cobra 6, Een Handgranaat Van Vijf Euro?” De Correspondent. August 13.
  • Njotea, Andrea. 2013. “News Distorts Our View of the World” Journalismfund.Eu. March 5. http://www.journalismfund.eu/news/”news-distorts-our-view-world”
  • Schudson, Michael. 2001. “The Objectivity Norm in American Journalism.” Journalism 2 (2): 149–170.10.1177/146488490100200201
  • Schudson, Michael. 2013. “Would Journalism Please Hold Still!” In Rethinking Journalism. Trust and Participation in a Transformed News Landscape, edited by Chris Peters & Marcel Broersma, 191–199. New York: Routledge.
  • Singer, Jane. 2003. “Who Are These Guys? The Online Challenge to the Notion of Journalistic Professionalism.” Journalism 4 (2): 139–163.
  • Singer, Jane. 2010. “Journalism Ethics amid Structural Change.” Daedalus 139 (2): 89–99.10.1162/daed.2010.139.2.89
  • Sparks, Colin. 2000. “Introduction. the Panic over Tabloid News.” In Tabloid Tales. Global Debates over Media Standards, edited by Colin Sparks and John Tulloch, 1–40. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Van Casteren, Joris. 2014a. “Hier Schreef George Orwell Zijn Profetische Meesterwerk 1984.” De Correspondent. July 18.
  • Van Casteren, Joris. 2014b. “De President Van Papoea Woont Al Veertig Jaar in Apeldoorn.” De Correspondent. January 3.
  • Van der Valk, Leendert. 2015a. “In 8 Dagen 15 Duizend Abonnees Voor Een Medium Dat Nog Niet Bestaat.” Nieuwe Journalistiek. March 3. http://nieuwejournalistiek.nl/startup-decorrespondent/2015/03/03/in-8-dagen-15-duizend-abonnees-voor-een-medium-dat-nog-niet-bestaat/.
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  • Van Dijck, José. 2013. The Culture of Connectivity. A Critical History of Social Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Van Zoonen, Liesbet. 2012. “I-Pistemology: Changing Truth Claims in Popular and Political Culture.” European Journal of Communication 27 (1): 56–67.10.1177/0267323112438808
  • Vermeulen, Maite. 2014. “Bijna Alle Noodhulp Ter Wereld Komt Uit Deze Woestijn.” De Correspondent. June 18.
  • Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin. 2013. “The Strategic Ritual of Emotionality: A Case Study of Pulitzer Prize-Winning Articles.” Journalism 14 (1): 129–145.10.1177/1464884912448918
  • Ward, Stephen. 2004. The Invention of Journalism Ethics: The Path to Objectivity and beyond. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
  • Welsch, Wolfgang. 2002. Unsere Postmoderne Moderne. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  • Wijnberg, Rob. 2013b. “Waarom Een Verhaal Niet Zonder Verteller Kan.” De Correspondent. April 13. [Consultable at: http://blog.decorrespondent.nl/post/47858813554/waarom-een-verhaal-niet-zonder-verteller-kan
  • Williams, Kevin. 2010. Read All about It. A History of the British Newspaper. New York: Routledge.
  • Zelizer, Barbie. 2004. “When Facts, Truth, and Reality Are God‐Terms: On Journalism's Uneasy Place in Cultural Studies.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 1 (1): 100–119.10.1080/1479142042000180953
  • Zelizer, Barbie. 2007. “On “Having Been There”: “Eyewitnessing” as a Journalistic Key Word.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 24 (5): 408–428.10.1080/07393180701694614