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Research Articles

Envisioning a More Inclusive Future for Digital Journalism: A Diversity Audit of Journalism Studies (2013–2021)

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  • Appelgren, E., C.-G. Lindén, and A. van Dalen. 2019. “Data Journalism Research: Studying a Maturing Field across Cultures, Media Markets and Political Environments.” Digital Journalism 7 (9): 1191–1199.
  • Baden, C., C. Pipal, M. Schoonvelde, and M. A. G. van der Velden. 2022. “Three Gaps in Computational Text Analysis Methods for Social Sciences: A Research Agenda.” Communication Methods and Measures 16 (1): 1–18.
  • Baum, M. A., and Y. M. Zhukov. 2019. “Media Ownership and News Coverage of International Conflict.” Political Communication 36 (1): 36–63.
  • Berglez, P. 2008. “What is Global Journalism? Theoretical and Empirical Conceptualisations.” Journalism Studies 9 (6): 845–858.
  • Bhandari, M., G. H. Guyatt, A. V. Kulkarni, P. J. Devereaux, P. Leece, S. Bajammal, D. Heels-Ansdell, and J. W. Busse. 2014. “Perceptions of Authors’ Contributions Are Influenced by Both Byline Order and Designation of Corresponding Author.” Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 67 (9): 1049–1054.
  • Blell, M., S. J. S. Liu, and A. Verma. 2022. “Working in Unprecedented Times: Intersectionality and Women of Color in UK Higher Education in and Beyond the Pandemic. Gender, Work & Organization 30 (2): 353–372.
  • Blevins, C., and L. Mullen. 2015. “Jane, John… Leslie? A Historical Method for Algorithmic Gender Prediction.” DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly 9 (3): 2.
  • Boyd, D., and K. Crawford. 2012. “Critical Questions for Big Data: Provocations for a Cultural, Technological, and Scholarly Phenomenon.” Information, Communication & Society 15 (5): 662–679.
  • Bruns, A. 2019. “After the ‘APIcalypse’: Social Media Platforms and Their Fight against Critical Scholarly Research.” Information, Communication & Society 22 (11): 1544–1566.
  • Burgess, J., and A. Bruns. 2020. “Digital Methods in Africa and beyond: A View from down Under.” African Journalism Studies 41 (4): 16–21.
  • Casad, B. J., J. E. Franks, C. E. Garasky, M. M. Kittleman, A. C. Roesler, D. Y. Hall, and Z. W. Petzel. 2021. “Gender Inequality in Academia: Problems and Solutions for Women Faculty in STEM.” Journal of Neuroscience Research 99 (1): 13–23.
  • Chakravartty, P., R. Kuo, V. Grubbs, and C. McIlwain. 2018. “# CommunicationSoWhite.” Journal of Communication 68 (2): 254–266.
  • Chan, C.-H., J. Zeng, and M. S. Schäfer. 2022. “Whose Research Benefits More from Twitter? On Twitter-Worthiness of Communication Research and Its Role in Reinforcing Disparities of the Field.” PLoS One 17 (12): e0278840.
  • Chen, K. H. 2010. Asia as Method: Toward Deimperialization. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Collins, P. H. 2015. “Intersectionality’s Definitional Dilemmas.” Annual Review of Sociology 41 (1): 1–20.
  • Connell, R. 2020. Southern Theory: The Global Dynamics of Knowledge in Social Science. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
  • Cottle, S. 2019. “Journalism Coming of (Global) Age, II.” Journalism 20 (1): 102–105.
  • Curran, J., and M. J. Park. 2000. “Introduction.” In De-Westernizing Media Studies, edited by Curran, J., and M. J. Park. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
  • Cushion, S. 2008. “Truly International?” Journalism Practice 2 (2): 280–293.
  • De Albuquerque, A. 2019. “Protecting Democracy or Conspiring against It? Media and Politics in Latin America: A Glimpse from Brazil.” Journalism 20 (7): 906–923.
  • De Grove, F., K. Boghe, and L. De Marez. 2020. “(What) Can Journalism Studies Learn from Supervised Machine Learning?” Journalism Studies 21 (7): 912–927.
  • Demeter, M. 2019. “The Winner Takes It All: International Inequality in Communication and Media Studies Today.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (1): 37–59.
  • Dutta, M., S. Ramasubramanian, M. Barrett, C. Elers, D. Sarwatay, P. Raghunath, S. Kaur, et al. 2021. “Decolonizing Open Science: Southern Interventions.” Journal of Communication 71 (5): 803–826.
  • Eldridge, S. A., K. Hess,E. C. Tandoc, andO. Westlund. 2019. “Navigating the Scholarly Terrain: Introducing the Digital Journalism Studies Compass.” Digital Journalism 7 (3): 386–403.
  • Flaounas, I., O. Ali, T. Lansdall-Welfare, T. De Bie, N. Mosdell, J. Lewis, and N. Cristianini. 2013. “Research Methods in the Age of Digital Journalism: Massive-Scale Automated Analysis of News-Content—Topics, Style and Gender.” Digital Journalism 1 (1): 102–116.
  • Fox, C. W., J. P. Ritchey, and C. T. Paine. 2018. “Patterns of Authorship in Ecology and Evolution: First, Last, and Corresponding Authorship Vary with Gender and Geography.” Ecology and Evolution 8 (23): 11492–11507.
  • Gabster, B. P., K. van Daalen, R. Dhatt, and M. Barry. 2020. “Challenges for the Female Academic during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The Lancet 395 (10242): 1968–1970.
  • Gatto, M., A. Gohdes, D. Traber, and M. Van der Velden. 2020. “Selecting in or Selecting out? Gender Gaps and Political Methodology in Europe.” PS: Political Science & Politics 53 (1): 122–127.
  • Goastellec, G., and N. Pekari. 2013. “Gender Differences and Inequalities in Academia: Findings in Europe.” In The Work Situation of the Academic Profession in Europe: Findings of a Survey in Twelve Countries, edited by Teichler, U., and E. A. Höhle, 55–78. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Gunaratne, S. A. 2010. “De-Westernizing Communication/Social Science Research: Opportunities and Limitations.” Media, Culture & Society 32 (3): 473–500.
  • Günther, E., and T. Quandt. 2016. “Word Counts and Topic Models: Automated Text Analysis Methods for Digital Journalism Research.” Digital Journalism 4 (1): 75–88.
  • Hallin, D. C., and P. Mancini. 2004. Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hanitzsch, T., F. Hanusch, J., Ramaprasad, and A. S. De Beer, eds. 2019. Worlds of Journalism: Journalistic Cultures around the Globe. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Hanusch, F., and T. P Vos. 2020. “Charting the Development of a Field: A Systematic Review of Comparative Studies of Journalism.” International Communication Gazette 82 (4): 319–341.
  • Hase, V., D. Mahl, and M. S. Schäfer. 2022. “Der „Computational Turn “: Ein „Interdisziplinärer Turn “? Ein Systematischer Überblick zur Nutzung der Automatisierten Inhaltsanalyse in der.” Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 70 (1–2): 60–78.
  • Helmer, M., M. Schottdorf, A. Neef, and D. Battaglia. 2017. “Gender Bias in Scholarly Peer Review.” eLife 6 (2017): 1–18.
  • Hess, K., S. Eldridge, E. Tandoc, and O. Westlund. 2019. “Diversity in Digital Journalism.” Digital Journalism 7 (5): 549–553.
  • Hirji, F., Y. Jiwani, and K. E. McAllister. 2020. “On the Margins of the Margins: #CommunicationSoWhite—Canadian Style.” Communication, Culture & Critique 13 (2): 168–184.
  • Hosseini, M., and S. Sharifzad. 2021. “Gender Disparity in Publication Records: A Qualitative Study of Women Researchers in Computing and Engineering.” Research Integrity and Peer Review 6 (15): 3–16.
  • Huang, J., A. J. Gates, R. Sinatra, and A. L. Barabási. 2020. “Historical Comparison of Gender Inequality in Scientific Careers across Countries and Disciplines.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (9): 4609–4616.
  • International Communication Association, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access Standing Committee. 2022. “Perceptions about Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access: First Insights.” https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.icahdq.org/resource/resmgr/newsletters/2022/ica_idea_report_on_membershi.pdf
  • Joshi, A. 2014. “By Whom and When Is Women’s Expertise Recognized? The Interactive Effects of Gender and Education in Science and Engineering Teams.” Administrative Science Quarterly 59 (2): 202–239.
  • Karlsson, M., and H. Sjøvaag. 2016. “Introduction: Research Methods in an Age of Digital Journalism.” Digital Journalism 4 (1): 1–7.
  • Li, Y. 2013. “Text-Based Plagiarism in Scientific Writing: What Chinese Supervisors Think about Copying and How to Reduce It in Students’ Writing.” Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2): 569–583.
  • Lundine, J., I. L. Bourgeault, K. Glonti, E. Hutchinson, and D. Balabanova. 2019. “‘I Don’t See Gender”: Conceptualizing a Gendered System of Academic Publishing.” Social Science & Medicine 235 (2019): 112388–112389.
  • Madrid-Morales, D. 2020. “Using Computational Text Analysis Tools to Study African Online News Content.” African Journalism Studies 41 (4): 68–82.
  • McDonald, D. G., and J. Dimmick. 2003. “The Conceptualization and Measurement of Diversity.” Communication Research 30 (1): 60–79.
  • Meyers, M. 2013. “The War on Academic Women: Reflections on Postfeminism in the Neoliberal Academy.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 37 (4): 274–283.
  • Miltner, K. M. 2019. “Girls Who Coded: Gender in Twentieth Century UK and US Computing.” Science, Technology & Human Values 44 (1): 161–176.
  • Mitchelstein, E., and P. J. Boczkowski. 2021. “What a Special Issue on Latin America Teaches Us about Some Key Limitations in the Field of Digital Journalism.” Digital Journalism 9 (2): 130–135.
  • Mortensen, T. E. 2018. “Anger, Fear, and Games: The Long Event of #GamerGate.” Games and Culture 13 (8): 787–806.
  • Murthy, D. 2020. “From Hashtag Activism to Inclusion and Diversity in a Discipline.” Communication, Culture and Critique 13 (2): 259–264.
  • Newman, N., R. Fletcher, C. Robertson, K. Eddy, and R. Nielsen. 2022. Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2022.
  • Ng, E., K. C. White, and A. Saha. 2020. “# CommunicationSoWhite: Race and Power in the Academy and beyond.” Communication, Culture & Critique 13 (2): 143–151.
  • Nielsen, M. W., S. Alegria, L. Börjeson, H. Etzkowitz, H. J. Falk-Krzesinski, A. Joshi, E. Leahey, L. Smith-Doerr, A. W. Woolley, and L. Schiebinger. 2017. “Gender Diversity Leads to Better Science.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8): 1740–1742.
  • Núñez, A. M., J. Rivera, and T. Hallmark. 2020. “Applying an Intersectionality Lens to Expand Equity in the Geosciences.” Journal of Geoscience Education 68 (2): 97–114.
  • Ouyang, D., D. Sing, S. Shah, J. Hu, C. Duvernoy, R. A. Harrington, and F. Rodriguez. 2018. “Sex Disparities in Authorship Order of Cardiology Scientific Publications: Trends over 40 Years.” Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 11 (12): e005040.
  • Peters, C., and M. Broersma. 2019. “Fusion Cuisine: A Functional Approach to Interdisciplinary Cooking in Journalism Studies.” Journalism 20 (5): 660–669.
  • Riffe, D., and A. Freitag. 1997. “A Content Analysis of Content Analyses.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 74 (3): 515–524.
  • Rojas, H., and S. Valenzuela. 2019. “A Call to Contextualize Public Opinion-Based Research in Political Communication.” Political Communication 36 (4): 652–659.
  • Schoon, A., H. M. Mabweazara, T. Bosch, and H. Dugmore. 2020. “Decolonising Digital Media Research Methods: Positioning African Digital Experiences as Epistemic Sites of Knowledge Production.” African Journalism Studies 41 (4): 1–15.
  • Søraa, R. A., M. Anfinsen, C. Foulds, M. Korsnes, V. Lagesen, R. Robison, and M. Ryghaug. 2020. “Diversifying Diversity: Inclusive Engagement, Intersectionality, and Gender Identity in a European Social Sciences and Humanities Energy Research Project.” Energy Research & Social Science 62: 101380.
  • Steensen, S., and O. Westlund. 2021. What Is Digital Journalism Studies? Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
  • Steensen, S., A. M. Grøndahl Larsen, Y. B. Hågvar, and B. K. Fonn. 2019. “What Does Digital Journalism Studies Look like?” Digital Journalism 7 (3): 320–342.
  • Tandoc, E., Jr, K. Hess, S. Eldridge, and O. Westlund. 2020. “Diversifying Diversity in Digital Journalism Studies: Reflexive Research, Reviewing and Publishing.” Digital Journalism 8 (3): 301–309.
  • Trepte, S., and L. Loths. 2020. “National and Gender Diversity in Communication: A Content Analysis of Six Journals between 2006 and 2016.” Annals of the International Communication Association 44 (4): 289–311.
  • Tully, M., D. Madrid-Morales, H. Wasserman, G. Gondwe, and K. Ireri. 2022. “Who is Responsible for Stopping the Spread of Misinformation? Examining Audience Perceptions of Responsibilities and Responses in Six Sub-Saharan African Countries.” Digital Journalism 10 (5): 679–697.
  • Ullah, M. S. 2014. “De-Westernization of Media and Journalism Education in South Asia: In Search of a New Strategy.” China Media Research 10 (2): 15–23.
  • Usher, N. 2019. “#JStudiesSoWhite: A Reckoning for the Future.” Keynote presentation at the seventh Future of Journalism conference, Cardiff, UK, September.
  • Vásárhelyi, O., I. Zakhlebin, S. Milojević, and E. Á. Horvát. 2021. “Gender Inequities in the Online Dissemination of Scholars’ Work.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (39): e2102945118.
  • Vermeer, S., D. Trilling, S. Kruikemeier, and C. de Vreese. 2020. “Online News User Journeys: The Role of Social Media, News Websites, and Topics.” Digital Journalism 8 (9): 1114–1141.
  • Wang, X., J. D. Dworkin, D. Zhou, J. Stiso, E. B. Falk, D. S. Bassett, P. Zurn, and D. M. Lydon-Staley. 2021. “Gendered Citation Practices in the Field of Communication.” Annals of the International Communication Association 45 (2): 134–153.
  • Watanabe, K. 2018. “Newsmap: A Semi-Supervised Approach to Geographical News Classification.” Digital Journalism 6 (3): 294–309.
  • Willems, W. 2014. “Beyond Normative Dewesternization: Examining Media Culture from the Vantage Point of the Global South.” The Global South 8 (1): 7.
  • Witschge, T., M. Deuze, and S. Willemsen. 2019. “Creativity in (Digital) Journalism Studies: Broadening Our Perspective on Journalism Practice.” Digital Journalism 7 (7): 972–979.
  • Witteman, H. O., M. Hendricks, S. Straus, and C. Tannenbaum. 2019. “Are Gender Gaps Due to Evaluations of the Applicant or the Science? A Natural Experiment at a National Funding Agency.” Lancet (London, England) 393 (10171): 531–540.
  • Woolley, A. W., C. F. Chabris, A. Pentland, N. Hashmi, and T. W. Malone. 2010. “Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups.” Science 330 (6004): 686–688.
  • Zeng, J., J. Burgess, and A. Bruns. 2019. “Is Citizen Journalism Better than Professional Journalism for Fact-Checking Rumours in China? How Weibo Users Verified Information following the 2015 Tianjin Blasts.” Global Media and China 4 (1): 13–35.