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Special Topic Section on Prejudice Reduction and Anti-racism Professional Development in P-12 Settings: Promise and Perils

A Scoping Review of Diversity Training for Teachers: The Potential for School PsychologyOpen DataOpen Materials

Pages 382-399 | Received 28 Feb 2022, Accepted 26 Jan 2023, Published online: 03 Mar 2023


*Articles included in this review.

  • *Acquah, E. O., & Commins, N. L. (2013). Pre-service teachers’ beliefs and knowledge about multiculturalism. European Journal of Teacher Education, 36(4), 445–463. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2013.787593
  • *Acquah, E. O., Szelei, N., & Katz, H. T. (2020). Using modelling to make culturally responsive pedagogy explicit in preservice teacher education in Finland. British Educational Research Journal, 46(1), 122–139. https://doi.org/10.1002/erj.3571
  • *Akiba, M. (2011). Identifying program characteristics for preparing pre-service teachers for diversity. Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, 113(3), 658–697. https://doi.org/10.1177/016146811111300304
  • *Almarza, D. J. (2005). Connecting multicultural education theories with practice: A case study of an intervention course using the realistic approach in teacher education. Bilingual Research Journal, 29(3), 527–539. https://doi.org/10.1080/15235882.2005.10162850
  • Amankwaa, L. (2016). Creating protocols for trustworthiness in qualitative research. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 23(3), 121–127.
  • *Amatea, E. S., Cholewa, B., & Mixon, K. A. (2012). Influencing preservice teachers’ attitudes about working with low-income and/or ethnic minority families. Urban Education, 47(4), 801–834. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085912436846
  • Anand, R., & Winters, M.-F. (2008). A retrospective view of corporate diversity training from 1964 to the present. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 7(3), 356–372. https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2008.34251673
  • Arneback, E., & Englund, T. (2020). Teachers’ deliberation on communicative potentials in classrooms when students express racism. Reflective Practice, 21(1), 28–40. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2019.1708304
  • Arneback, E., & Jämte, J. (2022). How to counteract racism in education – A typology of teachers’ anti-racist actions. Race Ethnicity and Education, 25(2), 192–211. https://doi.org/10.1080/13613324.2021.1890566
  • Aronson, E., & Patnoe, S. (2011). Cooperation in the classroom: The Jigsaw Method. Pinter & Martin Ltd.
  • *Athanases, S. Z., Wahleithner, J. M., & Bennett, L. H. (2012). Learning to attend to culturally and linguistically diverse learners through teacher inquiry in teacher education. Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, 114(7), 1–50. https://doi.org/10.1177/016146811211400703
  • Baadte, C. (2020). Effects of counterstereotypic training on preservice teachers’ assessment of students’ academic performance. Social Psychology of Education, 23(4), 1003–1022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-020-09562-2
  • Barclay, C. M., Castillo, J., & Kincaid, D. (2022). Benchmarks of equality? School-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports and the discipline gap. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 24(1), 4–16. https://doi.org/10.1177/10983007211040097
  • Bastable, E., Meng, P., Falcon, S. F., & McIntosh, K. (2019). Using an embedded mixed methods design to assess and improve intervention acceptability of an equity-focused intervention: A methodological demonstration. Behavioral Disorders. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/0198742919880486
  • Bezrukova, K., Spell, C. S., Perry, J. L., & Jehn, K. A. (2016). A meta-analytical integration of over 40 years of research on diversity training evaluation. Psychological Bulletin, 142(11), 1227–1274. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000067
  • Blaisdell, B. (2016). Schools as racial spaces: Understanding and resisting structural racism. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29(2), 248–272. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2015.1023228
  • Botelho, M. J., & Rudman, M. K. (2009). Critical multicultural analysis of children’s literature. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
  • *Bravo, M. A., Mosqueda, E., Solís, J. L., & Stoddart, T. (2014). Possibilities and limits of integrating science and diversity education in preservice elementary teacher preparation. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25(5), 601–619. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10972-013-9374-8
  • Blake, J. J., Graves, S. L., Newell, M., & Jimerson, S. R. (2016). Diversification of school psychology: Developing an evidence-base from current research and practice. School Psychology Quarterly : The Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association, 31(3), 305–310. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000180
  • Boden-Albala, B. (2022). Confronting legacies of underrepresentation in clinical trials: The case for greater diversity in research. Neuron, 110(5), 746–748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2021.12.008
  • *Brown, E. L. (2004). What precipitates change in cultural diversity awareness during a multicultural course: The message or the method? Journal of Teacher Education, 55(4), 325–340. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487104266746
  • Campbell, M. R., & Brauer, M. (2020). Incorporating social-marketing insights into prejudice research: Advancing theory and demonstrating real-world applications. Perspectives on Psychological Science: A Journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 15(3), 608–629. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691619896622
  • Carnes, M., Devine, P. G., Baier Manwell, L., Byars-Winston, A., Fine, E., Ford, C. E., Forscher, P., Isaac, C., Kaatz, A., Magua, W., Palta, M., & Sheridan, J. (2015). Effect of an intervention to break the gender bias habit for faculty at one institution: A cluster randomized, controlled trial. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 90(2), 221–230. https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000000552
  • Carter, E. R., Onyeador, I. N., & Lewis, N. A. (2020). Developing & delivering effective anti-bias training: Challenges & recommendations. Behavioral Science & Policy, 6(1), 57–70. https://doi.org/10.1353/bsp.2020.0005
  • *Charity Hudley, A. H., & Mallinson, C. (2017). “It’s worth our time”: A model of culturally and linguistically supportive professional development for K-12 STEM educators. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 12(3), 637–660. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-016-9743-7
  • *Chatters, S. J., & Zalaquett, C. P. (2018). Bullying prevention and prejudice reduction: Assessing the outcome of an integrative training program. The Journal of Individual Psychology, 74(1), 20–37. https://doi.org/10.1353/jip.2018.0002
  • Chen, G. (2019). White students are now the minority in U.S. public schools. Public School Review. https://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/white-students-are-now-the-minority-in-u-s-public-schools
  • Chin, M. J., Quinn, D. M., Dhaliwal, T. K., & Lovison, V. S. (2020). Bias in the air: A nationwide exploration of teachers’ implicit racial attitudes, aggregate bias, and student outcomes. Educational Researcher, 49(8), 566–578. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X20937240
  • Chiu, L. C., Sayman, D., Carrero, K. M., Gibbon, T., Zolkoski, S. M., & Lusk, M. E. (2017). Developing culturally competent preservice teachers. Multicultural Perspectives, 19(1), 47–52. https://doi.org/10.1080/15210960.2017.1267515
  • Choi, S., & Lee, S. W. (2020). Enhancing teacher self-efficacy in multicultural classrooms and school climate: The role of professional development in multicultural education in the United States and South Korea. AERA Open, 6(4), 233285842097357. https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858420973574
  • Chu, M. (2014). Preparing tomorrow’s early childhood educators: Observe and reflect about culturally responsive teachers. YC Young Children, 69(2), 82–87.
  • Cefai, C., & Cavioni, V. (2015). Beyond PISA: Schools as contexts for the promotion of children’s mental health and well-being. Contemporary School Psychology, 19(4), 233–242. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40688-015-0065-7
  • *Cicchelli, T., & Cho, S. J. (2007). Teacher multicultural attitudes: Intern/teaching fellows in New York City. Education and Urban Society, 39(3), 370–381. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013124506298061
  • Coates, T. (2014, June). The case for reparations. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/
  • *Colombo, M. W. (2007). Developing cultural competence: Mainstream teachers and professional development. Multicultural Perspectives, 9(2), 10–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/15210960701386236
  • Conn, V. S., Valentine, J. C., Cooper, H. M., & Rantz, M. J. (2003). Grey literature in meta-analyses. Nursing Research, 52(4), 256–261. https://doi.org/10.1097/00006199-200307000-00008
  • *Connor, J. O. (2010). Learning to unlearn: How a service-learning program can help teacher candidates to reframe urban students. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(5), 1170–1177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2010.02.001
  • Cook, C. R., Fiat, A., Larson, M., Daikos, C., Slemrod, T., Holland, E. A., Thayer, A. J., & Renshaw, T. (2018). Positive greetings at the door: Evaluation of a low- cost, high-yield proactive classroom management strategy. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 20(3), 149–159. https://doi.org/10.1177/1098300717753831
  • *Cooper, J. E. (2007). Strengthening the case for community-based learning in teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 58(3), 245–255. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487107299979
  • Darensbourg, A., Perez, E., & Blake, J. J. (2010). Overrepresentation of African American males in exclusionary discipline: The role of school-based mental health professionals in dismantling the school to prison pipeline. Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME), 1(3), 196–211.
  • *DeJaeghere, J. G., & Zhang, Y. (2008). Development of intercultural competence among US American teachers: Professional development factors that enhance competence. Intercultural Education, 19(3), 255–268. https://doi.org/10.1080/14675980802078624
  • Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. National Association for the Education of Young Children.
  • Devine, P. G., & Ash, T. L. (2022). Diversity training goals, limitations, and promise: A review of the multidisciplinary ­literature. Annual Review of Psychology, 73(1), 403–429. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-060221-122215
  • Devine, P. G., Forscher, P. S., Austin, A. J., & Cox, W. T. (2012). Long-term reduction in implicit race bias: A prejudice habit-breaking intervention. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(6), 1267–1278. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2012.06.003
  • *Dotger, B. H. (2010). “I had no idea”: Developing dispositional awareness and sensitivity through a cross-professional pedagogy. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 805–812. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2009.10.017
  • Eckert, T. L., Russo, N., & Hier, B. O. (2014). Best practices in school psychologists’ promotion of effective collaboration and communication between school professionals. In P. L. Harriosn & A. Thomas (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology: Data-based and collaborative decision making (pp. 541–552). National Association of School Psychologists.
  • *Elsbree, A. R., & Wong, P. (2007). The Laramie Project as a homophobic disruption: How the play impacts pre-service teachers’ preparation to create anti-homophobic schools. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education, 4(4), 97–117. https://doi.org/10.1300/J367v04n04_07
  • Fallon, L. M., Veiga, M., & Sugai, G. (2021). Strengthening MTSS for Behavior (MTSS-B) to Promote Racial Equity. School Psychology Review, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2021.1972333
  • *Fitchett, P. G., Starker, T. V., & Salyers, B. (2012). Examining culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy in a preservice social studies education course. Urban Education, 47(3), 585–611. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085912436568
  • *Flores, B. B., & Smith, H. L. (2009). Teachers’ characteristics and attitudinal beliefs about linguistic and cultural diversity. Bilingual Research Journal, 31(1–2), 323–358. https://doi.org/10.1080/15235880802640789
  • Forscher, P. S., Mitamura, C., Dix, E. L., Cox, W. T., & Devine, P. G. (2017). Breaking the prejudice habit: Mechanisms, timecourse, and longevity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 72, 133–146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2017.04.009
  • Francis, D. A. (2017). Homophobia and sexuality diversity in South African schools: A review. Journal of LGBT Youth, 14(4), 359–379. https://doi.org/10.1080/19361653.2017.1326868
  • Frederick, R., Cave, A., & Perencevich, K. C. (2010). Teacher candidates’ transformative thinking on issues of social justice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(2), 315–322. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2009.05.004
  • *Frye, B., Button, L., Kelly, C., & Button, G. (2010). Preservice teachers’ self-perceptions and attitudes toward culturally responsive teaching. Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education, 5(1), 6–22. https://doi.org/10.9741/2161-2978.1029
  • Galinsky, A. D., & Moskowitz, G. B. (2000). Perspective-taking: Decreasing stereotype expression, stereotype accessibility, and in-group favoritism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78(4), 708–724. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.78.4.708
  • Garbacz, S. A. (2019). Enhancing family engagement in schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports. Intervention in School and Clinic, 54(4), 195–203. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053451218782428
  • García-Vázquez, E., Reddy, L., Arora, P., Crepeau-Hobson, F., Fenning, P., Hatt, C., Hughes, T., Jimerson, S., Malone, C., Minke, K., Radliff, K., Raines, T., Song, S., & Strobach, K. V. (2020). School psychology unified antiracism statement and call to action. School Psychology Review, 49(3), 209–211. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2020.1809941
  • Gay, G. (2002). Preparing for culturally responsive teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 53(2), 106–116. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487102053002003
  • Garro, A., Giordano, K., Gubi, A., & Shortway, K. (2021). A consultation approach to target exclusionary discipline of students of color in early childhood education. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(1), 124–135. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40688-019-00258-9
  • Gion, C., McIntosh, K., & Falcon, S. (2022). Effects of a multifaceted classroom intervention on racial disproportionality. School Psychology Review, 51(1), 67–83. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2020.1788906
  • Gonzalez, J. E., Nelson, J. R., Gutkin, T. B., & Shwery, C. S. (2004). Teacher resistance to school-based consultation with school psychologists: A survey of teacher perceptions. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 12(1), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.1177/10634266040120010401
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  • *Grant, K. S., Lee, V. J., & Lyttle, C. F. (2018). White preservice and inservice teachers’ engagement with multicultural content in online courses. Multicultural Education, 26(1), 17–23.
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