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Research Article

All life is interconnected: elite Buddhist responses to environmental destruction in the early Anthropocene



  • QSW = Quan Song wen. See Secondary Sources, Zeng and Liu, eds.
  • QSS = Quan Song shi. See Secondary Sources, Zhang, ed.
  • SKQS = Siku quanshu. See Secondary Sources.
  • T = Taishō shinshū daizōkyō. See Secondary Sources, Takakusu and Watanabe, eds.

Primary Sources

  • ‘Bachuan shecang ji’ 巴川社倉記 [Record on a Warehouse in Bachuan]. By Du Zheng 度正 (1166–1235). In QSW, vol. 301.166.
  • ‘Duishi’ 對食 [On Eating]. By Lu You 陸遊 (1125–1210). In QSS, vol. 39.24555.
  • Ercheng waishu 二程外書 [Other Works of the Cheng Brothers]. 8 juan. By Cheng Yi 程頤 (1033–1107), edited by Zhuxi 朱熹. In SKQS.
  • Fanyuan zhulin 法苑珠林 [Forest of Pearls from the Garden of the Buddhist Law]. 64 juan. By 釋道世 (ca. 668). In SKQS.
  • ‘Fangsheng wen’ 放生文 [On Releasing Life]. By Shi Zhili 釋知禮 (960–1028). In QSW, vol. 9.119.
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  • ‘Gai ji xiuzhai jueyi song bing xu’ 改祭修齋决疑頌幷序 [Praise of Resolving Doubts in Changing the Sacrifice from Meat to Fasting, with Preface]. By Shi Zunshi 釋遵式 (964–1032). In QSW, vol. 10.134.
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  • ‘Mengsong ji’ 夢松記 [The Dream of the Pine Tree]. By Peng Qiu 彭球 (dates unknown). In QSW, vol. 137.32.
  • ‘Minsong’ 憫松 [Feeling Pity for Pine Trees]. By Deng Shen 鄧深 (ca. 1147). In QSS, vol. 37.23364.
  • Mingwa fu you xu 鳴蛙賦有序 [On the Noisy Frogs]. By Zhang Lei 張耒 (1054–1114). In QSW, vol. 127.224.
  • Nittō shingū shōgyō mokuroku 入唐新求聖教目録 [Catalogue of Newly Discovered Sacred Teachings in the Tang]. 1 kan. By Ennin 圓仁 (794–864). T no. 2167, vol. 55.
  • ‘Qingjin caigui zou’ 請禁采龜奏 [A Petition to Ban the Hunting of Turtles]. By Xia Song 夏竦 (985–1051). In QSW, Vol. 17.85.
  • ‘Ren yu wu tong’ 人與物同 [Humans and Animals are the Same]. By Yu Wei 俞偉 (1047–1125). In QSW, vol. 102.305.
  • Shishi yaolan 釋氏要覽 [Shi’s Essentials]. 3 juan. By Shi Daocheng 釋道誠 (ca. 1019). In SKQS.
  • ‘Shishi yaolan xu’ 釋氏要覽序 [Preface of Shi’s Essentials]. By Shi Daocheng 釋道誠 (ca. 1019). In QSW, Vol. 14.121.
  • Shujing jizhuan 書經集傳 [Commentaries on the Book of Documents]. 4 juan. Edited by Cai Chen 蔡沈 (1167–1230). In SKQS.
  • ‘Tang fangsheng chi bei’ 唐放生池碑 [Monument to the Pond of Releasing Animals in the Tang Dynasty]. By Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修 (1007–1072). In QSW, vol. 34.318.
  • ‘Wujie zhi shou’ 五戒之首 [The First of the Five Precepts]. By Yu Wei 俞偉 (1047–1125). In QSW, vol. 102.307.
  • ‘Zhongsheng ailian xingming’ 眾生愛戀性命 [All Living Things Cherish Their Lives]. By Yu Wei 俞偉 (1047–1125). In QSW, vol. 102.306.
  • ‘Zhongzhu fu’ 種竹賦 [On Planting Bamboo]. By Shi Jujian 釋居簡 (1164–1246). In QSW, vol. 298.223.
  • ‘Zuoke you tan diyu yankuang zhi mei zhe gantan er zuo’ 坐客有談狄魚眼眶之美者感嘆而作 [I Sighed and Wrote this Poem when I Saw the People Sitting and Talking about the Delicacy of the Eye Sockets of Fish and Pheasants]. By Lu You 陸 遊 (1125–1210). In QSS, vol. 39.24650.

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