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What is left of the Zhongjing bielu 眾經別錄




  • CSZJJ = Chu sanzang jiji 出三藏記集. See Primary Sources.
  • LDSBJ = Lidai sanbao ji 歷代三寶紀. See Primary Sources.
  • T = Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新修大藏經. See Secondary Sources, Takakusu and Watanabe, eds.
  • K = Koryŏ taejanggyŏng 高麗大藏經. See Secondary Sources, Sugi, ed.

Primary Sources

  • Bi’naiye 鼻奈耶 [Vinaya]. 10 juan. Trans. Zhu Fahu 竺法護 (Dharmarakṣa, ca. 233–310). T no. 1464, vol. 24.
  • Chanlin miaoji houji xu 禪林妙記後集序 [Preface to the Sequel of Wonderful Records of the Chan Masters). By Xuanze 玄則 (fl. 659–665). In Guang hongming ji 廣弘明集 [An Extensive Collection of (Works) on Spreading the Teachings]. 30 juan. Comp. Daoxuan 道宣 (596–667). T no. 2103, vol. 52.
  • Chu sanzang jiji 出三藏記集 [Collection of the Records on the Production of the Three-Fold Canon. 15 juan. Comp. Sengyou 僧祐 (445–518). T no. 2145, vol. 55.
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