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Cross-Strait Relations under the Ma Ying-jeou administration: From Economic to Political Dependence?

  • Cross-Strait relations, in a broad sense, refers to the relationship between the People's Republic of China and Taiwan. The public position of both authorities is that this relationship is not between two countries; therefore, they use terms such as “Cross-Taiwan-Strait relations” or abbreviate it as “Cross-Strait relations.” Additionally, since the Taiwanese authority does not recognize PRC as a nation, it uses terms such as “Mainland China” or “Mainland” to refer to the People's Republic of China. Meanwhile, the People's Republic of China never uses the name that Taiwan claims, which is the “Republic of China”, but instead uses “Taiwan” or the “Taiwanese authority” to refer to the government. This paper uses a mix of these names in addition to the conventional terms, “Mainland China” and “Taiwan,” or “Beijing” and “Taipei” especially in the quotes.
  • Wu Chien-te et al., eds. Duili de Hexie: Kuayue Liang'an Guanxi Shenshuiqu.[Antagonistic Harmony: Beyond the Deep Water Zone of the Cross-Strait Relations] Taipei: Li Ming Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd., 2012. Su Chi and Tong Chen-yuan, eds. Liang'an Guanxi de Jiyu yu Tiaozhan [Chances and Challenges of the Cross-Strait Relations] Taipei: Wu-Nan Culture Enterprise Co., Ltd., 2013.
  • Shaw Chong-hai, Zhonggong Duitai Zhengce: 1979–2013 [Beijing's Taiwan Policy 1979–2013] Taipei: Tonsan Publications, Inc., 2013.
  • See the following reference for Cross-Strait relations during Chen Shui-bian's administration. Yasushiro Matsuda, “Kaizen no ‘Kikai’ wa Sonzai Shitaka?: Chutai Kankei no Kozo Henka” [Were There Any Chances for Amelioration of the Relationship?: Structural Changes of the Cross-Strait Relations] in Masahiro Wakabayashi, ed., Posuto Minshukaki no Taiwan Seiji: Chin Suihen Seiken no Hachinen [Taiwan s Politics in the Post-Democratization Era: Eight Years of Chen Shui-bian Administration] Makuhari: Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization, 2010.
  • “Zhongguogongchandang Zongshuji Hu Jintao yu Zhongguoguomindang Zhuxi Lian Zhan Huitan Xinwen Gongbao” [Press Communiqué on Meeting between General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Hu Jintao and Chairman of the Kuomindang Lien Chan] People s Daily, April 30, 2005.
  • Matsuda, “Kaizen no ‘Kikai’ wa Sonzai Shitaka?,” 254–255.
  • Kao Charng and Wang Cheng-Hsu, “Liang'an Guanxi de Huigu, Xin Qingshi yu Qianzhan” [On Development of Cross-Strait Relations: Reviews and Future Perspectives] Prospect Quarterly, 9.3 (July 2008): 180–183.
  • See the following detailed study by the people from the KMT on the KMT-CPC platform. Chang Jung-kung, “Guo-Gong Pingtai de Xiankuang yu Zhanwang” [Present and Prospect for the KMT-CPC Platform] in Su and Tong, Liang'an Guanxi de Jiyu yu Tiaozhan.
  • See, Matsuda, “Kaizen no ‘Kikai’ wa Sonzai Shitaka?” “‘Sairyo no Kankei’ kara ‘Sogo Fushin’ e: Bei-Tai Kankei no Gekihen” [From ‘Best Relationship’ to ‘Mutual Distrust’] in Wakabayashi, Posuto Minshukaki no Taiwan Seiji.
  • Bau Tsong-Ho, “Yige Chaoyue Lishi Juxian de Liang'an Guan: Yingxiang ‘Gezhi Zhengyi, Zhuiqiu Shuangying’ de Xin Luxian” [A View on the Cross-Strait Relations beyond Historical Restriction: Toward a New Policy Line of ‘Shelving Disputes and Seeking Win-win’] in Tsai Chao-ming ed., Ma Zongtong Zhizheng Hou de Liang'an Xinju: Lun Liang'an Guanxi Xin Luxiang [New Situation after President Ma Came to Power: On New Direction of the Cross- Strait Relations] Taipei: Prospect Foundation, 2009: 190–194. Lee Ming, “Xin Zhengfu Liang'an Waijiao Xiubing Zhengce zhi Linian yu Zuowei” [Philosophy and Practice of Diplomatic Truce with the Mainland China under the New Government] in Lin Bih-Jaw, ed., Liang'an Waijiao Xiubing Xin Siwei [New Thinking on Foreign Policy over the Cross-Strait Relations] Taipei: Prospect Foundation, 2009:26–29.
  • Bau, “Yige Chaoyue Lishi Juxian de Liang'an Guan,”: 190–194.
  • Lee, “Xin Zhengfu Liang'an Waijiao Xiubing Zhengce zhi Linian yu Zuowei,”: 26–29.
  • Lin Cheng-Yi, “Taihai Liang'an Waijiao Xiubing: Kexingxing yu Juxianxing” [Diplomatic Truce in the Cross-Strait Relations: Chances and Challenges] in Su and Tong, Liang'an Guanxi de Jiyu yu Tiaozhan,: 171–175.
  • Matsuda, “Kaizen no ‘Kikai’ wa Sonzai Shitaka?”, 237–259.
  • Hu Jintao, “Let Us Join Hands to Promote the Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations and Strive with a United Resolve for the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation: Speech at the Forum Marking the 30th Anniversary of the Issuance of the Message to Compatriots in Taiwan,” Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council PRC, January 1, 2009, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/en/Special/Hu/201103/t20110322_1794707.htm>
  • Yoshio Nakagawa, Ba Eikyu to Chin Suihen: Taiwan no Doko 2003–2009.3 [Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Shui-bian: Trend of Taiwan, 2003-March 2009] Tokyo: Meitoku Shuppan, 2010: 802–803, 816–817.
  • For more detailed discussions on Taiwan's participation in international community, see, Bonnie Glaser, Taiwan s Quest for Greater Participation in the International Community, Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2013.
  • Ibid.,: 728, 735–736.
  • Takayuki Takeuchi, “Chugoku to no Kankei Kaizen to Taiwan no Kokusai Shakai e no Sanka” [Taiwan's Ameliorating Relations with China and International Participation] in Yoshiyuki Ogasawara and Yukihito Sato, eds., Ba Eikyu Saisen: 2012 Nen Taiwan Soto Senkyo no Kekka to Sono Eikyo [Re-election of Ma Ying-jeou: Results and Impacts of Taiwanese Presidential Election in 2012] Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economies, 2012, 97–101.
  • Rira Momma, “Kiki wo Mukaeta Taiwan no ‘Gaiko Kyuhei’: Taiwan no Doko 2013 Nen 11–12 Gatsu.” Toa (EastAsia) No. 559 (Jan 2014): 60–61.
  • Beijing has declined offers of diplomatic recognition from Paraguay, Panama, and El Salvador. Glaser, Taiwan s Quest for Greater Participation in the International Community: 11–12.
  • Hsu Shu-min. Minganxing yu Cuiruoxing: Hulai Lilun Xia de Liang'an Guanxi [Sensitivity and Vulnerability: Cross-Strait Relations under Interdependence Theory] Taipei: Shih-ying, 2005:29–33.
  • While it is not in the same category as a regular “economic sanction,” there was an incident in which China made some sort of “threat” to a former Taiwanese business owner who supported the independence of Taiwan. Nakagawa. Ba Eikyu to Chin Suihen: 284–285.
  • Hsu. Minganxing yu Cuiruoxing, 29–33.
  • “Liang'an Kongyun ji Haiyun Zhihang Kaifang Qingxing” [Present Situation of Cross-Strait Direct Aviation and Maritime Transportation] Mainland Affairs Council, Republic of China (Taiwan), March 25, 2015, p. 2, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.mac.gov.tw/public/Data/54110213171.pdf>.
  • First and Second China and Mongolia Divisions, Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau. “Saikin no Nittai Kankei to Taiwan Jyosei [Recent Japan-Taiwan Relations and the Taiwan Situation]” Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 2013, p. 8, accessed on December 30, 2013, <http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/taiwan/pdfs/kankei.pdf>.
  • Masahiro Wakabayashi, Taiwan no Seiji: Chukaminkoku Taiwanka no Sengoshi [Politics in Taiwan: Post-War History of Localization of ROC] Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2008, pp. 358–365.
  • See, Lin Chiung-chu, “Wending yu Biandong: Taiwan Minzhong de ‘Taiwanren/Zhongguoren’ Rentong yu Tongdu Lichang zhi Fenxi” [Change and Continuity: An Analysis of Taiwanese/Chinese Identity and Position on the Cross-Strait Relations] Journal of Electoral Studies, Vol.19, No.1, May 2012: 98–119.
  • See the following on the difficulty of a peace accord between China and Taiwan. Wang Kaochen, “Cong Taibei Guandian Kan Liang'an Heping Xieyi zhi Tuidong” [Promotion of Peace Accord between Mainland China and Taiwan from Taipei's Perspective] in Wu et al. Duili de Hexie.
  • See the following on United States' arms export to Taiwan. Yasushiro Matsuda, “Ba Eikyu Seikenka no Bei-Tai Kankei” [U.S.-Taiwan Relations under Ma Ying-jeou Administration] in Ogasawara and Sato, Ba Eikyu Saisen.
  • “Ma Yingjiu: Weilai 4 Nian You Lishi Pingjia de Yali” [Ma Ying-jeou Says He Feels Pressure of Historical Evaluation in Coming Four Years] China Review News. January 15, 2012, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://mag.chinareviewnews.com/doc/1019/8/0/8/101980850.html?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=101980850.>
  • Jia Qinglin, “Jia Qinglin Zai Dibajie Liang'an Jingmao Wenhua Luntan Kaimushi Shang de Zhici” [Jia Qinglin's Speech at the Opening of the Eighth Cross-Strait Economic Trade and Culture Forum] The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, July 28, 2012, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.gov.cn/ldhd/2012-07/28/content_2194141.htm>
  • “Xi Jinping Huijian Lian Zhan Yixing Shi Xiwang Liang'an Tongbao Gongyuan ‘Zhongguo Meng’” [Xi Jinping Says He has a Hope That Cross-Strait Compatriot Will Interpret ‘China's Dream’ When He Meets Lian Chan] People s Daily (overseas edition), February 26, 2013.
  • “Gu-Wang Huitan 20 Nian: Ma Ti Liang'an Guanxi San Bu Tui” [The Twentieth Anniversary of the Koo-Wang Meeting: Ma Says Three Nos on the Cross-Strait Relations] United Daily News, April 30, 2013.
  • “Wu-Xi Hui: Wu Shoudu Ti Yizhong Jiagou” [Wu Poh-hsiung Says One China Framework for the First Time] United Daily News, June 14, 2013.
  • “Lu She Tai Zhinang Zhou Zhihuai: Liang'an Shiwu Zhuguan Bumen Huitan Yinfa Xin Bianju” [Taiwan Expert of Mainland China, Zhou Zhihuai Says Cross-Strait Working Level Meetings Produce New Changes] United Daily News, December 17, 2013.
  • “Ma-Xi Hui yu Guozu Rentong Mindiao” [Polls on Ma-Xi Meeting and National Identities]
  • TVBS Poll Center accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://home.tvbs.com.tw/static/FILE_DB/PCH/201311/20131106112520608.pdf>
  • “Liang'an Gaofenghui Xuannian Ma Yingjiu Zhengqu APEC Huiwu Xi Jinping” [Ma Ying-jeou Wants to Meet Xi Jinping at the APEC Summit Meeting] Yazhou Zhoukan (Asiaweek) Vol. 28, No. 1, January 5, 2014, p. 21.
  • “Liang'an Guanxi Zhongda Tupo: Wang-Zhang Hui Shouci Hucheng Guanzhixian” [A Big Breakthrough of the Cross-Strait Relations: Wang and Zhang Call Official Titles Each Other at the Meeting] United Daily News, October 7, 2013. “MAC Minister Wang and TAO Director Zhang Address Each Other by Official Titles, Substantively Realizing “Mutual Non-Denial” and Setting a Good Start for the Normalization of Official Interactions Across the Strait,” News Release, Mainland Affairs Council, Republic of China (Taiwan), October 6, 2013, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.mac.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=106510&ctNode=6337&=3.>
  • However, in China's official statement, Wang Yu-chi was referred to only as the “responsible official of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council.” The meeting could be thus another opportunity for China to give the impression to Taiwan that it is being flexible without compromising its principles. “Guotaiban Xinwen Fabuhui Jilu (2013-10-16)” [Press Conference by Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council PRC, 16 October 2013] Taiwan Affairs Office, State Council, October 16, 2013, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/xwfbh/201310/t20131016_5042316.htm.> “Guotaiban Xinwen Fabuhui Jilu (2014-2-17)” [Press Conference by Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council PRC, February 17, 2014] Taiwan Affairs Office, State Council, October 16, 2013, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/xwfbh/201402/t20140217_5686051.htm.> “Guotaiban Xinwen Fabuhui Jilu (2014-6–11)” [Press Conference by Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council PRC, June 11, 2014] Taiwan Affairs Office, State Council, October 16, 2013, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/xwfbh/201406/t20140611_6301692.htm.>
  • See, Zhongguo Pinglun (China Review), No. 192, December 2012. The title of the feature is “‘Yi Zhong Kuangjia’ Nengfou Pojie Liang'an Zhengzhi Dingwei Nanti” [Will ‘One China Framework’ Be Able to Solve the Cross-Strait Conundrum on Political Status of Taiwan?].
  • “Ma-Xi Hui yu Guozu Rentong Mindiao” [Polls on Ma-Xi Meeting and National Identities] TVBS Poll Center, October 24–28, 2013, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://home.tvbs.com.tw/static/FILE_DB/PCH/201311/20131106112520608.pdf.>
  • Rira Momma, “Taiwan no Doko (From August to September, 2013): Kokuminto ga O Kimpei Rippioincho no Toseki wo Hakudatsu, Tonai Koso ga Gekika ka” [KMT Expels the Speaker of the Legislative Yuan, Wang Jin-pyng: Power Struggle in KMT Intensifies] Toa (East Asia), No. 556, October 2013, pp. 50–52.
  • Yoshiyuki Ogasawara, “Taiwan Gakusei Rippoin Senkyo Jiken ni tuite” [On Sunflower Movement: Occupation Legislative Yuan in Taiwan] OGASAWARA Homepage, April 4, 2014, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.tufs.ac.jp/ts/personal/ogasawara/analysis/taiwanstudentsoccupation.html.>
  • “Weian Chubao Zhang Zhijun Congcong Li Tai” [Zhang Zhijun Rushes Back Home Because of Security Problems] Liberty Times, June 29, 2014.
  • “APEC ‘Ma-Xihui’ Xingtong Poju” [Ma-Xi Meeting at APEC Virtually Ruins] United Daily News, September 3, 2014.
  • “Guotaiban Xinwen Fabuhui Jilu (2013-10-16)” [Press Conference by Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council PRC, 16 October 2013] Taiwan Affairs Office, State Council, October 16, 2013, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.gwytb.gov.cn/xwfbh/201310/t20131016_5042316.htm..>
  • “Kuomindang Dakuibai” [Disastrous Defeat of KMT] United Daily News, November 30, 2014.
  • Yoshiyuki Ogasawara, “Taiwanese Voters Say No to Ma Ying-jeou,” nippon.com, January 19, 2015, accessed on May 31, 2015, <http://www.nippon.com/en/currents/d00155/.>

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