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Special Issue Articles

Part-time work: the co-production of a contested employment model for women in Austria and internationally, 1950s to 1980s


  • Afonso, A. 2019. “Migrant Workers or Working Women? Comparing Labour Supply Policies in Post-War Europe.” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 21 (3): 251–269. https://doi.org/10.1080/13876988.2018.1527584.
  • AK. 1962a. = Letter, Women’s Department to the Social Policy Department of the Chamber of Labour, Vienna, 3 July 1962: Concerns Questionnaire on Part-Time Employment. Box “U AC/SV/äftigung 1966–1976” (Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976 in the following). Vienna, Institut für Historische Sozialforschung (=IHSF in the following).
  • AK. 1962b. = Summary Minutes, Meeting of the Social Policy Committee, 11 July 1962. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1964. = Minutes, AK Women’s Department Dr. Krebs/Jaksch, Vienna, 17 December 1964: Meeting on Part-Time Work 16 December 1964. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1968a. = AK Women’s Department, Dr. Krebs, Vienna, 6 March 1968: Report on the Enquete [Inquiry] on Part-Time Work Held at the Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, 4 March 1968. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1968b. = Result of the Meeting with Federal Minister Rehor Concerning the Creation of a Part-Time Work Act, 21 October 1968. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1972a. = Letter, Österreichischer Arbeiterkammertag to Federal Chancellery, Department for Family Policy, 17 May 1972. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1972b. = Letter, Österreichischer Arbeiterkammertag to Federal Minister for Social Affairs, 4 December 1972. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1974 = Report, Teilzeitarbeit 1974. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976,” IHSF, Vienna.
  • AK. 1989a. = Minutes, Committee for Women’s Work and Family Policy, Vienna Chamber of Labour, 4 April 1989. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1989b. = Position Paper of the Women’s Department, Vienna Chamber of Labour, 17 August 1989: “Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie.” Box “Ausschuss für Frauenarbeit und Frauenschutz 1989–1990”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1990a. = Minutes, Committee for Women’s Work and Family Policy, Vienna Chamber of Labour 22 May 1990. Box “Ausschuss für Frauenarbeit und Frauenschutz 1989–1990”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • AK. 1990b. = Minutes, Committee for Women’s Work and Family Policy, Vienna Chamber of Labour, 4 October 1990. Box “Ausschuss für Frauenarbeit und Frauenschutz 1989–1990”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • Beirat für Wirtschaftsfragen.1968. Bericht über die Teilzeitbeschäftigung. Vienna, Austria: Ueberreuter.
  • Berrebi-Hoffmann, I., O. Giraud, L. Renard, and T. Wobbe, eds. 2019. Categories in Context: Gender and Work in France and Germany, 1900–Present. New York: Berghahn. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv12pns7v
  • Betti, E., L. Papastefanaki, M. Tolomelli, and S. Zimmermann, eds. 2022. Women, Work, and Activism: Chapters of an Inclusive History of Labor in the Long Twentieth Century. New York: Central European University Press.
  • BMfSA. n.d. = Judicial decisions on problems of part-time employment. Fond Bundesministerium für Soziales und Arbeit. “Handaktensammlung SC Prof. Dr. Martinek, Box 125. Vienna, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Archiv der Republik (= ÖSTA, AdR in the following).
  • BMfSV. 1970. = GZ 39.500/2-21/1970: “Maßnahmen und Methoden zur Förderung der Frauenbeschäftigung“. Fond “Bundesministerium für Soziale Verwaltung (= BMfSV in the following), Sektion III, 1971“, Box 38. Vienna, ÖSTA, AdR.
  • BMfSV. 1979. = GZ 38.717/71-V/4/79: “OECD-Komitee für Arbeitskräfte und Soziale Angelegenheiten; Hochrangige Konferenz über die Beschäftigung von Frauen“. Fond “BMfSV, Sektion V, 1979“, Box 37. Vienna, ÖSTA, AdR.
  • Boris, E. 2019a. Making the Woman Worker: Precarious Labor and the Fight for Global Standards, 1919–2019. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Boris, E. 2019b. “Reproduction as Production: Thinking with the ILO to Move Beyond Dichotomy.” Journal of Labor and Society 22 (2): 283–298. https://doi.org/10.1111/wusa.12423.
  • Cobble, D. S. 2021. For the Many: American Feminists and the Global Fight for Democratic Equality. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • de Groot, T. J. 2022. “Part-Time Employment in the Breadwinner Era: Dutch Employers’ Initiatives to Control Female Labor Force Participation, 1945–1970.” Enterprise & Society 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1017/eso.2022.12.
  • FIET. 1977. = Results of the 4th Meeting of the FIET Working Group for Women Employees Held in Vienna, 25–26 January 1977. Box “FIET-AG Frauen, 20./21.03.1980, Hamburg”. Vienna, IHSF, GPA-Archives.
  • FIET. 1980a. = Gisela Kiesau (Report): “Die Auswirkungen neuer Technologien auf Frauenarbeitsplätze im Dienstleistungsbereich.” 5th Meeting of the EURO-FIET, Luxembourg, 17–18 September 1980. Box “FIET-AG Frauen, 20./21.03.1980, Hamburg”. Vienna, IHSF, GPA-Archives.
  • FIET. 1980b. = Resolutions of the Working Group Meeting for Women Employees, Hamburg, 20–21 March 1980. Box “FIET-AG Frauen, 20./21.03.1980, Hamburg”. Vienna, IHSF, GPA-Archives.
  • FIET. 1981. = FIET Survey “Technology and Employment in the Retail Sector.” Box “FIET-AG Frauen, 29.–30.1.1981“. Vienna, IHSF, GPA-Archives.
  • FIET. 1983. = 20th FIET World Congress, 21–25 November 1983, Tokyo. Resolution No. 17 “Teilzeitarbeit/Neue Arbeitszeitysteme”. Box “FIET-AG Frauen, 10.1984, Brüssel”. Vienna, IHSF, GPA-Archives.
  • Fulla, M. 2020. “Socialists and Civil Servants. Introduction to Part II.” In European Socialists and the State in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, edited by M. Fulla and M. Lazar, 121–127. Cham, Germany: Springer International Publishing.
  • Gaudart, D., and R. M. Greve. 1980. Women and Industrial Relations: Framework Paper and Analysis of the Discussion of an International Symposium (Vienna. September 1978). Geneva: International Labour Organisation (International Institute for Labour Studies).
  • GPA. 1962. = Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten, “2. Frauenzentralkonferenz,” 25–26 November 1962: “GPA-Frauenreferentin Maria Gutberger. Mündliche Ergänzungen zum Tätigkeitsbericht”. Vienna, IHSF, GPA-Archives.
  • GPA. 1966. = Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten, “3. Frauenzentralkonferenz 1966”: “Bericht der Frauenabteilung, Redemanuskript”. Vienna, IHSF, GPA-Archives.
  • Heery, E., and H. Conley. 2016. “Frame Extension in a Mature Social Movement: British Trade Unions and Part-Time Work, 1967–2000.” Journal of Industrial Relations 49 (1): 5–29. https://doi.org/10.1177/002218560707223.
  • Helfert, V. Forthcoming. “A ‘Special Category of Women’ in Austria and Internationally. Migrant Women Workers, Trade Union Activists, and the Textile Industry, 1960s to 1980s.” In Migrant Actors Worldwide. Capitalist Interests, State Regulations, and Left-Wing Strategies, edited by D. Hoerder and L. Neissl. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
  • Hermann, C. 2014. Capitalism and the Political Economy of Work Time. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
  • ICFTU. 1957. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions. First Meeting of the Sub-Committee, Brussels, 3–4 December 1957. ICFTU Collection, Box 1528. Amsterdam, International Institute of Social History (= IISH in the following).
  • ICFTU. 1961. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 6th Session, Brussels, 9–10 October 1961. Agenda Item 3: Enquiry on Discrimination in Employment against Married Women. ICFTU Collection, Box 1532. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1963. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 9th Session, Brussels, 16–17 July 1963. Agenda Item 4: Programme in Favor of Women Workers. ICFTU Collection, Box 1535. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1964a. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 11th Session, Brussels, 14–15 May 1964. Agenda Item 3: Women Workers in a Changing Work. Memorandum for the Members of the Workers Group of the ILO. ICFTU Collection, Box 1537. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1964b. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 12th Session, Brussels, 5–6 November 1964. Agenda Item 2: Report on Activities. ICFTU Collection, Box 1538. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1965. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 14th Session, Brussels, 21–22 October 1965. Agenda Item 5: Part-time Work. ICFTU Collection, Box 1540. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1974. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 30th Session, Brussels, 4–5 April 1974. ICFTU Collection, Box 1558. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1976. = ICFTU Executive Board, Brussels, 24–26 November 1976. Agenda Item 16: Women Workers’ Questions. ICFTU Collection, Box 1560. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1978. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 38th Session, Brussels, 5–6 October 1978. Agenda Item 4: Employment of Women with Family Responsibilities. ICFTU Collection, Box 1564. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1979. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 40th Session, Brussels, 4–5 October 1979. Agenda Item 2: Report on Activities. ICFTU Collection, Box 1567. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ICFTU. 1985. = ICFTU/ITS Consultative Committee on Women Workers’ Questions, 51st Meeting, Brussels, 31 January–February 1985. ICFTU Women’s Bureau, Organisation of Working Time and its Effect on Women’s Employment, Report. ICFTU Collection, Box 1577. Amsterdam, IISH.
  • ILO. 1956. = Bureau international du Travail, Réunion d’experts sur le travail féminin, Genève, 5–10 novembre 1956. Première question à l’ordre du jour: Le travail à temps partiel. ILO–MEW/II/1956/1.
  • ILO. 1959. = Panel of Consultants on the Problems of Women Workers, Composition. First Session 1959, and Meeting, 1965. WN 2-1003. Geneva, ILOA.
  • ILO. 1964. = International Labour Office. 1964. International Labour Conference, 49th Session 1965. Fifth Item on the Agenda. The Employment of Women with Family Responsibilities. Report. Geneva.
  • ILO. 1981. = ILO, Advisory Committee on Salaried Employees and Professional Workers (Eighth Session, Geneva, January1981). Box “FIET-AG Frauen, 29./30.1.1981”. Vienna, IHSF, GPA-Archives.
  • Internationaler Bund Freier Gewerkschaften. 1983. Neue Technologie und Beschäftigung der Frauen. Geneva.
  • International Labour Office. 1973. Part-Time Employment: An International Survey. Geneva.
  • Johnstone, E. 1968. “Women in Economic Life: Rights and Opportunities.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 375 (1): 102–114. https://doi.org/10.1177/000271626837500116.
  • Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte Wien. 1965. Jahrbuch der Arbeiterkammer für Wien. Vienna, Austria: Verlag der Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien.
  • Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte Wien. 1967. Jahrbuch der Arbeiterkammer für Wien. Vienna, Austria: Verlag der Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien.
  • Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte Wien. 1974. Jahrbuch der Arbeiterkammer für Wien. Vienna, Austria: Verlag der Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte Wien.
  • Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte Wien. 1984. Jahrbuch der Arbeiterkammer für Wien. Vienna, Austria: Verlag der Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte.
  • Klein, V., and A. Myrdal. 1956. Women’s Two Roles: Home and Work. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Mattes, M. 2008. “Ambivalente Aufbrüche: Frauen, Familie und Arbeitsmarkt zwischen Konjunktur und Krise.” In Das Ende der Zuversicht? Die siebziger Jahre als Geschichte, edited by K. H. Jarausch, 215–228. Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. https://doi.org/10.13109/9783666361531.215.
  • Mesner, M. 2006. “Mother-Families, Family Mothers: Policies on Having Children in Austria.” In The Policies of Reproduction at the Turn of the 21st Century: The Cases of Finland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Austria, And the US, edited by M. Mesner, H. Niederkofler, and G. Wolfgruber, 181–198. Innsbruck, Austria: StudienVerlag.
  • Mesner, M. 2020. ““K. U. K. Social Democracy” Reloaded: Austria’s SPÖ and the State After 1945.” In European Socialists and the State in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, edited by M. Fulla and M. Lazar, 303–321. Cham, Germany: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41540-2_17.
  • United Nations. 1980. Report of the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, Copenhagen, 14 to 30 July 1980. New York.
  • Neunsinger, S. 2018. “The Unobtainable Magic of Numbers: Equal Remuneration, the ILO and the International Trade Union Movement 1950s–1980s.” In Women’s ILO: Transnational Networks, Global Labour Standards, and Gender Equity, 1919 to Present, edited by E. Boris, D. Hoehtker, and S. Zimmermann, 121–148. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004360433_007.
  • OECD. 1976 = GZ. AV.34.461/54-V/4/76: “Beirat für Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Hier: Erstellung eines amp. Konzeptes für Frauen“, OECD, Paris, 15 June 1976. Working Party No 6 on the Role of Women in Economy. The Impact of the 1974–75 Crisis on the Employment Situation of Women in Some of the OECD Countries. Fond BMfSV, Sektion V, 1976, Box 06. Vienna, ÖSTA, AdR.
  • ÖGB-Frauenabteilung. 1955. Stenographisches Protokoll: Frauenkongreß des Österreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes. Vienna, Austria: ÖGB-Verlag.
  • ÖGB-Frauenabteilung. 1959. Stenographisches Protokoll: Frauenkongreß des Österreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes. Vienna: ÖGB-Verlag.
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  • ÖGB-Frauenabteilung. 1975. Stenographisches Protokoll: Frauenkongreß des Österreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes. Vienna: ÖGB-Verlag.
  • ÖNR. 1974. = Minutes of the First Meeting of the Parliamentary Subcommittee Dealing with the Initiative Motion of the ÖVP Parliamentary Group Concerning the Creation of a Part-Time Employment Law on 8 November 1974.
  • ÖNR. 1975. = Minutes of the 150th Session of the National Assembly, XIII GP, 3 July 1975.
  • Östberg, K. 2020. “The Swedish Social Democracy: Civil Servants, Social Engineers and Welfare Bureaucrats.” In European Socialists and the State in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, edited by M. Fulla and M. Lazar, 207–222. Cham, Germany: Springer International Publishing.
  • Österreichische Volkspartei. 1972. Salzburger Programm 1972. Accessed June 12, 2023. https://austria-forum.org/af/AEIOU/Österreichische_Volkspartei%2C_ÖVP/Salzburger_Programm.
  • Reichel, K. 2014. Dimensionen der (Un-)Gleichheit: Geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheiten in den sozial- und beschäftigungspolitischen Debatten der EWG in den 1960er Jahren. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag. https://doi.org/10.25162/9783515107785.
  • Report on Part-Time Employment. 1968. Manuscript. Box “Teilzeitbeschäftigung 1966–1976”. Vienna, IHSF.
  • Ricciardi, F. 2019. “Negotiating the Boundaries of Equality at Work: Tensions About a Gendered Employment Norm in France and in the European Community, 1914–2014.” In Categories in Context: Gender and Work in France and Germany, 1900–Present, edited by I. Berrebi-Hoffmann, O. Giraud, L. Renard, and T. Wobbe, 247–270. New York: Berghahn Books. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv12pns7v.15.
  • Richards, Y. 2018. “Transnational Links and Constraints: Women’s Work, the ILO and the ICFTU in Africa, 1950s–1980s.” In Women’s ILO: Transnational Networks, Global Labour Standards, and Gender Equity, 1919 to Present, edited by E. Boris, D. Hoehtker, and S. Zimmermann, 149–175. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004360433_008.
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  • von Oertzen, C. 1999. Die Teilzeitarbeit und die Lust am Zuverdienen. Geschlechterpolitik und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Westdeutschland 1945–1965. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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  • Wobbe, T., C. Höroldt, and M. Bussmann. 2019. “From Particular Protection to Universal Principles: Shifting Classifications of Employment Rights in the ILO, the EU and German Labour Law, 1919–1988.” In Categories in Context: Gender and Work in France and Germany, 1900–Present, edited by I. Berrebi-Hoffmann, O. Giraud, L. Renard, and T. Wobbe, 223–246. New York: Berghahn. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv12pns7v.14.
  • Zimmermann, S. 2021. Frauenpolitik und Männergewerkschaft: Internationale Gewerkschaftspolitik, IGB-Gewerkschafterinnen und die Arbeiter- und Frauenbewegungen der Zwischenkriegszeit. Vienna, Austria: Löcker.
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