CrossRef citations to date

Politics, power, and sexual and reproductive health and rights: impacts and opportunities


  • Rios V. Reality check: year one impact of trump’s global gag rule. International Women’s Health Coalition; 2018. Available from: IWHC website: https://iwhc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/GGR-Formatted-Report_FINAL.pdf.
  • Johnsdotter S. Meaning well while doing harm: compulsory genital examinations in Swedish African girls. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Yasmine R, Sukkar B. Restrained motherhood: the Lebanese state in times of changing demographics and moral values. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Kim S. Reproductive technologies as population control: how pronatalist policies harm reproductive health in South Korea. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Morris CN, Lopes K, Gallagher MC, et al. When political solutions for acute conflict in Yemen seem distant, demand for reproductive health services is immediate: a programme model for resilient family planning and post-abortion care services. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Parmar PL, Rowen JO, Walsh M, et al. Mortality in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh: historical, social, and political context. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Kingdon JW. Agendas, alternatives and public policies. Boston: Little, Brown and Company; 1984.
  • Stone DA. Causal stories and the formation of policy agendas. Polit Sci Q. 1989;104(2):281. doi: 10.2307/2151585
  • Vida B. New waves of anti-sexual and reproductive health and rights strategies in the European Union: the anti-gender discourse in Hungary. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Undurraga V, Sadler M. The misrepresentation of conscientious objection as a new strategy of resistance to abortion decriminalisation. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Gressick K, Gelpi A, Chanroo T. Zika and abortion in Brazilian newspapers: how a new outbreak revived an old debate on reproductive rights. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Sharma AC, Dhillon J, Shabbir G, et al. Notes from the field: political norm change for abortion in Pakistan. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Goldmann L, Lundgren R, Welbourn A, et al. On the CUSP: the politics and prospects of scaling social norms change programming. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Boydell V, Schaaf M, George A, et al. Building a transformative agenda for accountability in SRHR: lessons learned from SRHR and accountability literatures. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.
  • Molina RL, Ardalan S, Scott J. Impact of a U.S. asylum decision on sexual and reproductive health and rights: a call to action for health and legal professionals. Sex Reprod Health Matter. 2019;27:2.