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Journal overview

Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters ( SRHM) journal is a peer-reviewed, international, open access journal that explores emerging, neglected and marginalized issues across the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). It aims to publish original and contemporary research, particularly from a feminist perspective, that can help to inform the development of policies, laws and services to fulfil the rights and meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of people of all ages, gender identities and sexual orientations. SRHM publishes work that engages with fundamental dilemmas and debates in SRHR, highlighting multiple perspectives, acknowledging differences and searching for new forms of consensus. SRHM strongly encourages research that explores experiences, values, information and issues from the point of view of those whose lives are affected.

A key consideration for SRHM is whether authors have included a sufficient rights focus in their work. The importance of rights-based, as well as evidence-informed, work in sexual and reproductive health is highlighted in the following article, which also provides illustrative examples of rights-based knowledge creation in this area: B. Subha Sri. Rights-based knowledge creation in sexual and reproductive health: an introductory guide. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. 2022.

Key topics addressed in SRHM include (but are not limited to) abortion, family planning, contraception, female genital mutilation, HIV and other STIs, human papillomavirus (HPV), maternal health, SRHR in humanitarian settings, gender-based and other forms of interpersonal violence, young people, gender, sexuality, sexual rights and sexual pleasure.

SRHM is a multidisciplinary journal, welcoming submissions from a wide range of disciplines, including the social sciences and humanities, behavioural science, public health, human rights and law. The journal welcomes a range of methodological approaches, including qualitative and quantitative analyses such as policy analysis; mixed methods approaches to public health and health systems research; economic, political and historical analysis; and epidemiological work with a focus on SRHR.

SRHM has an open issue where submissions related to any of the topics indicated above are published throughout the year on an ongoing basis, following peer review. In addition, SRHM usually launches two themed issues per year, which focus on particular SRHR issues and involve a specific call for papers. The journal also publishes special issues (also known as supplements). See here for more detail on open, themed and special issues of SRHM. The journal particularly welcomes contributions from low- and middle-income countries. The abstracts of all published articles are translated into French and Spanish.

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