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Explanation and Facilitation Strategies Reduce Student Resistance to Active Learning


  • Andrews, Madison E., Matthew Graham, Michael Prince, Maura Borrego, Cynthia Finelli, and Jenefer Husman. 2020. “Student Resistance to Active Learning: Do Instructors (Mostly) Get It Wrong?” Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 25 (2):142–54. doi: 10.1080/22054952.2020.1861771.
  • Bacon, Donald R., Kim A. Stewart, and William S. Silver. 1999. “Lessons from the Best and Worst Student Team Experiences: How a Teacher Can Make the Difference.” Journal of Management Education 23 (5):467–88. doi: 10.1177/105256299902300503.
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  • Christie, Michael, and Erik de Graaff. 2017. “The Philosophical and Pedagogical Underpinnings of Active Learning in Engineering Education.” European Journal of Engineering Education 42 (1):5–16. doi: 10.1080/03043797.2016.1254160.
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  • DeMonbrun, Matt, Cynthia J. Finelli, Michael Prince, Maura Borrego, Prateek Shekhar, Charles Henderson, and Cindy Waters. 2017. “Creating an Instrument to Measure Student Response to Instructional Practices.” Journal of Engineering Education 106 (2):273–98. doi: 10.1002/jee.20162.
  • Donohue, SusanK, and LarryG. Richards. 2009. “Factors Affecting Student Attitudes toward Active Learning Activities in a Graduate Engineering Statistics Course.” In 2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference.
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  • Finelli, CynthiaJ, and Maura Borrego. 2020. “Evidence-Based Strategies to Reduce Student Resistance to Active Learning.” In Active Learning in College Science: The Case for Evidence-Based Practice, edited by Joel J Mintzes and Emily M Walter. Cham: Springer.
  • Finelli, Cynthia J., Kevin Nguyen, Matthew DeMonbrun, Maura Borrego, Michael Prince, Jenefer Husman, Charles Henderson, Prateek Shekhar, and Cynthia K. Waters. 2018. “Reducing Student Resistance to Active Learning: Strategies for Instructors.” Journal of College Science Teaching 47 (5):80–91.
  • Finelli, CynthiaJ, Matthew DeMonbron, Prateek Shekhar, Maura Borrego, Charles Henderson, Michael Prince, and CindyK. Waters. 2014. “A Classroom Observation Instrument to Assess Student Response to Active Learning.” In 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings. doi: 10.1109/FIE.2014.7044084.
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  • Husman, Jenefer, Matthew Graham, Maura Borrego, Cynthia Finelli, Michael Prince, and Bobbie Bermudez. 2020. “Reducing Student Resistance to Active Learning: Development and Validation of a Measure.” In CANCELLED: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Educational Research Association.
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  • Nguyen, Kevin A., Maura Borrego, Cynthia J. Finelli, Matt DeMonbrun, Caroline Crockett, Sneha Tharayil, Prateek Shekhar, Cynthia Waters, and Robyn Rosenberg. 2021. “Instructor Strategies to Aid Implementation of Active Learning: A Systematic Literature Review.” International Journal of STEM Education 8 (1):1–18. doi: 10.1186/s40594-021-00270-7.
  • Nguyen, Kevin, Jenefer Husman, Maura Borrego, Prateek Shekhar, Michael Prince, Matt Demonbrun, and C. Waters. 2017. “Students’ Expectations, Types of Instruction, and Instructor Strategies Predicting Student Response to Active Learning.” International Journal of Engineering Education 33 (1):2–18.
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  • Prince, Michael, Maura Borrego, Charles Henderson, Stephanie Cutler, and Jeff Froyd. 2013. “Use of Research-Based Instructional Strategies in Core Chemical Engineering Courses.” Chemical Engineering Education 47 (1):27–37.
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  • Shekhar, Prateek, Demonbrun, Matt, Maura Borrego, Cynthia, Finelli, Michael Prince, and Charles Henderson, Waters, Cynthia. 2015. “Development of an Observation Protocol to Study Undergraduate Engineering Student Resistance to Active Learning.” International Journal of Engineering Education 31 (2):597–609.
  • Shekhar, P., M. Borrego, M. DeMonbrun, C., Finelli, C. Crockett, and K. Nguyen, 2020. “Negative Student Response to Active Learning in STEM Classrooms: A Systematic Review of Underlying Reasons.” Journal of College Science Teaching 49 (6):45–54.
  • Smith, Veronica, and LeeAnn Cardaciotto. 2011. “Is Active Learning like Broccoli? Student Perceptions of Active Learning in Large Lecture Classes.” Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 11 (1):53–61.
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  • Tharayil, Sneha, Maura Borrego, Michael Prince, Kevin A. Nguyen, Prateek Shekhar, Cynthia J. Finelli, and Cynthia Waters. 2018. “Strategies to Mitigate Student Resistance to Active Learning.” International Journal of STEM Education 5 (1):7. doi: 10.1186/s40594-018-0102-y.
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