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Condoms and AIDS: Is the Pope Right or Just "Horrifically Ignorant"?

Pages 17-29 | Published online: 18 Jul 2013

  • “nterview of the Holy Father Benedict XVI during the Flight to Africa” (March 17, 2009), http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2009/march/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20090317_africa-interview_en.html.
  • “Belgian Vote on Pope’s Condom Remark Surprises Vatican,” Agence France- Presse, April 3, 2009, http://www.aegis.com/news/afp/2009/AF090403.html.
  • Lila Lundquist, “utch Condemn Pope’s Condom Policies,” Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, March 19, 2009, http://static.rnw.nl/migratie/www.radionetherlands.nl/currentaffairs/region/netherlands/090319-Dutch-Pope-condoms-redirected.
  • “France Attacks Pope condom Comments,” EUbusiness.com, March 18, 2009, http://www.eubusiness.com/news-eu/1237391240.11.
  • Phil Stewart, “Vatican Rejects Belgian Censure of Pope on Condoms,” Reuters, April 3, 2009, http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSL3965391.
  • Henry Samuel, “arla Bruni Criticizes Pope Benedict,” Telegraph.co.uk, May 18, 2009, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/5345389/Carla-Bruni-criticises-Pope-Benedict-XVI.html.
  • “France Attacks Pope Condom Comments,” EUbusiness.com.
  • Pat Buckley, “uropean Parliament Refuses to Condemn Pope Statement on HIV/AIDS,” May 11, 2009, http://europeanlifenetwork.blogspot.com/2009/05/european-parliament-refuses-to-condemn.html.
  • Bonnie Erbe, “Pope’s Dangerous AIDS Message in Africa: No Condoms,” Thomas Jefferson Street blog, U.S. News & World Report, March 18, 2009, http://www.usnews.com/mobile/blogs/erbe/2009/3/18/popes-dangerousaids-message-in-africa-no-condoms.html.
  • K. Kost et al., “Estimates of Contraceptive Failure from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth,” Contraception 77 (2008): 14; Haishan Fu et al., “Contraceptive Failure Rates: New Estimates from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth,” Family Planning Perspectives 31.2 (March/April 1999): 61; Nalini Ranjit et al., Contraceptive Failure in the First Two Years of Use: Differences Across Socioeconomic Subgroups,” Family Planning Perspectives 33.1 (January/February 2001): 23.
  • James Trussell, letter to the editor, Contraception 78 (2008): 85, correcting over-estimate in Kost, “Estimates of Contraceptive Failure.”
  • Rachel K. Jones et al., “Better than Nothing or Savvy Risk-Reduction Practice? The Importance of Withdrawal,” Contraception 79 (2009): 407.
  • Fu, “Contraceptive Failure Rates,” 61.
  • Robert A. Hatcher et al., Contraceptive Technology, 18th rev. ed. (New York: Ardent Media, Inc., 2004), 318.
  • See 鼎ondom,・ https://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/birthcontrol/condom-10187.htm.
  • J. Thomas Fitch et al., “Condom Effectiveness: Factors that Influence Risk Reduction,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 29 (2002): 811–817.
  • Centers for Disease Control, “998 Guidelines for Treatment of Sexually- Transmitted Diseases,” Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 47(RR-1) (1998), http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00050909.htm.
  • Hatcher, Contraceptive Technology, 226.
  • Edward C. Green, Rethinking AIDS Prevention: Learning from Successes in Developing Countries (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2003), 108.
  • Stephen Genius, “Are Condoms the Answer to Rising Rates of Non-HIV Sexually Transmitted Infection? No” British Medical Journal 336 (January 26, 2008) 185.
  • A. Messiah et al., “Condom Breakage and Slippage during Sexual Intercourse: A French National Survey,” American Journal of Public Health 87 (1997): 422.
  • Markus Steiner, Willard Cates Jr., and Lee Warner, “The Real Problem with Male Condoms Is Nonuse,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 26 (1999): 459–462.
  • Joshua R. Mann, Curtis C. Stine, and John Vessey, “The Role of Disease-Specific Infectivity and Number of Disease Exposures on Long-Term Effectiveness of the Latex Condom,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 29 (2002): 344.
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid., 346.
  • J. LeGoff et al., “Herpes Virus 2 and HIV Transmission,” Virologie 7 (2003): 7–15; E.E. Freeman et al., “Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Infection Increases HIV Acquisition in Men and Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies,” AIDS 20 (2006): 73–83.
  • WHO, Sexually Transmitted Infections: Issues in Adolescent Health and Development (Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2004), http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2004/9241591420_eng.pdf.
  • Kate Hendricks and Patricia Thickstun, “Thailand’s 100% Condom Use Policy: Success Is in the Eye of the Beholder,” technical paper, July 28, 2005, Medical Institute for Sexual Health.
  • Mann, Stine, and Vessey, “The Role of Disease-Specific,” 345–346.
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Workshop Summary: Scientific Evidence on Condom Effectiveness for Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Prevention (2001), http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/about/organization/dmid/PDF/condomReport.pdf.
  • J.M. Zenilman et al., “Condom Use to Prevent Incident STDS: The Validity of Self-Reported Condom Use,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 22 (1995): 15–21.
  • Ibid., 15, 19.
  • R.E. Bunnell et al., “High Prevalence and Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Urban Adolescent Females Despite Moderate Risk Behaviors,” Journal of Infectious Diseases 180 (1999): 1624–1631.
  • Ibid., 1628.
  • Judith C. Shlay et al., “Comparison of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevalence by Reported Level of Condom Use Among Patients Attending an Urban Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 31 (2004): 157–158.
  • Ibid., 156.
  • P. Autier et al., “”Melanoma and Use of Sunscreens: An EORTC Case-Control Study in Germany, Belgium and France,” International Journal of Cancer 61 (1995): 749–755; and J. Westerdahl et al., “Is the Use of Sunscreens a Risk Factor for Malignant Melanoma,” Melanoma Research 5 (1995): 59–65, cited in J.M. McGregor and A.R. Young, “Sunscreens, Suntans, and Skin Cancer,” British Medical Journal 312 (1996): 1621–1622.
  • John Richens, John Imrie, and Andrew Copas, “Condoms and Seat Belts: the Parallels and the Lessons,” The Lancet 355 (2000) 400–403.
  • Ibid., emphasis added. A Canadian study found that “televised AIDS messages from the Ontario Ministry of Health made respondents more likely to use condoms and less inclined to avoid casual sexual partners.” W-J Ng, “The Impact of Public Service Announcements on AIDS Risk Perception and Preventive Health Behaviours,” Ph.D. diss. (Kingston, Ontario: Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, 1992), cited in G. Wilde, Target Risk (Toronto, Ontario: PDE Publications, 1994), http://psyc.queensu.ca/target/.
  • Michael M. Cassell et al., “Risk Compensation: The Achilles’ Heel of Innovations in HIV Prevention?” British Medical Journal 332 (2006): 605, emphasis added. The authors cite five studies for this proposition.
  • Green, Rethinking AIDS Prevention, 106. Green cites the following studies as showing higher rates of STD or HIV infections among inconstant condom users than among condom nonusers: W.W. Darrow, “Condom Use and Use-Effectiveness in High-Risk Populations,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 16 (1989), 157–160; N. Hearst and Chen, Condoms for AIDS Prevention in the Developing World: A Review of the Scientific Literature (Geneva: UNAIDS, 2003); J.M. Mann et al., “HIV Infection and Associated Risk Factors in Female Prostitutes in Kinshasa, Zaire,” AIDS 2 (1988): 249–254; M.T. Mbizvo et al., “Condom Use and the Risk of HIV Infection: Who Is Being Protected?” Central African Journal of Medicine 40:11 (1994): 294–299; A Saracco et al., “Man to Woman Sexual Transmission of HIV: Longitudinal Study of 343 Steady Partners of Infected Men,” Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 6 (1993): 497–502; and T.E. Taha et al., “Reported Condom Use Is Not Associated with Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Malawi,” AIDS 10 (1996): 207–212.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Increases in Unsafe Sex and Rectal Gonorrhea Among Men Who Have Sex with Men―San Francisco, California, 1994–1997,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (1999): 45–48, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association 281 (1999): 696– 697; Sheryl L. Catz, Karen L. Meredith, and Linda M. Mundy, “Women’s HIV Transmission Risk Perceptions and Behaviors in the Era of Potent Antiretroviral Therapies,” AIDS Education and Prevention 13 (2001): 239–251; David M. Huebner and Mary A. Gerend, “The Relationship Between Beliefs about Drug Treatments for HIV and Sexual Risk Behavior in Gay and Bisexual Men,” Annals of Behavioral Medicine 23 (2001): 304–312; Seth C. Kalichman et al., “HIV Treatment Beliefs and Sexual Transmission Risk Behaviors among HIV Positive Men and Women,” Journal of Behavioral Medicine 29 (2006): 401–410; David E. Ostrow et al., “Attitudes toward Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Are Associated with Sexual Risk-Taking among HIV-Infected and Uninfected Homosexual Men,” AIDS 16 (2002): 775–780.
  • Cassell, “Risk Compensation,” 605–607.
  • Rand L. Stoneburner and Daniel Low-Beer, “Population-Level Declines and Behavioral Risk Avoidance in Uganda,” Science 304 (2004): 714.
  • J. Hogle, ed., What Happened in Uganda? Declining HIV Prevalence, Behavior Change, and the National Response (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Agency for International Development, 2002), 2, http://www.usaid.gov/pop_health/aids/Countries/africa/uganda_report.pdf.
  • J. Shelton et al., “Partner Reduction Is Crucial for Balanced ‘ABC’ Approach to HIV Prevention,” British Medical Journal 328 (2004): 891.
  • Ibid., 892.
  • T. Allen and S. Heald, “HIV/AIDS Policy in Africa: What Has Worked in Uganda and What Has Failed in Botswana?” Journal of International Development 16 (2004): 1151.
  • John Stover et al., “stimated HIV Trends and Program Effects in Botswana,” PLoS ONE 3 (2008), http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0003729.
  • T. Stammers, “As Easy as ABC? Primary Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections,” Postgraduate Medical Journal 81 (2005): 273–275.
  • Ibid., 273; and E. Asamoah-Odei et al., “ecent Trends in HIV Prevalence Among Pregnant Women in Sub-Saharan Africa,” AIDScience 3 (2003), http://aidscience.org/Articles/AIDScience037.asp.
  • Timothy C. Morgan, “ondoms, HIV, and Pope Benedict,” Christianity Today, March 20, 2009, http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2009/marchweb-only/111-53.0.html.
  • Ibid.; see also Edward C. Green, 典he Pope May Be Right, Washington Post, March 29, 2009, A15, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/27/AR2009032702825_pf.html. Green may be referring to the following articles from Science, The Lancet, British Medical Journal, and Studies in Family Planning: Stoneburner and Low-Beer, “opulation-Level Declines,” 714–18; D. Halperin et al., “he Time Has Come for Common Ground on Preventing Sexual Transmission of HIV,” The Lancet 364 (2004): 1913–915; Shelton et al., “artner Reduction Is Crucial,” 891–93; and Norman Hearst and S. Chen, “ondom Promotion for AIDS Prevention in the Developing World: Is It Working?” Studies in Family Planning 35 (2004): 39–7.
  • Halperin et al., “The Time has Come for Common Ground,” 1913–1915.
  • Ibid.

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