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  • Afonina OM. 2004. Vidy Hypnum selczii Hamilosa (Musci, Hypnaceae) v Rossii [Hypnum sect. Hamulosa (Musci, Hypnaceae) in Russia]. Arctoa 13: 9–28 [ in Russian].
  • Akatova TV, Ignatova EA. 2000. Pogonatum neesii (Polytrichaceae, Musci) in the Russian Caucasus. Arctoa 9: 127–128.
  • Allen B. 1994. Moss flora of Central America Part 1. Sphagnaceae-Calymperaceae. St Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden.
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  • Ando H. 1994. A revision of Hypnum aemulans Limpr., with records of a new species, H. holmend (Sect. Hamulosa) from northern North America, Greenland and Finland. Hikobia 11: 363–370.
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  • Blockeel TL, Smith AJE. 1998. Pottiopsis gen. nov. and notes on other taxa of British and Irish Pottiaceae. Journal of Bryology 20: 65–68.
  • Blockeel TL, Vanderpoorten A, Sotiaux A, Goffinet B. 2005. The status of the mid-western European endemic moss Brachythecium appleyardiae. Journal of Bryology 27: 137–141.
  • Blom HH. 1996. A revision of the Schistidium apocarpum complex in Norway and Sweden. Berlin & Stuttgart: J. Cramer.
  • Blom HH, Liith M. 2002. Schistidium spinosum, a new species from Europe and its relationship to S. liliputanum. Lindbergia 27: 122–126.
  • Boudier P, Pierrot RB. 1992. Orthotrichum flowersii Vitt (Orthotrichaceae, Musci), nouveau pour la bryoflore européenne. Cryptogamie, Bryologie et Lichenologie 13: 165–170.
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  • Bouman AC. 1991. Grimmia curviseta sp. nov. (Musci) a new species from Tenerife. Journal of Bryology 16: 379–382.
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  • Brugués M, Sergio C, Casas C, Cros RM. 2003. Rediscovery of Brachymenium commutatum (Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger and Pohlia andalusica (Höhn.) Broth, in the Sierra Nevada (SE Spain). Lindbergia 28: 99–101.
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  • Buck WR, Privitera M. 1999. Taxonomic remarks on Rhynchostegium strongylense (Bott.) comb. nov., rare endemic from the Mediterranean area. Cryptogamie Bryologie 20: 11–15.
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  • Cano MJ. 2004a. Flora briofitica iberica. Pottiaceae: Hennediella, Tortula. Murcia: Sociedad Espanola de Briologia.
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  • Cano MJ, Guerra J, Ros RM. 1994. Pterygoneurum compactum sp. nov. (Musci: Pottiaceae) from Spain. Bryologist 97: 412–415.
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  • Cano MJ, Ros RM, Garcia-Zamora P, Guerra J. 1996. Didymodon sicculus sp. nov. (Bryopsida, Pottiaceae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Bryologist 99: 401–406.
  • Cano MJ, Ros RM, Guerra J. 1994. Gymnostomum lanceolatum sp. nov. (Pottiaceae, Musci) von der Iberischen Halbinsel. Nova Hedwigia 59: 143–146.
  • Cano MJ, Ros RM, Guerra J, Gonzalez J. 1999. The identity of Entosthodon hungaricus (Boros) Loeske and E. maroccanus (Meyl.) Hébr. & Lo Giudice (Physcomitrium maroccanum Meyl.). Journal of Bryology 21: 67–70.
  • Cano MJ, Werner O, Guerra J. 2005. A morphometric and molecular study in Tortula subulata complex (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 149: 333–350.
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  • Corley MFV, Crundwell AC. 1991. Additions and amendments to the mosses of Europe and the Azores. Journal of Bryology 16: 337–356.
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  • Crundwell AC, Smith AJE. 2000. Heterocladium wulfsbergii I.Hagen in the British Isles. Journal of Bryology 22: 43–47.
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  • Dirkse GM, Bruggeman-Nannenga MA, Bouman AC. 1991. Fissidens papillosus Lac. new to the Canary Islands. Cryptogamie, Bryologie et Lichénologie 12: 451–454.
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  • Draper I, Lara F, Albertos B, Garilleti R, Mazimpaka V. 2003. The epiphytic bryoflora of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif, Morocco), including a new variety of moss, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum. Journal of Bryology 25: 271–280.
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  • Eckel PM. 1998. Re-evaluation of Tortella (Musci, Pottiaceae) in conterminous U.S.A. and Canada with a treatment of the European species Tortella nitida. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 36: 117–191.
  • Eckel PM, Hoy JA, Elliot JC. 1997. Pseudocrossidium obtusulum (Pottiaceae, Bryopsida) new to Montana with key to North American species in the genus. Great Basin Naturalist 57: 259–262.
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