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Practice Papers

Personal budgets and international contexts: Lessons from home and abroad


  • HM Government. Putting people first: a shared vision and commitment to the transformation of adult social care. London: HM Government; 2007.
  • Glendinning C, Challis D, Fernandez J, Jacobs S, Jones K, Knapp M, Manthorpe J, Moran N, Netten A, Stevens M, Wilberforce M. The national evaluation of the individual budgets pilot programme. York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York; 2008.
  • Poll C, Duffy S, Hatton C, Sanderson H, Routledge M. A report on In Control's first phase 2003–2005. London: In Control Publications; 2006.
  • Poll C, Duffy S (eds.). A report on In Control's second phase: evaluation and learning. London: In Control Publications; 2008.
  • NHS Confederation. Shaping personal health budgets — a view from the top. London: The NHS Confederation; 2009.
  • Carr S, Robbins D. SCIE research briefing 20: the implementation of individual budget schemes in adult social care. London: SCIE; 2009.
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  • Carr S. Personalisation: a rough guide (2nd revised edition). London: SCIE; 2010.
  • HM Government. Ref. 1 above.
  • Ibid.
  • Prime Minister's Strategy Unit. Improving the life chances of disabled people. London: Cabinet Office; 2005.
  • Department of Health. Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services. London: Department of Health; 2006.
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  • Department of Health. Understanding personal health budgets. London: Department of Health; 2009.
  • Jones K, Caiels J, Forder J, Windle K, Welch E, Dolan P, Glendinning C, King D. Early experiences of implementing personal health budgets: PSSRU Discussion Paper 2726/2 14 July 2010. Canterbury: University of Kent; 2010.
  • Department of Health. Personal health budgets: first steps. London: Department of Health; 2009.
  • Carr, Robbins. Ref. 6 above.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 2 above.
  • Office for Disability Issues (ODI). Right to control: prospectus for potential trailblazers. London: ODI; 2009.
  • Association of Directors of Social Services (ADASS). Making progress with putting people first: self-directed support. London: DH/ADASS/IDeA/LGA; 2009.
  • Department of Health. A Vision for Adult Social Care: Capable Communities and Active Citizens. London: Department of Health; 2010a.
  • Department of Health. Think Local, Act Personal: Next Steps for Transforming Adult Social Care. London: Department of Health; 2010b.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 2 above.
  • Glendinning C, Challis D, Fernandez J, Jacobs S, Jones K, Knapp M, Manthorpe J, Moran N, Netten A, Stevens M, Wilberforce M. Evaluation of the individual budgets pilot programme: summary report. York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York; 2008.
  • ADASS. Ref. 22 above.
  • Association of Directors of Social Services (ADASS). Common resource allocation framework. London: DH/ADASS; 2009.
  • Ibid. (adapted from.)
  • Bennett T, Cattermole M, Sanderson H. Outcome-focused reviews — A practical guide. London: Department of Health; 2009.
  • Bartlett J. At your service: navigating the future market in health and social care. London: Demos; 2009.
  • Association of Directors of Social Services (ADASS). Putting people first: measuring progress. London: ADASS/LGA; 2009.
  • Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS). Putting People First: Second Year Progress. London: ADASS; 2010.
  • Newman J, Glendinning C, Hughes M. Beyond modernization? Social care and the transformation of welfare governance. J Soc Policy 2008; 37: 531–7.
  • Glendinning C, Bell D. Rethinking social care and support: what can England learn from other countries? York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation; 2008.
  • Pavolini E, Ranci C. Restructuring the welfare state: reforms in long-term care in Western European countries. J Eur Soc Policy 2008; 18: 246–59.
  • Cloutier H, Malloy J, Hagner D. Choice and control over resources: New Hampshire's individual career account demonstration projects. J Rehabil 2006; 72: 4–11.
  • Da Roit B, Le Bihan B, Österle A. Long-term care policies in Italy, Austria and France: variations in cash-for-care schemes. Soc Policy Adm 2007; 41: 653–71.
  • Ungerson C, Yeandle S (eds.). Cash for care in developed welfare states. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan; 2007.
  • Timonen V, Convery J, Cahill S. Care revolutions in the making? A comparison of cash-for-care programmes in four European countries. Ageing Soc 2006; 26: 455–74.
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  • Waterplas L, Samoy E. Personal budgets: the case of Sweden, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium. Rev Fr Aff Soc 2005; 2: 61–101.
  • Arksey H, Kemp P. Dimensions of choice: a narrative review of cash-for-care schemes. Working paper no. DHP 2250. York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York; 2008.
  • Waterplas, Samoy. Ref. 42 above.
  • Tilly J, Wiener JM, Cuellar AE. Consumer-directed home and community services programmes in five countries: policy issues for older people and government. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute; 2005.
  • Glendinning C. Combining choice, quality and equity in social services: synthesis report — Denmark. Brussels: European Commission on Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities; 2009.
  • James AN. A critical consideration of the cash for care agenda and its implications for social services in Wales. Journal of Adult Protection 2008; 10: 23–34.
  • Pearson C (ed.). Direct payments and personalisation of care. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press; 2006.
  • Glendinning, Bell. Ref. 35 above.
  • Glendinning C. Improving equity and sustainability in UK funding for long-term care: lessons from Germany. Social Policy and Society 2007; 6: 411–22.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • Ibid.
  • Pavolini, Ranci. Ref. 36 above.
  • Timonen, et al. Ref. 40 above.
  • Pavolini, Ranci. Ref. 36 above.
  • Da Roit, et al. Ref. 38 above.
  • Timonen, et al. Ref. 40 above.
  • Wanless D. Securing good care for older people: taking a long-term view. London: King's Fund; 2006.
  • Audit Commission. Choosing well: analysing the costs and benefits of choice in local public services. London: Audit Commission; 2006.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Ottmann G, Allen J, Feldman P. Self-directed community aged care for people with complex needs: a literature review. Melbourne: UCCO/Deakin University QRN; 2009.
  • Cloutier, et al. Ref. 37 above.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Glendinning, Bell. Ref. 35 above.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Timonen, et al. Ref. 40 above.
  • Henwood M, Hudson B. Lost to the system?: the impact of fair access to care. London: Commission for Social Care Inspection; 2008.
  • Wanless. Ref. 58 above.
  • Newman, et al. Ref. 34 above.
  • Glendinning, Bell. Ref. 35 above.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 50 above.
  • Arksey, Kemp. Ref. 43 above.
  • Da Roit, et al. Ref. 38 above.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • Timonen, et al. Ref. 40 above.
  • Pavolini, Ranci. Ref. 36 above.
  • Arksey, Kemp. Ref. 43 above.
  • Ibid. and Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Ibid.
  • Doty P, Mahoney KJ, Simon-Rusinowitz L. Designing the cash and counseling demonstration and evaluation. Health Serv Res 2007; 42: 378–96.
  • Ibid.
  • Robert Johnson Wood Foundation. Choosing independence: a summary of the cash & counseling model of self-directed personal assistance services. Princeton, NJ: Robert Johnson Wood Foundation; 2007.
  • Schore J, Foster L, Phillips B. Consumer enrollment and experiences in the cash and counseling program. Health Serv Res 2007; 42: 446–66.
  • Hall JL, Jennings ET. Taking chances: Evaluating risk as a guide to better use of best practices. Public Adm Rev 2008; 68: 695–708.
  • Doty, et al. Ref. 82 above.
  • Robert Johnson Wood Foundation. Ref. 84 above.
  • Schore, et al. Ref. 85 above.
  • Hall, Jennings. Ref. 86 above.
  • Knickman JR, Stone RI. The public/private partnership behind the cash and counseling demonstration and evaluation: Its origins, challenges, and unresolved issues. Health Serv Res 2007; 42: 362–77.
  • Hall, Jennings. Ref. 86 above.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • James. Ref. 47 above.
  • Netten A, Glendinning C, Knapp M, Wilberforce M, Jacobs S, Jones K, Moran N, Fernandez J. Individual budget pilots come under the microscope. Mental Health Today 2008; December/January: 22–7.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
  • Glasby J, Littlechild R. Direct payments and personal budgets: putting personalisation into practice. 2nd ed. Bristol: Policy Press; 2009.
  • ADASS/LGA. Personal budgets - checking the results. London: ADASS/LGA; 2010.
  • Audit Commission. Financial management aspects of personal budgets. London: Audit Commission; 2010.
  • Davey V, Fernández JL, Knapp M, Vick N, Jolly D, Swift P, Tobin R, Kendall J, Ferrie J, Pearson C, Mercer G, Priestley M. Direct payments: a national survey of direct payments policy and practice. London: PSSRU, London School of Economics; 2007.
  • Fernández JL, Kendall J, Davey V, Knapp M. Direct payments in England: factors linked to variations in local provision. J Soc Policy 2007; 36: 97–121.
  • Carr, Robbins. Ref. 6 above.
  • Ibid.
  • Poll, Duffy. Ref. 4 above.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 2 above.
  • Alakeson V. Let patients control the purse strings. Br Med J 2008; 336: 807–9.
  • Poll, Duffy. Ref. 4 above.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 2 above.
  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
  • Robert Johnson Wood Foundation. Ref. 84 above.
  • Manthorpe J, Jacobs S, Rapaport J, Challis D, Netten A, Glendinning C, Stevens M, Wilberforce M, Knapp M, Harris J. Training for change: early days of individual budgets and the implications for social work and care management practice: a qualitative study of the views of trainers. Br J Soc Work 2008; 10: 1–15.
  • Commission for Social Care Inspection. Direct payments. What are the barriers? London: Commission for Social Care Inspection; 2004.
  • Duffy S. Individual budgets: transforming the allocation of resources for care. Int J Integr Care 2005; 13; 8–16.
  • Poll, Duffy. Ref. 4 above.
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  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Arksey, Kemp. Ref. 43 above.
  • Bartlett. Ref. 31 above.
  • Rostgaard T. Domiciliary care for the elderly — a Danish perspective. Paper presented at the Conference on Home Care for Ageing Populations: International Comparisons of Domiciliary Care Policies for Older People, 12th March. Dublin: Social Policy and Aging Research Centre, Trinity College; 2007.
  • OPM. Delivering personal budgets for adult social care: Reflections from Essex. London: OPM; 2010.
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  • Bewley C, McCulloch L. Helping ourselves: direct payments and the development of peer support. London: Values into Action; 2004.
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  • Da Roit, et al. Ref. 38 above.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • James. Ref. 47 above.
  • Doty, et al. Ref. 82 above.
  • Caldwell J. Experiences of families with relatives with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a consumer-directed support program. Disabil Soc 2007; 22: 549–62.
  • Brindle D. Care and support: a community responsibility? York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation; 2008.
  • Raibee P, Moran N. Interviews with early individual budget holders. York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York; 2008.
  • Glendinning C, Arksey H, Jones K, Moran N, Netten A, Rabiee P. The individual budgets pilot projects: impact and outcomes for carers. York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York; 2009.
  • Ibid.
  • Carers UK. Choice or chore: carers' experiences of direct payments. London: Carers UK; 2008.
  • Fox A. Putting people first without putting carers second. Woodford Green: Princess Royal Trust for Carers; 2009.
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  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
  • Netten, et al. Ref. 97 above.
  • Ellis K. Direct payments and social work practice: the significance of ‘street-level bureaucracy’ in determining eligibility. Br J Soc Work 2007; 37: 405–22.
  • Priestley M, Jolly D, Pearson C, Ridell S, Barnes C, Mercer G. Direct payments and disabled people in the UK: supply, demand and devolution. Br J Soc Work 2007; 37: 1189–204.
  • Taylor N. Obstacles and dilemmas in the delivery of direct payments to service users with poor mental health practice. Social Work in Action 2008; 20: 43–55.
  • Spandler H, Vick N. Opportunities for independent living using direct payments in mental health. Health Soc Care Community 2006; 14: 107–15.
  • Neely-Barnes SL, Marcenko MO, Weber L. Community-based, consumer directed services: differential experiences of people with mild and severe intellectual disabilities. Soc Work Res 2008; 32: 55–64.
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  • Musingarimi P. Social care issues affecting older gay, lesbian and bisexual people in the UK: a policy brief. London: ILC-UK; 2009.
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  • Manthorpe, et al. Ref. 114 above.
  • Poll, Duffy. Ref. 4 above.
  • Glendinning C, Challis D, Fernandez J, Jacobs S, Jones K, Knapp M, Manthorpe J, Moran N, Netten A, Stevens M, Wilberforce M. The national evaluation of the individual budgets pilot programme: experiences and implications for care coordinators and managers. York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York; 2008.
  • Manthorpe, et al. Ref. 114 above.
  • NHS Confederation. Ref. 5 above.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 136 above.
  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
  • Bartlett. Ref. 31 above.
  • Arksey, Kemp. Ref. 43 above.
  • Barry M. Effective approaches to risk assessment in social work: an international literature review. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Social Research; 2007.
  • Rowlett N, Deighton S. Simplifying direct payments: how Lincolnshire County Council utilised risk management to deliver genuine improvement. Journal of Care Services Management 2009; 3 (2): 131–43; 2009.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 136 above.
  • NHS Confederation. Ref. 5 above.
  • Netten, et al. Ref. 97 above.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 165 above.
  • Schore, et al. Ref. 85 above.
  • Doty, et al. Ref. 82 above.
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  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
  • Taylor. Ref. 152 above.
  • Glasby, Littlechild. Ref. 100 above.
  • Mitchell, Glendinning. Ref. 190 above.
  • Ellis. Ref. 150 above.
  • Barry. Ref. 172 above.
  • Foster M, Harris J, Jackson K, Morgan H, Glendinning C. Personalised social care for adults with disabilities: a problematic concept for frontline practice. Health Soc Care Community 2006; 14: 125–35.
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  • Spandler H, Vick N. Enabling access to direct payments: an exploration of care co-ordinators decision-making practices. Int J Ment Health 2005; 14: 145–55.
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  • Rowlett N, Deighton S. Simplifying direct payments: how Lincolnshire County Council utilised risk management to deliver genuine improvement. J Care Serv Manag 2009; 3: 131–43.
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  • Manthorpe J, Stevens M, Rapaport J, Harris J, Jacobs S, Challis D, Netten A, Knapp M, Wilberforce M, Glendinning C. Safeguarding and system change: early perceptions of the implications for adult protection services of the English individual budgets pilots: a qualitative study. Br J Soc Work 2008; 1–16.
  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
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  • Ibid.
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  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
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  • Arksey, Kemp. Ref. 43 above.
  • Carr, Robbins. Ref. 6 above.
  • Glendinning. Ref. 46 above.
  • Ottmann, et al. Ref. 61 above.
  • Leadbeater C, Bartlett J, Gallagher N. Making it personal. London: Demos; 2008.
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  • National Council on Disability. The national evaluation of the individual budgets pilot programme (briefing). York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York; 2008.
  • Audit Commission. Ref. 59 above.
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 26 above.
  • Glendinning C , et al. The national evaluation of the individual budgets pilot programme: briefing. York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York; 2008.
  • Leadbeater, et al. Ref. 228 above.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • Audit Commission. Ref. 59 above.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • Robert Johnson Wood Foundation. Ref. 84 above.
  • Commission for Social Care Inspection. The state of social care in England 2007–08: executive summary. London: CSCI; 2009.
  • Glendinning, et al. Ref. 26 above.
  • Robert Johnson Wood Foundation. Ref. 84 above.
  • Ibid.
  • Alakeson. Ref. 109 above.
  • Pavolini, Ranci. Ref. 36 above.
  • Ungerson, Yeandle. Ref. 39 above.
  • Department of Health/Association of Directors of Social Services (ADASS). Briefing note (January 2010): personal budgets: managed services. London: Department of Health; 2010.
  • NHS Confederation. Ref. 5 above.

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