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Tocolytic therapies in development for preterm labour

Pages 621-629 | Published online: 03 Mar 2008


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  • New concept for administration of tocolytics considering uterine contraction physiology and release charasteristics of adrenergic substances.
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  • First concept of 'intelligent' administration of tocolytics, triggered by uterine contractions.
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  • Study about the possibility of parenteral tocolytic therapy on an ambulatory basis.
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  • One of the few studies dealing with the possibility of local (vaginal) adnünsitration of a tocolytic.
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  • This paper was essential for the disproval of useless comedications with verapamil, meant to act as cardioprotection.
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  • Important experimental study for the understanding of possible foetal side effects of calcium channel blockers.
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  • Very important in vitro study for the understanding of the calcium antagonistic mechanism of magnesium at the cell membrane
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  • -25] present the first clinical applicable oxytocin antagonists with peptidyl structure.
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  • First publication of an orally active oxytocin antagonist.
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  • Evaluation of local fibronectin concentrations as an early detection parameter for chorioamnionitis.
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  • System for the prevention and early detection of ascending genital infections adapted to the possibilities in ambulatory routine.
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  • Synopsis of the bacteriocidaVbacteriostatic properties of a new vaginal antiseptic.
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  • Important in vitro study for the understanding of the involvement of prostacyclin in the pharmacologic action of tocolytics.
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