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Pharmacotherapy following myocardial infarction - a review of current treatment practices

Pages 1105-1116 | Published online: 24 Feb 2005


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  • •The first large trial to show a mortality benefit of I31-selective I3-blockers in heart failure.
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  • •One of the large important postinfarction treatment trials.
  • ACE INHIBITOR MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION GROUP: Indications for ACEinhibitors in the early treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Circulation (1998) 97:2192–2194.
  • •A good overview.
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  • •Important study, extending the use of ACE inhibitors.
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  • •Gives the rationale for both direct angiotensin receptor blockade and aldosterone antagonism in patients receiving ACE inhibitors.
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  • •Important demonstration and quantification of tissue production of angiotensin II.
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  • •The first large mortality trial on an angiotensin II receptor antagonist.
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  • •HERS was the first study that investigated the effect of HRT in women with CVD in a prospective and randomised Exp. Opin. Pharmacother. (2000) 1(6) manner. This study caused a shift in paradigm by showing a possibly negative effect of HRT.
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  • •A landmark study on aldosterone inhibition. Stein Orn & Kenneth Dicksteint

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