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Antileukotrienes in asthma: present situation

Pages 441-466 | Published online: 24 Feb 2005


  • DRAZEN JM, AUSTEN KF: Leukotrienes and airway responses. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. (1987) 136:985–998.
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  • EVANS DJ, BARNES PJ, SPAETHE SM, VAN-ALSTYNE EL, MITCHEL MI, O'CONNOR BJ: Effect of leukotriene B4 receptor antagonist, LY293111 on allergen responses in asthma. Thorax (1996) 51:1178–1184.
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  • ZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS: Zafirlukast product monograph. Cheshire, UK (August 1997).
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  • SMITH LJ, HANBY LA, LAVINS BJ, SIMONSON SG: A single dose of zafirlukast reduces LTD4-induced bronchocon-striction in patients on maintenance inhaled corticos-teroid therapy. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. (1998) 81:43–49.
  • DESSANGES JF, PREFAUT C, TAYTARD A et al.: The effectof zafirlukast on repetitive exercise-induced broncho-constriction: the possible role of leukotrienes in exercise-induced refractoriness. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1999) 104:1155–1161.
  • PEARLMAN DS, OSTROM NK, BRONSKY EA, BONUCCELLICM, HANBY LA: The leukotriene D4-recep tor antagonist zafirlukast attenuates exercise-induced bronchocon-striction in children. J Pediatr. (1999) 134:273–279.
  • TAYLOR IK, O'SHAUGHNESSY KM, FULLER RW, DOLLERYCT: Effect of cysteinyl-leukotriene receptor antagonist ICI 204.219 on allergen-induced bronchoconstriction and airway hyperreactivity in atopic subjects. Lancet (1991) 337:690–694.
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  • PHIPATANAKUL W, EGGLESTON PA, CONOVER-WALKERMK, KESAVANATHAN J, SWEITZER D, WOOD RA: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the effect of zafirlukast on upper and lower respira-tory responses to cat challenge. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol (2000) 105:704–710.
  • LAZARUS SC, WONG HH, WATTS MJ, BOUSHEY HA, LAVINS BJ, MINKWITZ MC: The leukotriene receptor antagonist zafirlukast inhibits sulfur dioxide-induced bronchoconstriction in patients with asthma. Am. J Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1997) 156:1725–1730.
  • KIDNEY JC, RIDGE SM, CHUNG KF, BARNES PJ: Inhibi-tion of platelet-activating factor-induced bronchocon-striction by the leukotriene at receptor antagonist ICI 204,219. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. (1993) 147:215–217.
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  • HUI KP, BARNES NC: lung function improvement in asthma with a cysteinyl-leukotriene receptor antago-nist. Lancet (1991) 337:1062–1063.
  • KEMP JP, KORENBLAT PE, SCHERGER JE, MINKWITZ M:Zafirlukast in clinical practice: results of the Accolate Clinical Experience and Pharmacoepidemiology Trial ICI-204,219 inhibits thecumulative bronchialatopic asthmatics. Eur. (ACCEPT) in patients with asthma. J Farm Pract. (1999) 48:425–432.
  • KORENBLAT PE, KEMP JP, SCHERGER JE, MINKWITZ MC, MEZZANOTTE W: Effect of age on response to zafirlu-kast in patients with asthma in the Accolate Clinical Experience and Pharmaco epidemiology Trial (ACCEPT). Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. (2000) 84:217–225.
  • ••Pharmaco-epidemiological study addressed to evaluatebronchodilator effect of zafirlukast in 3759 patients treated for 4 weeks.
  • SPECTOR SL, SMITH LI GLASS M: Effects of 6 weeks oftherapy with oral doses of ICI 204,219, a leukotriene D4 receptor antagonist, in subjects with bronchial asthma. Am. J. Respir. Grit. Care Med. (1994) 150:618–623.
  • FISH JE, KEMP JP, LOCKEY RF, GLASS M, HANBY LA, BONUCCELLI CM: Zafirlukast for symptomatic mild-to-moderate asthma: a 13 week multicenter study. The Zafirlukast Trialists Group. Clin. Ther. (1997) 19:675–690.
  • ••Long-term follow-up study including 762 patients treated for13 weeks.
  • SUISSA S, DENNIS R, ERNST P, SHEEHY O,WOOD-DAUPHINEE S: Effectiveness of the leukotriene receptor antagonist zafirlukast for mild-to-moderate asthma. A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study. Ann. Intern. Med. (1997) 126:177–183.
  • NATHAN RA, BERNSTEIN JA, BIELORY L et al.: Zafirlukastimproves asthma symptoms and quality of life in patients with moderate reversible airflow obstruction. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol (1998) 102:935–942.
  • TASHKIN DP, NATHAN RA, HOWLAND WC, MINKWITZMC, SIMONSON SG, BONUCCELLI CM: An evaluation of zafirlukast in the treatment of asthma with explora-tory subset analyses. J Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1999) 103:246–254.
  • KEMP JP, MINKWITZ MC, BONUCCELLI CM, WARREN MS:Therapeutic effect of zafirlukast as monotherapy in steroid-naive patients with severe persistent asthma. Chest (1999) 115:336–342.
  • GROSSMAN J, SMITH LJ, WILSON AM, THYRUM PT: long-term safety and efficacy of zafirlukast in the treatment of asthma: interim results of an open-label extension trial. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. (1999) 82:361–369.
  • •Open-label extension for 39 weeks of one of the 13-week follow-ups.
  • LAMPL KL, DIXON SJ, BONUCELLI CM: long-term safetyand efficacy of zafirlukast (Accolate) in pediatric patients with mild-to-moderate asthma. Am. J Respir. Grit. Care Med. (1999) 159:A138.
  • ADKINS JC, BRODGEN RN: Zafirlukast. A review of itspharmacology and therapeutic potential in the management of asthma. Drugs (1998) 55:121–144.
  • BUSSE W, NELSON H, WOLFE J, KALBERG C, YANCEY SW,RICKARD KA: Comparison of inhaled salmeterol and oral zafirlukast in patients with asthma. J Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1999) 103:1075–1080.
  • WESTBROEK J, PASMA HR: Effects of 2 weeks of treatment with fluticasone propionate 100 mcgb.d. by comparison with zafirlukast 20 mg b.d. on bronchial hyper-responsiveness in patients with mild to moderate asthma. Respir. Med. (2000) 94:112–118.
  • ••Zafirlukast compared to fluticasone in a 2 week treatmentperiod.
  • CHRISTIAN VIRCHOW C, PRASSE A, NAYA I, SUMMERTON L, HARRIS A: Zafirlukast improves asthma control in patients receiving high-dose inhaled corticosteroids. Am. J. Respir. Grit. Care Med. (2000) 162:578–585.
  • ••Zafirlukast shows a corticosteroid-sparing effect.
  • CALHOUN WJ, LAVINS BJ, MINKWITZ MC, EVANS R, GLEICH GJ, COHN J: Effect of zafirlukast (Accolate) on cellular mediators of inflammation: bronchoalveolar lavage fluid findings after segmental antigen challenge. Am. J. Respir. Grit. Care Med. (1998) 157:1381–1389.
  • LIP WORTH BJ, DEMPSEY OJ, AZIZ I, WILSON AM: Effectsof adding a leukotriene antagonist or a long-acting beta2-agonist in asthmatic patients with the glycine-16 beta2-adrenoceptor genotype. Am. J. Med. (2000) 109:114–121.
  • BAZAN-SOCHA S, SANAK M, SZCZEKLIK A: Expression of leukotriene C4 synthase (LTC4S) in peripheral blood leukocytes in patients with asthma. Eur. j Clin. Invest. (1998) 28:A50. Abstract.
  • SAMPSON AP, SIDDIQUI S, BUCHANAN D et al.: Variant LTC4 synthase allele modifies cysteinyl leukotriene synthesis in eosinophils and predicts clinical response to zafirlukast. Thorax (2000) 5 5 (Suppl. 2):S28–531.
  • ••Asthmatics with polymorphisms AC or CC in their LTC4synthase allele show much better response to zafirlukast than the wild type genotype (AA).
  • BROCKS DR, UPWARD JW, GEORGIOU P et al.: The single and multiple dose pharmacokinetics of pranlukast in healthy volunteers. Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. (1996) 51:303–308.
  • BROCKS DR, UPWARD J, DAVY M et al.: Evening dosingis associated with higher concentrations of pranlukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, in healthy male volunteers. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. (1997) 44:289–291.
  • BROCKS DR, UPWARD J, HUST R et al.: The pharmacoki-netics of pranlukast in healthy young and elderly subjects. Int. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (1996) 34:375–379.
  • USHAUGHNESSY TC, GEORGIOU P, HOWLAND K, DENNIS M, COMPTON CH, BARNES NC: Effect of pranlu-kast, an oral leukotriene receptor antagonist, on leukotriene D4 (LTD4) challenge in normal volunteers. Thorax (1997) 52:519–522.
  • FUJIMURA M, SAKAMOTO S, KAMIO Y, MATSUDA T: Effect of a leukotriene antagonist, ONO 1078, on bronchial hyp err esponsiveness in patients with asthma. Respir. Med. (1993) 87:133–138.
  • YOSHIDA S, SAKAMOTO H, ISHIZAKI Y et al.: Efficacy ofleukotriene receptor antagonist in bronchial hyperre-sponsiveness and hypersensitivity to analgesic in aspirin intolerant asthma. an. Exp. Allergy (2000) 30:64–70.
  • SUGURO H, MAJIMA T, ICHIMURA K et al.: Effect of aleukotriene antagonist, pranlukast hydrate, on exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1997) 155:A662. Abstract.
  • TANIGUCHI Y, TAMURA G, HONMA M et al.: The effect ofan oral leukotriene antagonist, ONO-1078, on allergen-induced immediate bronchoconstriction in asthmatic subjects. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1993) 92:507–512.
  • OKUDAIRA H: Challenge studies of a leukotrienereceptor antagonist. Chest (1997) 111(2 Supp1)1:46S–51S.
  • HAMILTON A, FAIFERMAN I, STOBER P, WATSON RM,O'BYRNE PM: Pranlukast, a cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist, attenuates allergen induced early and late phase bronchoconstriction and airway hyperresponsiveness in asthmatic subjects. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1998) 102:177–183.
  • GROSSMAN J, FAIFERMAN I, DUBB JVV etal. Results of thefirst US double blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical study in asthma with pranlukast, a novel leukotriene receptor antagonist. J. Asthma (1997) 34:321–328.
  • BARNES NC, PUJET JC: Pranlukast, a novel leukotriene receptor antagonist: results of the first European, placebo controlled, multicentre clinical study in asthma. Thorax (1997) 52:523–527.
  • ••Only follow-up study with pranlukast that applies compara-tive statistics to the results.
  • BARNES NC, DE-JONG B, MIYAMOTO T: Worldwide clinical experience with the first marketed leukotriene receptor antagonist. Chest (1997) 111 (Suppl. 2):525–605.
  • WENZEL S, CHERVINSKY P, KERWIN E et al.: Oral pranlu-kast (Ultair) vs. inhaled beclomethasone: results of a 12-week trial in patients with asthma. Am]. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1997) 155:A203. Abstract.
  • SHAN S, GALANT S, MURRAY J et al.: Pranlukast (Ultair) improves FEVi in patients with asthma: results of of a 12-week multicenter study vs. nedocromil. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1997) 1 5 5:A665. Abstract.
  • TAMAOKI J, KONDO M, SAKAI N et al.: leukotriene antagonist prevents exacerbation of asthma during reduction of high dose inhaled corticosteroid. The Tokyo Joshi Idai Asthma Research Group. Am]. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1997) 155:1235–1240.
  • ••Pranlukast shows a corticosteroid-sparing effect.
  • OOSAKI R, MIZUSHIMA Y, KASHII T, KAWASAKI A, KOBAYASHI M: Therapeutic effect of pranlukast, a selective cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist, on bronchial asthma. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. (1997) 114:97–100.
  • YOKOYAMA A, KOHNO N, SAKAI K, HIRASAWA Y, KONDO K, HIWADA K: Effect of pranlukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, in patients with severe asthma refractory to corticosteroids. j Asthma (1998) 35:57–62.
  • TANAKA H, SAITO T, KUROKAWA K et al.: leukotriene(LT) receptor antagonist is more effective in asthmatic patients with a low baseline ratio of urinary LTEt to 2,3 dinor 6 keto prostaglandin (PG)F1 alpha. Allergy (1999) 54:489–494.
  • HORIGUCHI T, TACHIKAWA S, KASAHARA J, DOI M, SHIGA M: Effects of pranlukast hydrate on serum eosinophil cationic protein levels in patients with adult bronchial asthma. Arzneimittelforschung (1999) 49:35–37.
  • NAKAMURA Y, HOSHINO M, SIM JJ, ISHII K, HOSAKA K, SAKAMOTO T: Effect of the leukotriene receptor antagonist pranlukast on cellular infiltration in the bronchial mucosa of patients with asthma. Thorax (1998) 53:835–841.
  • KOBAYASHI H, TAKAHASHI Y, MITSUFUJI H et al.: Decreased exhaled nitric oxide in mild persistent asthma patients treated with a leukotriene receptor antagonist, pranlukast. Jpn. Physiol. (1999) 49:541–544.
  • ZHAO JJ, ROGERS JD, HOLLAND SD et al.: Pharmacoki-netics and bioavailability of montelukast sodium (MK 0476) in healthy young and elderly volunteers. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. (1997) 18:769–777.
  • CHENG H, LEFF JA, AMIN R et al.: Pharmacokinetics, bioavailability and safety of montelukast sodium (MK 0476) in healthy males and females. Pharm. Res. (1996) 13:445–458.
  • KNORR B, LARSON P, NGUYEN HH et al.: Montelukast dose selection in 6 to 14 year olds: comparison of single dose pharmacokinetics in children and adults. J. Clin. Pharmacol. (1999) 39:786–793.
  • SCHOORS DF, DE SMET M, REISS T et al.: Single dose pharmacokinetics, safety and tolerability of MK 0476, a new leukotriene at receptor antagonist, in healthy volunteers. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. (1995) 40:277–280.
  • VAN HECKEN A, DEPRE M, VERBESSELT R et al.: Effect of montelukast on the pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-dynamics of warfarin in healthy volunteers. J. Clin. Pharmacol. (1999) 39:495–500.
  • MALMSTROM K, SCHVVARTZ J, REISS TF et al.: Effect of montelukast on single dose theophyllinepharmacoki-netics. Am. J. Ther. (1998) 5:189–195.
  • DEPRE M, VAN HECKEN A, VERBESSELT R et al.: Effect ofmultiple doses of montelukast, a CysLTi receptor antagonist, on digoxin pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers. J. Clin. Pharmacol (1999) 39:941–944.
  • MERCK SHARP & DOHME: Montelukast product monograph. New Jersey, USA (March 1998).
  • DE LEPELEIRE I, REISS TF, ROCHETTE F et al: Montelu-kast causes prolonged, potent leukotriene D4 receptor antagonism in the airways of patients with asthma. Pharmacol. Ther. (1997) 61:83–92.
  • BRONSKY EA, KEMP JP, ZHANG J, GUERREIRO D, REISS TF : Dose related protection of exercise bronchocon-striction by montelukast, a cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist, at the end of a once daily dosing interval. Clin. Pharmacol Ther. (1997) 62:556–561.
  • REISS TF, HILL JB, HARMAN E et al: Increased urinary excretion of LTE4 after exercise and attenuation of exercise induced bronchospasm by montelukast, a cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist. Thorax (1997) 52:1030–1035.
  • LEFF JA, BUSSE WW, PEARLMAN D etal.: Montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, for the treatment of mild asthma and exercise induced bronchoconstric-tion. N Engl. J. Med. (1998) 339:147–152.
  • DIAMANT Z, GROOTENDORST DC, VESELIC CHARVAT Metal.: The effect of montelukast (MK 0476), a cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist, on allergen induced airway responses and sputum cell counts in asthma. Clin. Exp. Allergy (1999) 29:42–51.
  • DEMPSEY OJ, WILSON AM, SIMS EJ, MISTRY C, LIP WORTHBJ: Additive bronchoprotective and bronchodilator effects with single doses of salmeterol and montelu-kast in asthmatic patients receiving inhaled cortico-steroids. Chest (2000) 117:950–953.
  • REISS TF, SORKNESS CA, STRICKER WSO et al.: Effects ofmontelukast (MK-0476); a potent cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist, on bronchodilation in asthmatic subjects treated with and without inhaled corticosteroids. Thorax (1997) 52:45–48.
  • DOCKHORN RJ, BAUMGARTNER RA, LEFF JA et al: Comparison of the effects of intravenous and oral montelukast on airway function: a double blind, placebo controlled, three period, crossover study in asthmatic patients. Thorax (2000) 55:260–265.
  • REISS TF, ALTMAN LC, CHERVINSKY P et al. Effects ofmontelukast (MK-0476), a new potent cysteinyl leukotriene (LTD4) receptor antagonist, in patients with chronic asthma. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol (1996) 98:528–534.
  • NOONAN MJ, CHERVINSKY P, BRANDON M et al. Montelukast, a potent leukotriene receptor antago-nist, causes dose-related improvements in chronic asthma. Eur. Respir. J. (1998) 11:1232–1239.
  • REISS TF, CHERVINSKY P, DOCKHORN RJ, SHINGO S, SEIDENBERG B, EDWARDS TB: Montelukast, a once-daily leukotriene receptor antagonist, in the treatment of chronic asthma. Arch Intern Med. (1998) 158:1213–1239.
  • ••A 3 week follow-up study involving 681 patients.
  • ALTMAN LC, MUNK Z, SELTZER J et al: A placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study of montelukast, a cysteinyl leukotriene-receptor antagonist. Montelu-kast Asthma Study Group. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol (1998) 102:50–56.
  • VILLARAN C, O'NEILL SJ, HELBLING A et al.: Montelukast versus salmeterol in patients with asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Montelu-kast/Salmeterol Exercise Study Group. J Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1999) 104:547–553.
  • ••Montelukast offers better protection than salmeterol to EIBover a 8 week period.
  • EDELMAN JM, TURPIN JA, BRONSKY EA et al: Oral montelukast compared with inhaled salmeterol to prevent exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. A randomized, double blind trial. Exercise Study Group. Ann. Intern. Med. (2000) 1 32:97–104.
  • MALMSTROM K, RODR1GUEZ-GOMEZ G, GUERRA J et al.: Oral montelukast, inhaled beclomethasone and placebo for chronic asthma. Arandomized, controlled trial. Montelukast/Beclomethasone Study Group. Ann. Intern. Med. (1999) 130:487–495.
  • ••Low-dose beclomethasone shows larger mean effects thanmontelukast in 895 patients followed for 12 weeks.
  • LAVIOLETTE M, MALMSTROM K, LU S et al.: Montelukast added to inhaled beclomethasone in treatment of asthma. Mon telukast/Beclomethasone Additivity Group. Am. J. Respir. Grit. Care Med. (1999) 160:1862–1868.
  • ••Montelukast has a corticosteroid-sparing effect.
  • LOFDAHL CG, REISS TF, LEFF JA et al.: Randomised,placebo controlled trial of effect of a leukotriene receptor antagonist, montelukast, on tapering inhaled corticosteroids in asthmatic patients. Br. Med. J (1999) 319:87–90.
  • BJERMER L, BISGAARD H, BOUSQUET J et al: Montelu-kast or salmeterol combined with an inhaled steroid in adult asthma: design and rationale of a randomized, double blind comparative study (the IMPACT Investi-gation of Montelukast as a Partner Agent for Comple-mentary Therapy Trial). Respir. Med. (2000) 94:612–621.
  • PIZZICHINI E, LEFF JA, REISS TF et al.: Montelukastreduces airway eosinophilic inflammation in asthma: a randomized, controlled trial. Eur. Respir. J (1999) 14:12–18.
  • KEMP JP, DOCKHORN RJ, SHAPIRO GG et al.: Montelu-kast once daily inhibits exercise induced bronchocon-striction in 6 to 14 year old children with asthma. J Pediatr. (1998) 133:424–428.
  • BISGAARD H, LOLAND L, OJ JA: NO in exhaled air ofasthmatic children is reduced by the leukotriene receptor antagonist montelukast. Am. J Respir. Grit. Care Med. (1999) 160:1227–1231.
  • BRATTON DL, LANZ MJ, MIYAZAWA N, WHITE CW, SILKOFF PE: Exhaled nitric oxide before and after montelukast sodium therapy in school age children with chronic asthma: a preliminary study. Pediatr. Pulmonol (1999) 28:402–407.
  • VOLOVITZ B, TABACHNIK E, NUSSINOVITCH M et al: Montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, reduces the concentration of leukotrienes in the respiratory tract of children with persistent asthma. J Allergy Clin. Immunol (1999) 104:1162–1167.
  • ••Montelukast shows anti-inflammatory properties inchildren.
  • BISGAARD H, NIELSEN KG: Bronchoprotection With leukotriene receptor antagonist in asthmatic preschool children. Am. J Respir. Crit. Care Med. (2000) 162:187–190.
  • ••First study with montelukast in children 3–5 years old.
  • KNORR B, MATZ J, BERNSTEIN JA et al.: Montelukast for chronic asthma in 6 to 14 year old children: a random-ized, double blind trial. Pediatric Montelukast Study Group. JAMA (1998) 279:1181–1186.
  • ••Follow-up study evaluating montelukast in a group of 336children 6–14 years old for 8 weeks.
  • VOLOVITZ B, DUERAS-MEZA E, CHMIELEWSKA-SZEWCZYK DA et al: Comparison of oral monelukast and inhaled cromolyn with respect to preference, satisfaction and adherence: A multicenter, random-ized open-label, crossover study in children with mild to moderate asthma. Curr. Ther. Res. Clin. Exp. (2000) 61:490–506.
  • KNORR BA, FRANCHI LM, MASPERO JF et al.: Montelukast (MK-0476) improves asthma over a 3 month treatment period in 2- to 5-year-olds. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (2000) 161:A194. Abstract.
  • KNORR BA, SIENRA MONGE JJ, URRUELA R et al.: Evalua-tion of the safety profile of montelukast (MK-0476) in pediatric patients aged 2 to 5 years. Am. J Respir. Crit. Care Med. (2000) 161:A194. Abstract.
  • AWNI WM, BRAECKMAN RA, GRANNEMAN GR, WITT G, DUBE LM: Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of zileuton after oral administration of single and multiple dose regimes of zileuton 600 mg in healthy volunteers. Clin. Pharmacokinet. (1995) 2 9 (Suppl. 2):22–33.
  • WONG SL, AWNI WM, CAVANAUGH JH, EL-SHOURBAGY T, LOCKE CS, DUBE LM: The pharmacokinetics of single oral doses of zileuton 200 to 800 mg, its enantiomers and its metabolites, in normal healthy volunteers. Clin. Pharmacokinet. (1995) 2 9 (Suppl. 2):9–21.
  • AWNI WM, CAVANAUGH JH, BRAECKMAN RA et al: The effect of mild moderate hepatic impairment (cirrhosis) on the pharmacokinetics of zileuton. Clin. Pharmacokinet. (1995) 2 9 (Suppl. 2):49–61.
  • AWNI WM, WONG S, CHU SY, PATTERSON K et al: Pharmacokinetics of zileuton and its metabolites in patients with renal impairment. J. Clin. Pharmacol. (1997) 37:395–404.
  • AWNI WM, CAVANAUGH JH, TZENG TB, WITT G, GRANNEMAN GR, DUBE LM: Pharmacokinetic interac-tions between zileuton and prednisone. Clin. Pharma-cokinet. (1995) 2 9 (Suppl. 2):105–111.
  • AWNI WM, CAVANAUGH JH, LEESE P, KASIER J, CAO G, LOCKE CS, DUBE LM: The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interaction between zileuton and terfenadine. Eur. j Clin. Pharmacol. (1997) 52:49–54.
  • GRANNEMAN GR, BRAECKMAN RA, LOCKE CS, CAVANAUGH JH, DUBE LM, AWNI WM: Effect of zileuton on theophylline pharmacokinetics. Clin. Pharma-cokinet. (1995) 29 (Suppl. 2):77–83.
  • BRAECKMAN RA, GRANNEMAN GR, LOCKE CS, MACHINIST JM, CAVANAUGH JH, AWNI WM: The pharmacokinetics of zileuton in healthy young and elderly volunteers. Clin. Pharmacokinet. (1995) 29 (Suppl. 2):42–48.
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