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Immunoregulatory T cells in cancer immunotherapy

, , &
Pages 827-834 | Published online: 23 Feb 2005


  • DURKIN HG, WAKSMAN BH: Thymus and tolerance. Is regulation the major function of the thymus? Immunol Rev (2001) 182:33–57.
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  • ITOH M, TAKAHASHI T,SAKAGUCHI N et al.: Thymus and autoimmunity: production of CD25+CD4+ naturally anergic and suppressive T cells as a key function of the thymus in maintaining immunologic self-tolerance. J. Immunol (1999) 162:5317–5326.
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  • TAKAHASHI T, KUNIYASU Y, TODA M et al.: Immunologic self-tolerance maintained by CD25+CD4+ naturally anergic and suppressive T cells: induction of autoimmune disease by breaking their anergic/suppressive state. Int. Inonunol. (1998) 10:1969–1980.
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  • •One of the few papers on chemokines that direct migration of CD4+CD25+ T cells. This line of research should receive more attention in the future.
  • THORNTON AM, SHEVACH EM: Suppressor effector function of CD4+CD25+ immunoregulatory T cells is antigen nonspecific. Inonunol. (2000) 164:183–190.
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  • NAKAMURA K, KITANI A,STROBER W: Cell contact-dependent immunosuppression by CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells is mediated by cell surface-bound transforming growth factor beta. J. Exp. Med. (2001) 194:629–644.
  • PICCIRILLO CA, LETTERIO JJ, THORNTON AM et al: CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells can mediate suppressor function in the absence of transforming growth factor betal production and responsiveness. J. Exp. Med. (2002) 196:237–246.
  • JONULEIT H, SCHMITT E,KAKIRMAN H, STASSEN M, KNOP J, ENK AH: Infectious tolerance: human CD25(+) regulatory T cells convey suppressor activity to conventional CD4(+) T helper cells. J. Exp. Med. (2002) 196:255–260.
  • DIECKMANN D, BRUETT CH, PLOETTNER H, LUTZ MB,SCHULER G: Human CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory, contact-dependent T cells induce interleukin 1-producing, contact-independent Type 1-like regulatory T cells. J. Exp. Med. (2002) 196:247–253.
  • TAKAHASHI T, TAGAMI T,YAMAZAKI S, et al.: Immunologic self-tolerance maintained by CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells constitutively expressing cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associatedantigen 4.j Exp. Med. (2000) 192:303–310.
  • READ S, MALMSTROM V, POWRIE F: Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 plays an essential role in the function of CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory cells that control intestinal inflammation. I Exp. Med (2000) 192:295–302.
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  • PICCIRILLO CA, SHE VACH EM: Cutting edge: control of CD8+ T cell activation by CD4+CD25+ immunoregulatory cells. Inonunol. (2001) 167:1137–1140.
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  • •Description of the presence of CD4+CD25+ T cells in tumours which raises important questions about how these cells may impair tumour immune responses.
  • SHIMIZU J, YAMAZAKI S,SAKAGUCHI S: Induction of tumor immunity by removing CD25+CD4+ T cells: a common basis between tumor immunity and autoimmunity. Inonunol. (1999) 163:5211–5218.
  • •Important paper which along with [40] demonstrates how removing CD4+CD25+ T cells, even transiently, can ameliorate immunological non-responsiveness to tumours in murine models.
  • ONIZUKA S, TAWARA I, SHIMIZU J,SAKAGUCHI S, FUJITA T,NAKAYAMA E. Tumor rejection by in vivo administration of anti-CD25 (interleukin-2 receptor alpha) monoclonal antibody. Cancer Res. (1999) 59:3128–33.
  • •Demonstrates that multiple tumour cell lines can be rejected following CD4+CD25+ depletion.
  • TANAKA H, TANAKA J,KJAERGAARD J, SHU S: Depletion of CD4+ CD25+ regulatory cells augments the generation of specific immune T cells in tumor-draining lymph nodes.Immunother. (2002) 25:207–217.
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  • SUTMULLER RP,VAN DUIVENVOORDE LM,VAN ELSAS A et al.: Synergism of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 blockade and depletion of CD25(+) regulatory T cells in antitumor therapy reveals alternative pathways for suppression of autoreactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses. Exp. Med. (2001) 194:823–832.
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  • ANTONY PA, RESTIFO NP: Do CD4+ CD25+ immunoregulatory T cells hinder tumor immunotherapy? Immunother.(2002) 25:202–206.
  • GAVIN MA, CLARKE SR, NEGROU E, GALLEGOS A, RUDENSKY A: Homeostasis and anergy of CD4(+)CD25(+) suppressor T cells in vivo. Nat. Immunol (2002) 3:33–41.

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