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Interleukin-10-based therapy for inflammatory bowel disease

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Pages 725-731 | Published online: 03 Mar 2005


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  • •Underlines the importance of IL-10 in controlling mucosal tolerance.
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  • •Describes the possibility of IL-10-producing T cells as a treatment for experimental colitis.
  • AITHAL GP, CRAGGS A, DAY CP et al.: Role of polymorphisms in the interleukin-10 gene in determining disease susceptibility and phenotype in inflammatory bowel disease. Dig. Dis. Sci. (2001) 46:1520–1525.
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  • •Stretches the disadvantages of systemic IL-10 treatment.
  • VAN MONTFRANS C, HOOTJBERG E, RODRIGUEZ PENA MS et al: Generation of regulatory gut-homing human T lymphocytes using ex vivo interleukin 10 gene transfer. Gastroenterology (2002) 123: 1877-1888.
  • ••Describes the possibility to generate IL-10-producing human T cells by gene therapy.
  • LINDSAY JO, CIESIELSKI CJ, SCHEININ T, BRENNAN FM, HODGSON HJ: Local delivery of adenoviral vectors encoding murine interleukin 10 induces colonic interleukin 10 production and is therapeutic for murine colitis. Gut (2003) 52:363–369.
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