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Targeting endogenous inhibitors of apoptosis for treatment of cancer, stroke and multiple sclerosis

Pages 241-253 | Published online: 25 Feb 2005


  • KISCHKEL FC, HELLBARDT S, BEHRMANN I et al.: Cytotoxicity-dependent APO-1 (Fas/CD95)-associated proteins form a death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) with the receptor. EMBO J. (1995) 14(22):5579–5588.
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  • ••First report on the role of caspase 12 inER-mediated apoptosis.
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  • •A detailed review on caspases
  • CROOK NE, CLEM RJ, MILLER LK: An apoptosis-inhibiting baculovirus gene with a zinc finger-like motif. J. Virol (1993) 67(4):2168–2174. First report on viral IAPs.
  • LISTON P, FONG WG, KORNELUK RG: The inhibitors of apoptosis: there is more to life than Bc12.Oncogene (2003) 22(53):8568–8580.
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  • MILLER LK: An exegesis of IAP s: salvation and surprises from BIR motifs. Trends Cell Biol. (1999) 9(8):323–328.
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  • ••First structural study illuminating themechanism of Smac/Diablo mediated relieve of XIAP anti-caspase activity.
  • RIEDL SJ, RENATUS M, SCHWARZENBACHER R et al.: Structural basis for the inhibition of caspase-3 by XIAP. Cell (2001) 104(5):791–800.
  • ••First structural examination ofXIAP-caspase 3 interaction.
  • HUANG Y, PARK YC, RICH RL et al: Structural basis of caspase inhibition by XIAP. differential roles of the Linker versus the BIR domain. Cell (2001) 104(5):781–790.
  • ••Structural study identifying the rolesof XIAP BIR and linker regions in caspase binding.
  • CHAT J, SHIOZAKI E, SRINIVASULA SM et al.: Structural basis of caspase-7 inhibition by XIAP. Cell (2001) 104(5):769–780.
  • ••First structural report on caspase-7 andXIAP interaction.
  • ROY N, DEVERAUX QL, TAKAHASHI R, SALVESEN GS, REED JC: The c-TAP-1 and c-TAP-2 proteins are direct inhibitors of specific caspases. EMBO J. (1997) 16(23):6914–6925.
  • DEVERAUX QL, LEO E, STENNICKE HR et al.: Cleavage of human inhibitor of apoptosis protein XIAP results in fragments with distinct specificities for caspases. EMBO J. (1999) 18(19):5242–5251.
  • BRATTON SB, WALKER G, SRINIVASULA SM et al.: Recruitment, activation and retention of caspases-9 and -3 by Apaf-1 apoptosome and associated XIAP complexes. EMBO J. (2001) 20(5):998–1009.
  • •Firt report suggesting that XIAP associates with the apoptosome.
  • ZHOU Q, KREBS JF, SNIPAS SJ et al: Interaction of the baculovirus anti-apoptotic protein p35 with caspases. Specificity, kinetics, and characterization of the caspase/p35 complex. Biochemistry (Mosc) (1998) 37(30):10757–10765.
  • XU G, CIRILLI M, HUANG Y et al.: Covalent inhibition revealed by the crystal structure of the caspase-8/p35 complex. Nature (2001) 410(6827):494–497.
  • ••First structural assesment of baculoviral TAP protein p35 interaction with caspase–8.
  • AMBROSINI G, ADIDA C, ALTIERI DC: A novel anti-apoptosis gene, survivin, expressed in cancer and lymphoma. Nat. Med. (1997) 3(8):917–921.
  • ••First report suggesting the involvementof IAPs in cancer.
  • CHU ZL, MCKINSEY TA, LIU L et al.:Suppression of tumor necrosis factor-induced cell death by inhibitor of apoptosis c-IAP2 is under NF-icB control. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (1997) 94(19):10057–10062.
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  • HOLCIK M, LEFEBVRE CA, YEH C, CHOW T, KORNELUK RG: A new internal-ribosome-entry-site motif potentiates XIAP-mediated cytoprotection. Nat. Cell Biol. (1999) 1(3):190–192.
  • •Identification of a unique mechanism that regulates translation of XIAP in response to cellular stress.
  • HOLCIK M, YEH C, KORNELUK RG, CHOW T: Translational upregulation of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) increases resistance to radiation induced cell death. Oncogene (2000) 19(36):4174–4177.
  • YANG Y, FANG S, JENSEN JP, WEISSMAN AM, ASHVVELL JD: Ubiquitin protein ligase activity of IAPs and their degradation in proteasomes in response to apoptotic stimuli. Science (2000) 288(5467):874–877.
  • ••The ubiquitin ligase activity of IAPs wasidentified for the first time.
  • LI X, YANG Y, ASH WELL JD: TNF-RII and c-IAP1 mediate ubiquitination and degradation of TRAF2.Nature (2002) 416(6878):345–347.
  • HUANG H, JOAZEIRO CA, BONFOCO E et al: The inhibitor of apoptosis, cIAP2, functions as a ubiquitin-protein ligase and promotes M vitro monoubiquitination of caspases 3 and 7.J. Biol. Chem. (2000) 275(35):26661–26664.
  • SUZUKI Y, NAKABAYASHI Y, TAKAHASHI R: Ubiquitin-protein ligase activity of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein promotes proteasomal degradation of caspase-3 and enhances its anti-apoptotic effect in Fas-induced cell death. Proc. Nati Acad. Sci. USA (2001) 98: 8662–8667.
  • DU C, FANG M, LI Y, LI L, WANG X: Smac, a mitochondrial protein that promotes cytochrome c-dependent caspase activation by eliminating TAP inhibition. Cell (2000) 102(1):33–42.
  • ••Identification and characterization of thefirst mammalian TAP interacting protein.
  • VERHAGEN AM, EKERT PG, PAKUSCH M et al: Identification of DIABLO, a mammalian protein that promotes apoptosis by binding to and antagonizing TAP proteins. Cell (2000) 102(1):43–53.
  • ••Identification and characterization of thefirst mammalian TAP interacting protein.
  • CHAT J, DU C, WU JW et al: Structural and biochemical basis of apoptotic activation by Smac/DIABLO. Nature (2000) 406(6798):855–862.
  • ••Structural report identifying themechanism of Smac/XIAP interaction and Smac function.
  • LIU Z, SUN C, OLEJNICZAK ET et al.: Structural basis for binding of Smac/DIABLO to the XIAP BIR3 domain. Nature (2000) 408(6815):1004–1008.
  • ••Structural report identifying themechanism of Smac/XIAP interaction and Smac function.
  • WU G, CHAT J, SUBER TL et al.: Structural basis of TAP recognition by Smac/DIABLO. Nature (2000) 408(6815):1008–1012.
  • ••Structural report identifying themechanism of Smac/XIAP interaction and Smac function.
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  • LISTON P, FONG WG, KELLY NL et al.: Identification of XAF1 as an antagonist of XIAP anti-caspase activity. Nat. Cell Biol. (2001) 3(2):128–133.
  • ••Identification and characterization of aprotein that inhibits XIAP anti-caspase activity by a mechanism that is distinct from Smac.
  • FONG WG, LISTON P, RAJCAN-SEPAROVIC E et al.: Expression and genet. analyses of XIAP-associated factor 1 (XAF1) in cancer cell lines. Gnomic s (2000) 70(1):113–122.
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  • •First report indicating that antisense oligonudeotide-mediated targeting of XIAP is effective in vivo mouse tumour models.
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  • ••First report that identified small moleculetargeted against XIAP as being effective as a potent anti-cancer agent both in vivo and in vitro without significant negative side effects.
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  • ••Identification of TAP-mediated genetherapy as a potential approach for the treatment of ischearnia.
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  • SHARIEF MK: Increased cellular expression of the caspase inhibitor FLIP in intrathecal lymphocytes from patients with multiple sclerosis. I Neuroimmunol. (2000) 111(1-2):203–209.
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  • SHARIEF MK, SEMRA YK: Upregulation of the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins in activated T lymphocytes from patients with multiple sclerosis. Neuroimmunol. (2001) 119(2):350–357.
  • •First report identifying IAPs as candidate genes associated with MS.
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