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Interactions between herbal and conventional medicines

Pages 355-378 | Published online: 22 Apr 2005


  • COXETER P, McLAGHLAN AJ, DUKE CC, ROUFOGALIS B: Herb-drug interactions: an evidence-based approach. Curr. Med. Chem. (2004) 11(11):1513–1525.
  • ••This paper attempts to separate interactionfrom over-reaction and assesses the evidence needed to guide clinicians about H-DIs.
  • WILLIAMSON EM: Drug interactions between herbal and prescription medicines. Drug Sal: (2003) 26(15):1075–1092.
  • •A review paper assessing known H-DIs according to therapeutic category.
  • ROGERS EA, GOUGH JE, BREWER KL: Potential herb - drug interactions in an emergency department population. Academic Emergency Med. (2003) 8(5):451–456.
  • IZZO AA, BORRELLI F, CAPASSO R: Herbal medicine: the dangers of drug interaction. Trends Pharm. Sci. (2002) 23:358–359.
  • FUGH-BERMAN A, ERNST E: Herb - drug interactions: review and assessment of report reliability. Br. J. Clin. Pharm. (2001) 52:587–595.
  • ••A pivotal paper addressing the subjectof report reliability.
  • LIN YC, BIOTEAU AB, FERRARI LR, BERDE CB: The use of herbs and complementary medicine in pediatric preoperative patients. J. Clin. Anesthes. (2004) 16(1):4–6.
  • KAUFFMAN DW, KELLY JP, ROSENBERG L, ANDERSON TE, MITCHELL AA: Recent patterns of medication use in the ambulatory adult population of the United States. JAMA (2002) 287:337–344.
  • ••A comprehensive assessment of incidenceof consumption of herbal medicines in the US.
  • ERNST E: Serious psychiatric and neurological adverse effects of herbal medicines - a systematic review. Acta Psychiatr. Scand. (2003) 108:83–91.
  • SMITH L, ERNST E, EWINGS P, MYERS S, SMITH C: Co-ingestion of herbal products with warfarin. Br. J. an. Prac. (2004) 54:439–441.
  • •This paper reports a questionnaire study showing the extent to which patients take herbal medicines along with warfarin.
  • MANSOOR G: Herbs and alternative therapies in the hypertension clinic. Am. J. Hypertension (2002) 14:971–975.
  • BARNES J, MILLS SY, ABBOTT NC, WILLOUGHBY M, ERNST E: Different standards for reporting ADRs to herbal remedies and conventional OTC medicines: face-to-face interviews with 515 users of herbal medicines. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol (1998) 45:496–500.
  • •This paper highlights differences in perception as to whether herbal medicines are drugs.
  • SPARREBOOM A, COX MC, ACHARYA MR, FIGG W: Herbal remedies in the United States: potential adverse interactions with anticancer agents. J. Chi]. Oncology (2004) 22(12)2498–2503.
  • ••This is a useful overview of the literatureconcerning reported interactions of herbal drugs with anticancer agents, an area where drug dosage is critical.
  • BUTTERWECK V, DARENFORF H, GAUS W, NARSTEDT A, SCHULZ V, UNGER M: Pharmacokinetic herb - drug interactions: are preventative screenings necessary and appropriate? Planta Med. (2004) 70:784–791.
  • GORSKI JC, HUANG S-M, PINTO MD et al: The effect of echinacea (Echinacea purpurea root) on cytochrome P450 activity in vivo. OM. Pharm. Ther. (2004) 75(1):89–100.
  • GURLEY WJ, GARDNER SF, HUBBARD MA et al: Cytochrome P450 phenotypic ratios for predicting herb - drug interactions in humans. Clin. Pharm. Ther. (2002) 72(3):276–287.
  • ••An important study predicting H-DIsfrom phenotype rations. It shows SBA/ increases the induction of some CYP enzymes significantly more in female than male subjects.
  • WILLIAMSON EM: Synergy and other interactions in phytomedicines. Phytomedicine (2001) 8(0401–40.
  • •This is a widely cited review paper documenting the types of interaction taking place with herbal medicines, showing their complexity and possible synergistic interactions.
  • BUDZINSKI JW, FOSTER BC, VANDENHOEK S, ARNASON JT: An in vitro evaluation of human cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition by selected commercial herbal extracts and tinctures. Phytomed. (2000) 7(4):273–282.
  • •One of the first serious attempts to look at the potential of a range of popular herbal medicines to induce CYP450 enzymes in vitro.
  • ZHOU S, GAO Y, HUANG M, XU A, PAXTON JW: Interactions of herbs with cytochrome P450.Drug Metab. Rev. (2003) 35 (1) :35–98.
  • ••This is a very comprehensive discussion ofthe issues surrounding the induction of metabolic enzymes, which are involved in H-DIs.
  • ZHOU S, LIM LY, CHOWBAY B: Herbal modulation of P-glycoprotein. Drug Metab. Rev (2004) 36(1):1–48.
  • ••A companion paper to [19] concerningP-glycoprotein, and equally comprehensive.
  • FOSTER BC, FOSTER MS, VANDENHOEK S et al.: An in vitro evaluation of human cytochrome P450 3A4 and P-glycoprotein inhibition by garlic. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Li. (2001) 4(2):176–184.
  • UENG Y-F, CHEN R-M: The role of cytochrome P450 in herb - drug interactions. Curr. Pharmacogenomics (2004) 2(2):2090218.
  • DEFERME S, AUGUSTIJNS P: The effect of food components on the absorption of P-gp substrates: a review. J. Pharm. Pharmacol (2002) 55:153–162.
  • ZHOU S, KOH H-L, GAO Y, GONG Z, LEE EJ: Herbal bioactivation: the good, the bad and the ugly. Life Sci. (2004) 74(8):935–968.
  • MORIMOTO T, KOTEGAWA T, TSUTSUMI K, OHTANI Y, IMAI H, NAKANO S: Effect of St John's wort on the pharmacokinetics of theophylline in healthy volunteers. J. Clin. Pharmacol (2004) 44(1):95–101.
  • NEBEL A, SCHNEIDER BJ, BAKER RK, KROLL DJ: Potential metabolic interaction between St John's wort and theophylline. Ann. Pharmacother. (1999) 33:502.
  • ROLAN PE: Plasma protein binding displacement interactions - why are they still regarded as clinically important? Br. J. Clin. Pharm. (1994) 37(2):125–128.
  • SCHMIDT LE, DALHOFF K: Food - drug interactions. Drugs (2002) 62:1481–1502.
  • SORENSEN JM: Herb - drug, food - drug, nutrient-drug, and drug-drug interactions: mechanisms involved and their medical implications. J. Alt. Comp. Med. (2002) 8:293–308.
  • MOLLER RS, BREITKREUTZ R, GRONING R: Interactions between aqueous Hypericum perforatum extracts and drugs: in vitro studies. Phytother. Res. (2004) In press.
  • •The first paper of its type showing that the method of production of a herbal extract can influence enzyme induction in vitro.
  • MAT I, BAUER S, PERLOFF ES, JOHNE A et al.: Hyperforin content determines the magnitude of the SJW-cyclosporine drug interaction. Clin. Pharm. Ther. (2004) 76(4):330–340.
  • LOEW D, KASZKIN M: Approaching the problem of bioequivalence of herbal medicinal products. Phytother. Res. (2002) 16(8):705–712.
  • •A good explanation of the issues surrounding bioequivalence of herbal medicinal products.
  • MAKINA K, WAKUSHIMA H, OKAMOTO T et al.: Pharmacokinetic interactions between warfarin and kangen-karyu, a traditional Chinese medicine, and their synergistic action. J. Ethnopharmacol (2002) 82:35–40.
  • SARUWATARI J, HISAEDA S, HIGA Y, TOMIYASU Y, NAKAGAWA K, ISHIZAKI T: The in-vivo effect of bakumondo-to (TJ-29), a traditional Japanese medicine used for treatment of chronic airway disease, on cytochrome P450 1A2, xanthine oxidase and Nacetyltransferase 2 activity in man. Pharm. Pharmacol (2004) 56:1171–1177.
  • TAKASHI K, UEJIMA E, MORISAKI T, KUROKAWA N, AZUMA J: LI vitro inhibitory effects of Kampo medicines on metabolic reactions controlled by human liver microsomes.Pharm. Ther. (2003) 28(4):319–327.
  • NOSE M, TAMURA M, RYU N, MIZUKAMI H, OGIHARA Y: Sho-saiko-to and Saikoko-keisi-to, the traditional Chinese and Japanese herbal medicines, altered hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in mice and rats when administered orally for a long time. J. Pharm. Pharmacol (2003) 55(10):1419–1426.
  • WANG M, LAMERS R-J AN, KORTHOUT HA et al: Metabolomics in the context of systems biology: bridging traditional Chinese medicine and molecular pharmacology. Phytother. Res. (2004) In press.
  • ABEBE W: Herbal medication: potential for adverse interactions with analgesic drugs. J. Clin. Pharm. Ther. (2002) 27(6):391–401.
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  • VALLI G, GIARDIANA E-GV: Benefits, adverse effects and drug interactions of herbal therapies with cardiovascular effects. Am. Coll. Cardiol (2002) 38:1083–1095.
  • IZZO AA, ERNST E: Interactions between herbal medicines and prescribed drugs. A systematic review. Drugs (2001) 61:2163–2175.
  • AWANG DV, FUGH-BERMAN A: Herbal interactions with cardiovascular drugs. Cardiovasc. Nursing (2003) 16(4):64–70.
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  • •An authoritative text covering all aspects of herbal medicine.
  • LISKE P: Therapeutic efficacy and safety of Cimicifuga racemosa for gynaecological disorders. Adv. Ther. (1998) 15(1):45–53.
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