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Health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer patients

Pages 493-504 | Published online: 10 Jan 2014


  • World Health Organization. International Agency for Research on Cancer. World Cancer Report. Stewart BW, Kleihues P (Eds), International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France (2003).
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  • •Important randomized study evaluating the influence of follow-up visits on quality of life (QoL) and assessing the attitude of the patients to check-up. Validation of the Nottingham Health Profile in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients.
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  • •Unique randomized study comparing four QoL instruments and supporting the hypothesis that QoL is prognostic for survival. Poor concordance between the physicians and the patients own assessment of their QoL.
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  • ••The European Organization for theResearch and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 core questionnaire contains 30 items addressing functional aspects of QoL and symptoms that commonly occur in patients with cancer. Excellent psychometric data support its credibility. Now the most widely used specific instrument.
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  • •Comparison of the psychometric properties of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and of the SF-36 in a cohort of long-term survivors.
  • Seymour MT, Tabah-Fisch I, Homerin M. Quality of Life (HRQoL) in advanced colorectal cancer (ACC): a comparison of HRQ0L, during bolus plus infusion 5FLYleucovorin (LV5FU2) with or without oxaliplatin. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol 18, 234a (1999) (Abstract 901).
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  • ••Major study assessing the clinicalsignificance of scores from the EORTC QLQ-C30.
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  • ••The Functional Assessment of CancerTherapy — Coloiectal (FACT-C) consisted of 27 items addressing functional aspects of QoL and symptoms. Excellent psychometric data support its use in patients with cancer.
  • Cella D, Hahn EA, Dineen K. Meaningful change in cancer-specific quality of life scores: differences between improvement and worsening. Qual Life Res. 11(3), 207–221 (2002).
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  • •Report on the development and testing of the EORTC colorectal cancer module for assessing QoL.
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  • Kavadas V, Blazeby JM, Conroy T et al Development of an EORTC disease-specific quality of life questionnaire for use in patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer. Eur j Cancer 39(6), 1259–1263 (2003).
  • •Report on the development of a new instrument (QLQ-LMC21) to assess QoL of patients with hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer.
  • Ward WL, Hahn EA, Mo F, Hernandez L, Tulsky DS, Cella D. Reliability and validity of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy — Colorectal (FACT-C) quality of life instrument. Qua'. Life Res. 8(3), 181–195 (1999).
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  • •Proposal of standards for design, analysis and report of QoL for use by pharmaceutical companies before promotional claims of a QoL benefit.
  • Sprangers MA, Taal BG, Aaronson NK, te Velde A. Quality of life in colorectal cancer. Stoma vs. nonstoma patients. Dis. Colon Rectum 38 (4), 361–369 (1995) .
  • •Review of QoL in stoma versus nonstoma surgery
  • Sprangers MAG, te Velde A, Aaronson NK, Taal BG. Quality of Life following surgery for colorectal cancer: a literature review. Psychooncology 2(4), 247–259 (1993).
  • •First review of QoL following surgery for CRC.
  • Camilleri-Brennan J, Steele RJC. Quality of life after treatment for rectal cancer. BE j Surg. 85(8), 1036–1043 (1998).
  • •Review of QoL following surgery for rectal cancer.
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  • Camilleri-Brennan J, Steele RJC. Prospective analysis of quality of life and survival following mesorectal excision for rectal cancer. Br. Surg. 88(12), 1617–1622 (2001).
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  • Guren MG, Dueland S, Skovlund E, Fossa SD, Poulsen JP, Tveit KM. Quality of life during radiotherapy for rectal cancer. Eur I Cancer 39 (5), 587–594 (2003) .
  • •Prospective study demonstrating a moderate and transient decrease in QoL during (neo)adjuvant radiotherapy for rectal cancer.
  • Norum J, Vonen B, Olsen JA, Revhaug A. Adjuvant chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil and levamisole) in Dukes' B and C colorectal carcinoma. A cost-effectiveness analysis. Ann. Oncol 8(1), 65–70 (1997).
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  • •Important methodological study demonstrating changes in the internal standards on which patients base their QoL estimation after surgery for colon cancer. Adjuvant chemotherapy had no impact on these changes.
  • Gray R, Watson M, McConkey C etal Adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer has only minor impact on patient reported quality of life: a study of 785 patients randomized in the UKCCCR QUASAR trial. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol 20\(Pt 1), 407a (2001) (Abstract 1623).
  • Stiggelbout AM, De Haes JC, Vree R etal Follow-up of colorectal cancer patients: quality of life and attitudes towards follow-up. Br. Cancer75(6), 914–920 (1997).
  • •Impressive study carefully asking preferences of patients and attitudes towards follow-up after resected CRC.
  • Schag CAC, Ganz PA, Wing DS, Sim MS, Lee JJ. Quality of life in adult survivors of lung, colon and prostate cancer. (Aral Life Res. 3(2), 127–141 (1994).
  • •The first detailed QoL survey of long-term survivors of CRC.
  • Ramsey SD, Andersen MR, Etzioni R etal. Quality of life in survivors of colorectal carcinoma. Cancer88(6), 1294–1303 (2000).
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  • Maughan TS, James RD, Kerr DJ etal. Comparison of survival, palliation and quality of life with three chemotherapy regimens in metastatic colorectal cancer: a multicentre randomised trial. Lancet 359(9317), 1555–1563 (2002).
  • ••Important randomized study thatdemonstrated that raltitrexed in metastatic CRC was associated with similar response rates and overall survival to continuous 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) infusion but resulted in inferior Q0L.
  • Maisey NR, Norman A, Watson M, Allen MJ, Hill ME, Cunningham D. Baseline quality of life predicts survival in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Eur.j Cancer38(10), 1351–1357 (2002).
  • •Clear demonstration in 501 CRC patients that the majority of the Q01, domains has a strong independent prognostic value.
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  • •Large randomized study comparing intrahepatic arterial 5-FU to intravenous 5-FU: no differences in terms of progression-free or overall survival but a decrease in QoL in the intra-arterial group was observed.
  • Hobday TJ, Kugler JW, Mahoney MR etal. Efficacy and quality-of-life data are related in a Phase II trial of oral chemotherapy in previously untreated patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma. Clin. Oncol 20(23), 4574–4580 (2002).
  • ••Very well documented Phase II study withdetailed QoL analysis showing large improvement in responders and no major changes in nonresponding patients with an oral chemotherapy regimen.
  • Seymour MT, Slevin ML, Kerr DJ etal Randomized trial assessing the addition of interferon-a2a to fluorouracil and leucovorin in advanced colorectal cancer. Clin. Oncol 14(8), 2280-2288 (1996).
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  • ••
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  • •Large randomized study in metastatic CRC demonstrating a survival advantage for patients treated with irinotecan combined with 5-FU as compared to 5-FU alone, with a later deterioration in Q0L.
  • Saltz LB, Cox JV, Blanke C et al Irinotecan plus fluorouracil and leucovorin for metastatic colorectal cancer. N Engl. Med. 343(13), 905–914 (2000).
  • •Three-arm study comparing irinotecan alone, 5-FU alone and irinotecan/5-FU in metastatic CRC: the combination significantly increases response rate, toxicity and survival without degradation of Q0L.
  • Maughan TS, James RD, Kerr DJ etal Comparison of intermittent and continuous palliative chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer: a multicentre randomised trial. Lancet 361 (9356), 457–464 (2003).
  • ••Unique randomized study comparing patients with advanced CRC Q0I, during continuous or intermittent chemotherapy.
  • Loprinzi CL, Kuross SA, OTallon JR et al Randomized placebo-controlled evaluation of hydrazine sulfate in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. J. Clin. Oncol 12(6), 1121–1125 (1994).
  • Cunningham D, Pyrhönen S, James RD etal Randomised trial of irinotecan plus supportive care versus supportive care alone after fluorouracil failure for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Lancet 352(9138), 1413–1418 (1998).
  • •Demonstration of a survival and a QoL advantage for patients with metastatic CRC randomly assigned to irinotecan as second-line treatment compared with patients given best supportive care.
  • Michael M, Hedley D, Oza A etal The palliative benefit of irinotecan in 5-fluorouracil-refractory colorectal cancer: its prospective evaluation by a multicenter Canadian trial. Clin. Colorectal Cancer2 (2), 93–101 (2002).
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  • Fuchs CS, Moore MR, Harker G, Villa L, Rinaldi D, Hecht JR. Phase III comparison of two irinotecan dosing regimens in second-line therapy of metastatic colorectal cancer. 1 Clin. Oncol 21(5), 807–814 (2003).
  • Bernhard J, Gelber RD. Workshop on missing data in quality of life research in cancer trials: practical and methodological issues. Stat. Med. 17(5-7), 511–796 (1998).
  • •Numerous papers on worldwide experience of clinical research groups to improve compliance in Q0I., data.
  • Cocconi G, Cunningham D, Van Cutsem E et al Open, randomised, multicenter trial of raltitrexed versus fluorouracil plus high-dose leucovorin in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. J. Clin. Oncol 16(9), 2943–2952 (1998).
  • Lee CW, Chi KN. The standard of reporting of health-related quality of life in clinical cancer trials. J. Clin. Epidenriol 53(5), 451–458 (2000).
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  • McLachlan SA, Allenby A, Matthews J et al Randomized trial of co-ordinated psychosocial interventions based on self-assessments versus standard care to improve the psychosocial functioning of patients with cancer. J. Clin. Oncol 19 (21), 4117–4125 (2001).

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