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Gene expression in cancer: the application of microarrays

Pages 185-200 | Published online: 09 Jan 2014


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  • •Describes an improved T7-based RNA amplification and the validation of its fidelity using microarrays analysis.
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  • •Excellent source of practical information on CGH array experiments, includes detailed protocols.
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  • •Landmark paper for 2D hierarchical clustering.
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  • • Describes a novel approach to microarray data analysis and provides a link to a website where researchers can download the program described here for their own use.
  • Golub TR, Slonim DK, Tamayo P etal. Molecular classification of cancer: class discovery and class prediction by gene expression monitoring. Science 286, 531–537 (1999).
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  • Perou CM, Sorlie T, Eisen MB etal. Molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature 406, 747–752. (2000).
  • ••Landmark paper on molecular profilingapplied to breast cancer.
  • Tusher VG, Tibshirani Rand Chu G. Significance analysis of microarrays applied to the ionizing radiation response. Proc. Nati Acad. Sci. USA 98, 5116–5121 (2001).
  • •Includes a full description of the significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) methodology
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  • •Excellent example of 'leave-one-out' approach to classifier genes identification and of the application of microarrays to outcome prediction.
  • Beer DG, Kardia SL, Huang CC etal. Gene-expression profiles predict survival of patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Nature Med. 8, 816–824 (2002).
  • ••Describes an elegant study includingmicroarray-based identification of classifier genes for outcome prediction and extensive validation of the results obtained on a different set of tumor specimen. Also includes gene validation using northern blot and imrnunohistochemistry.
  • Tibshirani R, Hastie T, Narasimhan B, Chu G. Diagnosis of multiple cancer types by shrunken centroids of gene expression. Proc. Nati Acad. Sci. USA 99, 6567–6572 (2002).
  • •Reference publication for prognosis prediction for microarrays (PAM).
  • Kononen J, Bubendorf L, Kallioniemi A etal Tissue microarrays for high-throughput molecular profiling of tumor specimens. Nature Med 4, 844–847 (1998).
  • ••Landmark publication for tissuemicroarays (TMAs).
  • Dahlquist KD, Salomonis N, Vranizan K, Lawlor SC, Conklin BR. GenMAPP, a new tool for viewing and analyzing microarray data on biological pathways. Nature Genet 31, 19–20 (2002).
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  • Sgroi DC, Teng S, Robinson G etal In vivo gene expression profile analysis of human breast cancer progression. Cancer Res. 59, 5656–5661 (1999).
  • ••First description of microarray profiling oflaser capture microdissected tumor specimen which proves the feasibility and usefulness of this approach.
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  • •• Landmark publication for comparative genomics hybridization (CGII).
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  • Pollack JR, Sorlie T, Perou CM et al. Microarray analysis reveals a major direct role of DNA copy number alteration in the transcriptional program of human breast tumors. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 99, 12963–12968 (2002).
  • ••Provides for the first time a quantitativeassessment of the correlation between gene copy numbers and expression levels using a common microarray platform for CGH and expression analysis.
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  • Wulfkuhle JD, McLean KC, Paweletz CP eta. New approaches to proteomic analysis of breast cancer. Pmteomicsl, 1205–1215 (2001).
  • •Describes the potential application of proteomics to cancer research.
  • Ornstein DK, Gillespie JVV, Paweletz CP eta]. Proteomic analysis of laser capture microdissected human prostate cancer and in vitm prostate cell lines. Dectrophoresis21, 2235–2242 (2000).
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  • www.microarrays.ca (Viewed February 2003)
  • http://oz.berkeley.edu/tech-reports/ (Viewed February 2003)
  • www.mged.org (Viewed February 2003)
  • www.mediacy.com/arraypro.htm (Viewed February 2003)
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  • www.axon.com/GN_Acuity.html (Viewed February 2003)
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  • http://microarray.genelinker.com/ products.html#GeneLinkerGold (Viewed February 2003)
  • www.biodiscovery.com/genesight.asp (Viewed February 2003)
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  • http://stat-www.berkeley.edu/usersherry/ zarray/Html/ (Viewed February 2003)
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  • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ (Viewed February 2003)
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  • www.openchannelfoundation.org/projects/ Onto-Express/ (Viewed February 2003)
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  • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ (Viewed February 2003)
  • www.ebi.ac.uk/microarray/ArrayExpress/ arrayexpress.html (Viewed February 2003)

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