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Angiotensin and Alzheimer´s disease: therapeutic prospects

Pages 87-96 | Published online: 10 Jan 2014


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  • ••Earliest investigation of the effects of ACE inhibitors on cognition in humans.
  • Tedesco MA, Ratti G, Mennella S et al Comparison of losartan and hydrochlorthiazide on cognitive function and quality of life in hypertensive patients. Am. Hypertens. 12,1130–1134 (1999).
  • ••Important evidence that MIA may bemore effective than angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in the moderation of cognition.
  • Fogari R, Preti P, Mugellini A et al Influence of Losaratan and Atenolol on cognitive function in very elderly hypertensive patients. Am. j Hypertens. 15, 4,36A (2002).
  • •Provides further evidence of a positive effect of losartan in cognition.
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