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Original Article

The R.N.I.D. List of Selected Papers on Audiology and Allied Subjects

Pages 51-54 | Published online: 12 Oct 2009

  • Acta Oto-Laryngologica, Vol. 65, January-February 1968, Fasc, 1-2
  • TAKENOUCHI S., KOYAMA T., KAWASAKI M., OGURA J. H. (St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.): Movements of the Vocal Cords, pp. 33–50.
  • DAVIS H. (St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.): Averaged-evoked-response EEG Audiometry in North America, pp. 79–85.
  • ZWISLOCKIJ. J. (Syracuse, N.Y., U.S.A.): On Acoustic Research and its Clinical Application, pp. 86–96.
  • DE BOER E., JONGKEES L. B. W. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands): On Cochlear Sharpening and Cross-Correlation Methods, pp. 97–104.
  • PORTMANN M., ARAN J. M., ET LE BERT G. (Bordeaux, France): Electro-cochleogramme humain en dehors de toute intervention chirurgicale, pp. 105–114.
  • ALTMANN F. (New York City, N.Y., U.S.A.): Histological Findings in Congenital Deafness, pp. 115–119.
  • SAVIN-VAZQUES C., BUSTAMANTE-GURRIA A., REYES E. (Mexico City, Mexico): Lipoid Materials in the Cochlear Duct of the Guinea Pig, pp. 130–136.
  • VON SCHULTHESS G., HUELSEN E. (Zurich, Switzerland): Statistical Evaluation of Hearing Losses in Military Pilots, pp. 137–145.
  • LASKIEWICZ A. (London, Great Britain) : Tone Pitch Intelligibility, Hearing Adaptation and Fatigue, pp. 146–153.
  • PFALTZ C. R. P., KOIKE Y. (Basle, Switzerland): Galvanic Test in Central Vestibular Lesions, pp. 161–168.
  • SCHUKNECHT H. F., GRIFFIN W. L., DAVIES G., SILVERSTEIN H. (Boston, Mass., U.S.A.): Chemical Evaluation of Inner Ear Fluid as a Diagnostic Aid, pp. 169–173.
  • GUEDRY JR E. F. (Pensacola, Fla., U.S.A.): Sorne Vestibular Problems related to Orientation in Space, pp. 174–185.
  • Acustica, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1967/68
  • DAMASKE P.: Subjective Investigation of Sound Fields, pp. 199–213.
  • Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol. 87, No. 1
  • PALVA T. et al: Middle Ear Mucosa and Chronic Ear Disease, pp. 3–11.
  • WARD P. H. et al: Inner Ear Pathology in Deafness due to Maternal Rubella, pp. 22–27.
  • PFALTZ C. R., PIFFKO P.: Substitution of the Stapedial Arch by Free Cartilage Grafts, pp. 29–33.
  • SZPUNOR J., RYBAK M.: Middle Ear Disease in Turners Syndrome, pp. 34–40.
  • HANSEN C. C.: Perceptive Hearing Loss and Increased Intracranial Pressure, pp. 45–47.
  • LEONARD J. R., ALEXANDER D. W.: Anatomie Variations in the Area of the Oval Window, pp. 48–55.
  • SATALOFF J, VASSALLO L.: Head Colds and Viral Cochleitis, pp. 56–59.
  • CRABTREE J. A., BRITTON B. H.: Recent Advances in Otologie Radiology, pp. 60–67.

Vol. 87, No. 2

  • JONES M. D., MULCAKY N. D.: Osteapathia Striata, Osteopetrosis, and Impaired Hearing, pp. 116–118.
  • HANSEN C. C.: Perceptive Hearing Loss and Arterial Hypertension, pp. 119–122.
  • MCCONDLESS G. A., LENTZ W. E.: Evoked Response (EEG) Audiometry on Non-organic Hearing Loss, pp. 123–126.
  • SCHUKNECHT H.: Temporal Bone Removal at Autopsy, pp. 129–137.
  • IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol. AU-15, No. 4, Decetnber 1967
  • GOLD B., RADER C. M.: The Channel Vocoder, pp. 148–160.
  • BAVER B. B. et al: A Loudness Level Monitor for Broadcasting, pp. 177–181.
  • International Audiology, Vol. VII, No. 1, 1968
  • COSTELLO M. R., PURCELL G.: Perception of Defective Visual and Acoustic Verbal Patterns, pp. 5–8.
  • Lucas A., PIMONOV L.: Remarques sur la Capacite Informationnelle de l'Oreille dans les Conditions de Travail du Personnel de l'Aeronautique, pp. 9–11.
  • NEFF W. D.: Experimental Studies of Auditory Discrimination, pp. 12–15.
  • BENITEZ L., SPEAKS C.: A Test of Speech Intelligibility in the Spanish Language, pp. 16–22.
  • BENFANTE H., CHARBONNEAU R., ZINGER A.: Le Test Phonetique pour l'Audiometrie Vocale au Canada Français, pp. 23–29.
  • SCHINDLER O., DEMICHELIS G.: Le Test de Discrimination Dichotique. Essai d'Interpretation par des Interferences Audio-visuelles et par les Drogues Psychotropes, pp. 30–32.
  • KAWAMURA S. I.: A Clinical Observation of Tinnitus caused by Extrinsical Causes (Head Trauma, Acoustic Trauma etc.), pp. 33–40.
  • HERON T. G., JACOBS R.: A Physiological Response of the Neonate to Auditory Stimulation, pp. 41–47.
  • ANDERSON H., BARR B.: Conductive Recruitment, pp. 48–54.
  • CLEVENGER I. F.: Audiometrie Indications for Dyslexia Patients, pp. 55–59.
  • COLES R. R. A., RICE C. G.: Self-recorded Audiometrie Threshold and the Influence of Attenuator Design, pp. 60–65.
  • MASPETIOL R., SEMETTE D.: Les Tests d'Audiometrie Tonale dans les Atteintes Auditives Corticales et Centrales, pp. 66–76.
  • BAUER B. B., ROSENHECK A. J, ABBAGNARO L. A.: External-ear Replica for Acoustieal Testing, pp. 77–84.
  • RICE C. G., COLES R. R. A.: Auditory Hazard from Sonic Booms?, pp. 85–91.
  • MARQUET J.: Myringoplastie et Homogreffes de Tympans, pp. 92–93.
  • WAGEMANN W.: Sound Vibrations Carried Out on the Sound Conducting Apparatus of Guinea Pig Ears, pp. 94–95.
  • CARLIN T. W.: Spectrographie Presentation of the Vocal Quality of Partially Hearing School Children, pp. 96–101.
  • GREINER G. F., CONRAUX C., DILLENSCHNEIDER E., PICART P.: L'Audiometrie Automatique de von Békésy, pp. 102–110.
  • HARRIS G. G.: Brownian Motion and the Threshold of Hearing, pp. 111–120.
  • SAGARDIA J. R. M.: Facteurs Individuels dans la Surdite Produite par le Bruit, pp. 121–123.
  • PIAGET M. M. F., MICHEL J.: Etude d'Un Role Sensitivo-Sensoriel du Nerf de Jacobson, pp. 124–125.
  • RAINVILLE M. J: L'Assourdissement par Conduction Osseuse en Audiometrie Vocale, pp. 126–128.
  • ROL G., SPOOR A., VAN DISHOECK H. A. E.: Hearing Loss Induced by Non-steady Sounds, pp. 129–135.
  • DE VOS A. W.: The Fitting of Hearing Aids for Babies, pp. 136–141.
  • VEIT P., BIZAGUET G., UBERSFELD A.: Controle de l'Adaptation de la Prothese Auditive du Jeune Enfant Sourd, avant l'Acquisition du Langage, pp. 142–147.
  • WILLIAMS C. N.: Hearing Impairment in Patients having Multiple (Disseminated) Sclerosis, pp. 148–158.
  • WEGENER J. G.: The Auditory Discrimination Behaviour of Monkeys: Bridge of Barrier, pp. 159–164.
  • Journal of Audiological Technique (Zeitschrift für Hargerote-Akustik), Vol. 6, No. 6, Novetnber 1967
  • PFALZ R., PIRSIG W.: Neural Control in the Cochlear Nucleus by Negative Feedback, pp. 206–213.
  • GUTTNER W.: How the Performance of Hearing Aids is Assessed, pp. 214–223.

Vol. 7, No. 1, March 1968

  • PLATH P.: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Hearing Defects in Children, pp. 2–7.
  • DE BOER B.: Stereophonie Hearing with Hearing Aids, pp. 8–20.
  • GRAHAM A. B., MCGEE T. M.: Coordinating Otologie and Audiologie Findings III the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hearing Impairment Part l, pp. 26–32.

Vol. 7, No. 2, March 1968

  • VEIT I.: Push-pull Output Stages in Hearing Aids, pp. 38–62.
  • DIESTEL H. G.: Transmission Characteristics of Earphones, pp. 63–67.
  • Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 10, No. 4, Decem.ber 1967
  • JERGER J., JERGER S.: Psychoacoustic Comparison of Cochlear and VIIIth Nerve Disorders, pp. 659–688.
  • FELDMAN R. M., GOLDSTEIN R.: Averaged Evoked Responses to Synthetic Syntax Sentences (3S), pp. 689–696.
  • GOLDSTEIN R., RODMAN L. B.: Early Components of Averaged Evoked Responses to Rapidly Repeated Auditory Stimuli, pp. 697–705.
  • POLLOCK K. C. : Electroencephalic Audiometry by Cortical Conditioning, pp. 706–716.
  • DAVIS H., HIRSH S. K., SHELNUTT J., BOWERS C.: Further Validation of Evoked Response Audiometry (ERA), pp. 717–732.
  • RINTELMANN W. F., HARFORD E. R.: Type V Békésy Pattern: Interpretation and Clinical Utility, pp. 733–744.
  • ROWLAND JR R. C., TOBIASJ. V.: Interaural Intensity Difference Limen, pp. 745–756.
  • FRANKS J. R., OYER H. J.: Factors Influencing the Identification of English Sounds in Lip-reading, pp. 757–767.
  • SORON H. I.: High Speed Photography in Speech Research, pp. 768–776.
  • KASTEN R. N., LOTTERMAN S. H.: A Longitudinal Examination of Harmonie Distortion in Hearing Aids, pp. 777–781.
  • LIEBMAN J., GRAHAM J. T.: Changes in Parameters of Averaged Auditory Evoked Potentia Is Related to Number of Data Samples Analyzed, pp. 782–785.
  • BLOODSTEIN O., GANTWERK B. F.: Grammatical Function in Relation to Stuttering in Young Children, pp. 786–789.
  • SILVERMAN F. H., WILLIAMS D. E.: Loci of Disfluencies in the Speech of Nonstutterers During Oral Reading, pp. 790–794.
  • QUIST R. W., MARTIN R. R.: The Effect of Response Contingent Verbal Punishment of Stuttering, pp. 795–800.
  • SODERBERG G. A.: Linguistic Factors in Stuttering, pp. 801–810.
  • DAVIS B. S., BOOME D. R.: Pitch Discrimination and Tonal Memory Abilities in Adult Voice Patients, pp. 811–815.
  • ODOM P. B., BLANTON R. L., NUNNALLY J. C.: Sorne 'Cloze' Technique Studies of Language Capability in the Deaf, pp. 816–827.
  • SHRINER T. H.: A Comparison of Selected Measures with Psychological Scale Values of Language Development, pp. 828–835.
  • LANYON R. I.: The Measurement of Stuttering Severity, pp. 836–843.
  • WINGATE M. E.: Siurvian Skill of Stutterers, p. 844–848.
  • STARK J., POPPENR., MAYM. Z.:EffectsofAlterationsofProsodieFeaturesontheSequencing Performance of Aphasie Children, pp. 849–855.
  • LOTTERMAN S. H., KASTEN R. N., REVOILE S. G.: Acoustic Gain and Threshold Improvement in Hearing Aid Selection, pp. 856–858.
  • SPEAKS C., KARMEN J. L.: The Effect of Noise on Synthetic Sentence Identification, pp. 859–864.
  • KARLOVICH R. S., GRAHAM J. T.: Visually and Auditorily Paced Keytapping Performance During Synchronous, Decreased, and Delayed Auditory and Visual Feedback, pp. 865–875.
  • The Journal of The Acoustical Society of AlIlerica, Vol. 42, No. 6, Decem.ber 1967
  • HARRIS J. D.: Relations Among Aftereffects of Acoustic Stimulation, pp. 1306–1324.
  • HENNING G. B.: Model for Auditory Discrimination and Detection, pp. 1325–1334.
  • POLLACK I: Asynchrony: The Perception of Temporal Gaps within Periodic Auditory Pulse Patterns, pp. 1335–1340.

Vol. 43, No. 1, January 1968

  • AXELROD S., GUZY L. T., DIAMOND 1. T.: Perceived Rate of Monotic and Dichotically Alternating Clicks, pp. 51–55.
  • BOURBON W. T., EVANS T. R., DEATHERAGE B. H.: Effects of Intensity on 'Critical Bands' for Tonal Stimuli as Determined by Band Limiting, pp. 56–59.
  • HELLMAN R. P., ZWISLOCKI J. J.: Loudness Determination at Low Sound Frequencies, pp. 60–64.
  • LEVITT H.: Testing for Sequential Dependencies, pp. 65–69.
  • MCGILL W. J.: Variations on Marill's Detection Formula, pp. 70–73.
  • POLLACK I.: Asynchrony II: Perception ofTemporal Gaps within Periodic and Jittered Pulse Patterns, pp. 74–76.
  • WENNER C. H.: Intensities of Aural Difference Tones, pp. 77–80.
  • GRIFFITHS J. D.: Optimum Linear Filter for Speech Transmission, pp. 81–86.
  • SLAWSON A. W.: Vowel Quality and Musical Timbre as Functions of Spectrum Envelope and Fundamental Frequency, pp. 87–101.

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