CrossRef citations to date


  • Ahlberg A. Nilholm C., Björck-Åkesson E. Specialpedagogik – ett kunskapsområde i utveckling. [Special Education – an area of knowledge in development]. Reflektioner kring specialpedagogik – sex professorer om forskningsområdet och forskningsfronterna. 2007; Stockholm: Swedish Research Council. [Reflections on Special Education – six professors about the research field and the research fronts] 66–84 Report 2007: 5.
  • Ahonen S. Yhteinen koulu. Tasa-arvoa vai tasapäisyyttä?. 2003; Tampere: Vastapaino. [A comprehensive school. Equality or even?].
  • Ainscow M., Booth T., Dyson A. Improving schools developing inclusion. 2006; London: Routledge.
  • Amendments of the Finnish Basic Education Act. Perusopetuslain muutokset. 642/2010. http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2010/20100642 (Accessed 2013-03-08)..
  • Andreasson I. Elevplanen som text- om identitet, genus, makt och styrning i skolans elevdokumentation. 2007; Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. [The pupil plan as a text about identity, gender, power and control in pupils’ school documentation], 259.
  • Arnesen A-L., Lundhal L. Still social and democratic? Inclusive education policies in the Nordic welfare states. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 2006; 50(3): 285–300.
  • Asp-Onsjö L. Elevdokumentation, föräldrainflytande och motstånd i den svenska skolan. [Pupil documentation, parental influence and resistance in Swedish schools]. Utbildning & Demokrati. 2012; 21(3): 71–90. [PubMedAbstract] [PubMedCentralFullText].
  • Bandura A. Social cognitive theory: an agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology. 2001; 52: 1–26.
  • Beach D., Bagley C. Changing professional discourses in teacher education policy back towards a training paradigm: a comparative study. European Journal of Teacher Education. 2013; 36(4): 379–392.
  • Beach D., Bagley C. The weakening role of education studies and the re-traditionalisation of Swedish teacher education. Oxford Educational Review. 2012; 38(3): 287–303.
  • Berge B.-M. Gunnarsson Åsa. Tracing the women-friendly welfare state: gendered politics of everyday life in Sweden. Tracing the Women-Friendly Welfare State: Gendered Politics of Everyday Life in Sweden. 2013; Halmstad: Makadam. 147–169.
  • Berhanu G. Even in Sweden? Excluding the included: some reflections on the consequences of new policies on educational processes and outcomes, and equity in education. International Journal of Special Education. 2010; 25(3): 148–159.
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  • Brownell M.T., Ross D.D., Colon E.P., McCallum C.L. Critical features of special education teacher preparation: a comparison with general teacher education. Journal of Special Education. 2005; 38(4): 242–252.
  • Conderman G., Johnston-Rodriquez S., Hartman P., Walker D. Honoring voices from beginning special educators for making changes in teacher preparation. Teacher Education and Special Education. 2012; 36(1): 65–76.
  • De Arment S., Reed E., Wetzel A.P. Promoting adaptive expertise: a conceptual framework for special education preparation. Teacher Education and Special Education. 2013; 36(3): 217–230.
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  • Greenwood D.J. Doing and learning action research in the neo-liberal world of contemporary higher education. Action Research. 2010; 10(2): 115–132.
  • Gresalfi M., Martin T., Hand V., Greeno J. Constructing competence: an analysis of student participation in the activity systems of mathematics classrooms. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 2009; 70(1): 49–70.
  • Göransson K., Nilholm C., Karlsson K. Inclusive education in Sweden? A critical analysis. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 2011; 15(5): 541–555.
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  • Hausstätter S.R., Takala M. The core of special teacher education: a comparison of Finland and Norway. European Journal of Special Education. 2008; 23(2): 121–134.
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  • Isaksson J., Lindqvist R., Bergström E. Pupils with special educational needs: a study of the assessments and categorising processes regarding pupils’ school difficulties in Sweden. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 2010; 14(2): 133–151.
  • Jakku- Sihvonen R., Niemi H. Finnish Educational Research Association. Publication 25. Research-based teacher education in Finland – reflections by Finnish teacher educators. 2006; Turku: Painosalama.
  • Kalenga R.C., Fourie E. Trekking back to mainstream for inclusive education, is it there?. Educational Studies. 2011; 38(2): 175–187.
  • Kansanen P. McNamara O., Murray J., Jones M. Teaching as a master's level profession in Finland: theoretical reflections and practical solutions. Workplace Learning in Teacher Education. International Practice and Policy. 2014; Dordrecht: Springer. 279–292.
  • Kallioniemi A., Toom A., Ubani M., Linnansaari H. Finnish Educational Research Association. Akateeminen luokanopettajakoulutus: 30 vuotta teoriaa, käytäntöä ja maistereita. 2010; University press: Jyväskylä.
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  • Lundahl L., Erixon Arreman I., Holm A.-S., Lundström U. Educational marketization the Swedish way. Education Inquiry. 2013; 4(3): 497–517.
  • Meyers A.B., Meyers J., Graybill E.C., Proctor S.L., Huddleston L. Ecological approaches to organizational consultation and systems change in educational settings. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 2012; 22(1): 106–124.
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  • Ministry of Education and Culture. [Supporting learning and well-being. Report on the implementation of three-step support]. Oppimisen ja hyvinvoinnin tuki. Selvitys kolmiportaisen tuen toimeenpanosta. 2014. Publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2014: 2. http://www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OPM/Julkaisut/2014/liitteet/okm02.pdf?lang=fi (Accessed 2014-02-25)..
  • Ministry of Education and Culture. Strategy of Special Education. 2007; Helsinki: University Press. www.minedu.fi/export/sites/default/OPM/Julkaisut/2007/liitteet/tr47.pdf?lang=fi (Accessed 2014-01-01). Report 47.
  • Ministry of Education and Culture. Oppimisen ja hyvinvoinnin tuki- Selvitys kolmipostaisen tuen toimeenpanosta. 2014. [Support for learning and well-being. A clarification of implementation of three-step support.] Publications 2014:2.
  • Odom S.L., Diamond K.E. Inclusion of young children with special needs in early childhood education: the research base. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 1998; 13(1): 3–25.
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  • Pearson S. The role of special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs): “to be or not to be”. Psychology of Education Review. 2010; 34(2): 30–38.
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  • Romero-Contreras S., Garcia-Cedillo I., Forlin C., Lomeli-Hernandez K.A. Preparing teachers for inclusion in Mexico: how effective is this process?. Journal of Education for Teaching. 2013; 39(5): 509–522.
  • Runswick-Cole K., Hodge N. Strengthening the special educational needs element of initial teacher training and education. British Journal of Special Education. 2009; 36(4): 198–203.
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  • Sindelar P., Dewey J., Rosenberg M.S., Corbett N.L., Denslow D., Lofinia B. Cost effectiveness of alternative route special education teacher preparation. Exceptional Children. 2012; 79(1): 25–42.
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