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Journal overview

Please note that Annals of Human Biology converted to a full Open Access journal from Volume 50 (2023). Previous volumes will continue to provide access through a Pay to Read model.

Annals of Human Biology is an international, open access peer-reviewed journal. The journal reports investigations on the nature, development and causes of human variation, embracing the disciplines of human growth and development, human genetics, physical and biological anthropology, demography, environmental physiology, ecology, epidemiology and global health and ageing research. The main audience for the Annals are human biologists, anthropologists and population geneticists but the journal also has a wide, international readership including epidemiologists, paediatricians, gerontologists, physiologists and public health workers.

We encourage research papers using approaches and methods that have been developed in human biology and that are of direct relevance to diagnosis, management, and treatement of diseases and disorders.  

The journal welcomes submissions in the following sections:

Human Biology Research Methods includes the presentation and discussion of new or modified methods of research design, data collection and storage, statistical analysis, and illustration and presentation of data relating to all aspects of human biology.

Human Environmental Biology includes research on the origins, functions, relationships, interactions, and natural history of living human populations, communities, and ecosystems in relation to dynamic environmental processes.

Human Epidemiology includes research into the distribution and determinants of diseases and health-related outcomes in specified human populations, and the application of this study to the control of health problems relating to communities, societies, nations, and global populations.

Human Exercise Science focuses on an individual's response and adaptation to exercise and the underlying mechanisms that affect exercise such as age, sex or gender, race or ethnicity, health status or conditions, as well as factors such as training regimes.

Human Genetics including research on genomics, population genetics, gene expression and regulation, ancient DNA analyses and forensic genetics, DNA methylation and epigenetics, human evolutionary genetics, biogeographical ancestry, new bioinformatics tools for genomics and databases, variability of genes under selective pressures and human adaptation. Purely clinical papers, pharmacological trials, or even simple case-control analyses, without an evolutionary framework or environmental relationship will not be considered. 

Human Growth & Development includes research relating to human growth and development from conception to adulthood; environmental/social factors affecting growth from fetal life to maturity; pubertal development; skeletal maturity; research methods pertaining to measurement and analysis of growth and development traits.

Human Infectious Diseases & Immunology includes research on the biology, prevention or control of infectious diseases in humans, immunology, molecular biology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology, and mycology.

Human Metabolism & Physiology includes research on human energetics, homeostasis, cellular respiration, ventilation, circulation, digestion, immune activity, stress response, and the physiological basis of adaptation to challenging environmental conditions.

Human Microbiome & Metabolome includes research on the gut microbe taxonomic structure and metabolic function.

Human Morphology includes research into the study of the structure of the human body in connection with its development and function through human anatomy, embryology, and histology.

Human Neuroscience includes research on the brain mechanisms supporting cognitive and social behaviour in both healthy and diseased states; the nervous system in all its aspects: how it is structured, how it works, how it develops, how it malfunctions, and how it can be changed.

Human Nutrition & Lifestyle embraces research relating to human nutrition from conception to old age. This includes principles of human nutrition, biomarkers of nutritional status, dietary assessment and diet quality, reference values, and contemporary issues in nutrition and lifestyle, such as breastfeeding, energy expenditure, socioecological determinants of nutritional status, nutritional needs according to lifestage (e.g., infancy, adolescence), eating behavior, global nutritional issues, the importance of nutritional intake for health and well-being, and the evolution of human diet.

Human Origins & Survival includes research relating to human evolution and adaptation, phylogeny, anatomical variation, paleoanthropological methods of identification and species assignation, age and maturity assessment from fossil remains, and fossil site use.

Human Population Biology is the study of living human beings as aggregate units. It is a transdisciplinary science and includes (among many other things) research on secular trends, geographical and spatial variation, seasonality and climate effects, ethnic and socio-cultural differences, and the consequences of war and displacement.

Peer Review Policy :All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double anonymous peer review.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Please note, from 2023 the Print ISSN is not in active use as this journal is no longer published in print.

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