Journal overview


The Journal of Interprofessional Care (JIC) disseminates research and new developments in the scientific field of interprofessional studies in health and social care, encompassing interprofessional education (IPE), and collaborative practice. From its inception, the Journal has maintained a social mission to promote collaboration in education, practice, and research worldwide, and a responsibility to fostering interprofessional developments across established and emerging regions.


The Editorial Board welcomes contributions with an explicit interprofessional focus and aims for publications that represent a diversity of settings, professions, and fields. Areas of practice covered include primary, community and hospital care, health professions education, and public health. Papers introducing additional interprofessional views, for example, from a community development, environmental design, or arts-in-health perspective are also welcomed. The Journal is disseminated internationally and encourages submissions from around the world.

The Journal of Interprofessional Care publishes the following types of articles:

  • Empirical research articles, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method
  • Short reports, that describe research in progress or completed, or innovations in the interprofessional field
  • Review articles, including systematic, scoping, integrative, and realist reviews
  • Theoretical papers and debates, on contemporary matters in interprofessional education and practice
  • Interprofessional education and practice guides, disseminating advice and lessons learned on successful initiation, delivery, or evaluation of interprofessional initiatives
  • Editorials, normally on invitation but enquiries welcomed
Read full aims and scope

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