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Journal overview

Middle Eastern Literatures is a forum for the academic study of all Middle Eastern Literatures from Late Antiquity until the present. We publish critical studies and translations of literature and other cultural works encoded in language (such as films, songs, graphic novels, memoirs, etc.). The journal’s linguistic scope is wide and encompasses works composed in, for example, the Persian, Turkish, post-Biblical and modern Hebrew, Kurdish, Urdu, Arabic, and Amazigh languages, as well as the colonial and diasporic languages through which Middle Eastern experiences have been mediated. By bringing diverse texts and disciplines into dialogue we seek to establish new connections across geographies and time periods, to forge theoretical languages, grounded in the region’s epistemologies, and to foster a comparative literature beyond the main reference point of Euroamerica.

The journal aims to broaden available networks of communication within and across relevant fields, and establish new ones. We thus seek research that identifies literature and culture of the Middle East not just as subjects of study, but as locations of knowledge with relevance beyond any one academic discipline or field of thought. We aim to foster an active exchange of approaches, perspectives, and knowledge from across languages, and will regularly publish book reviews and bibliographies in support of that effort.
We also welcome translations of important literary texts from the above languages, accompanied by a brief introduction, which gives details about the work, its author(s) and translator(s), and any scholarly attention that it has received thus far.

Middle Eastern Literatures is committed to helping early-career and precariously employed scholars, as well as researchers located in the Global South. To that end we are happy to work with authors to ensure excellent ideas are realized in print, help navigate the process of academic publishing, give insightful and appropriate feedback, and to publish works in a timely manner.
We are committed to reviewing submitted articles within 3 months.

Peer Review Statement
All submissions to Middle Eastern Literatures are subject to a rigorous peer-review process. Submissions are usually first read by one or more of the editors and are then passed on to two anonymous reviewers who may be members of the editorial board, the international advisory board, or external specialists.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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Cover image for Middle Eastern Literatures, Volume 26, Issue 1
Volume 26, Issue 1, 2023

Fragile Ecologies: Environmental Urgency in the Arts and Literatures of the Middle East


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