About this journal

Aims and scope

Since 1993, Gender & Development has aimed to promote, inspire, and support development policy and practice, which furthers the goal of equality between women and men. This journal has a readership in over 90 countries and uses clear accessible language.

Each issue of Gender & Development focuses on a topic of key interest to all involved in promoting gender equality through development. An up-to-the minute overview of the topic is followed by a range of articles from researchers, policy makers, and practitioners. Insights from development initiatives across the world are shared and analysed, and lessons identified. Innovative theoretical concepts are explored by key academic writers, and the uses of these concepts for policy and practice are explored. Each issue includes an up-to-date resources section, listing publications, electronic resources, and organisations.

In addition to thematic articles, Gender & Development also contains book reviews on the latest publications relevant to this field, and a Views, Events, and Debates section, with news and views on current events and trends in gender equality and women’ rights, and interviews and debates on cutting-edge issues.

" Gender & Development is the place to go for critical analysis of the key issues we work on every day. It is an essential source for the latest thinking, bridging the gap between theory and practice."
Laura Turquet, Women's Rights Policy Officer, ActionAid UK and
Everjoice Win, Head of Women's Rights, ActionAid International

"I am using Gender & Development in my work at all levels - I feel comfortable putting it into the hands of policy-makers in governments and the UN, as well as women's networks, grassroots projects, researchers, and other stakeholder groups."
Minu Hemmati, gendercc - Women for Climate Justice

Journal metrics


  • 182K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 2.1 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.800 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.466 (2023) SJR

Editorial board


Shivani Satija - Oxfam India

Assistant Editor:

Anandita Ghosh - Oxfam India

Editorial Advisory Group:

Lina Abou-Habib - Director, The Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship at the American University of Beirut
Valeria Esquivel - Economist and Gender Specialist, International Labour Office, Switzerland

Anne Marie Goetz - Professor, Center for Global Affairs, New York University, USA
Naila Kabeer - The Gender Institute, LSE, UK
Koos Kingma - University of Professional Education, The Netherlands
Ranjani K. Murthy - Researcher and Consultant in Gender and Development, India
Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay - KIT/Royal Tropical Institute, The Netherlands
Lata Narayanaswamy - University of Leeds, UK
Ruth Pearson - Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds, UK

Shirin Rai - Professor of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick, UK
Amartya Sen - Harvard University, USA

Nidhi Tandon - Consultant and Trainer, Canada

Open access

Gender & Development is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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