Plant-based Nanoparticles for Advanced Medical Applications: Current Trends and Future Prospects

Created 04 Feb 2024| Updated 07 May 2024 | 7 articles
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Phyto-nanomedicine is an emerging field that aims to leverage the unique properties of plant-based nanoparticles for medical applications. This interdisciplinary field brings together expertise in materials science, plant science, chemistry, biology, and medicine to develop innovative approaches to drug delivery and disease treatment. The use of plant-based materials in nanomedicine offers several advantages over traditional drug delivery systems. These nanoparticles have biocompatibility, biodegradability, and minimal side effects, making them an attractive alternative to synthetic materials. The use of phyto-nanoparticles can also enhance the bioavailability of drugs, leading to improved therapeutic outcomes. The potential applications of phyto-nanoparticles in disease treatment are vast, with promising results in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. Phyto-nanoparticles have been shown to be effective in targeting specific cells or tissues, resulting in more efficient treatments with fewer side effects. Moreover, the use of plant-based materials in nanomedicine offers a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals. As a result, there is increasing interest in the development of phyto-nanoparticles for various medical applications. This Article Collection aims to showcase the latest research in phyto-nanomedicine and highlight the potential of plant-based nanoparticles for medical applications. By bringing together researchers from different fields, this Article Collection offers a platform to exchange ideas, share findings, and discuss the future directions and challenges of this exciting field. Through this initiative, we hope to inspire further innovation and exploration of phyto-nanomedicine, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and a more sustainable approach to medicine.

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