Journal overview

Aims & Scope

JEPOP aims to publish research of the highest quality on elections, public opinion, participation and political parties. Published under the auspices of the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom specialist group of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties (EPOP), it welcomes submissions based on either comparative or single nation studies. The journal has no methodological bias other than demonstrable excellence.

Data Transparency

JEPOP subscribes to the principles of Data Access and Research Transparency (DART) contained in the Joint Editors Transparency Statement to which it is a signatory: For papers employing data, authors must agree to deposit the data and files required to replicate their results before submitting a manuscript for review. If there are limitations or restrictions on data access or if an exception will be requested for any reason, then the author should contact the JEPOP editors to explain the situation before submitting the manuscript. Exceptions to the policy will be granted at the discretion of the editors.

Peer Review

To ensure the continued high quality of articles, all submissions are subject to peer and editorial review.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Read full aims and scope

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