About this journal

Aims and scope

Applicable Analysis is concerned primarily with analysis that has application to scientific and engineering problems. Papers should indicate clearly an application of the mathematics involved. On the other hand, papers that are primarily concerned with modeling rather than analysis are outside the scope of the journal

General areas of analysis that are welcomed contain the areas of differential equations, with emphasis on PDEs, and integral equations, nonlinear analysis, applied functional analysis, theoretical numerical analysis and approximation theory. Areas of application, for instance, include the use of homogenization theory for electromagnetic phenomena, acoustic vibrations and other problems with multiple space and time scales, inverse problems for medical imaging and geophysics, variational methods for moving boundary problems, convex analysis for theoretical mechanics and analytical methods for spatial bio-mathematical models.

Peer Review Policy
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor. If found suitable for further consideration, papers are subject to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single anonymized and submissions can be made online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gapa.

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Journal metrics


  • 79K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.1 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q2 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 1.1 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 2.6 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.879 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.551 (2023) SJR


  • 0 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 92 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 9 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 19% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Grigory Panasenko -  Institute Camille Jordan,
Université Jean Monnet

23 rue P.Michelon,
St. Etienne,
Vilnius University
24 Naugarduko g.,

Yongzhi Steve Xu - Department of Mathematics,
University of Louisville,
KY 40292,

Founding Editor:
Robert P. Gilbert - Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, USA

Advisory Editors:
Rolando Magnanini -
University of Florence, Italy
Vladimir Maz'ya - University of Liverpool
Roger Temam - Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Roberto Triggiani - University of Memphis, USA
Boris Vainberg - University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Associate Editors Board:
Maria Eugenia Perez MartinezUniversidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Areas of expertise: PDEs, homogenization, spectral theory, vibrating systems, singularly perturbed problems
Anna Rozanova-PierratUniversity Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Areas of expertise: PDEs, fractal and non-Lipschitz boundaries, models of non-linear acoustics, wave absorbing boundary conditions, shape optimization, inverse problems
Brahim Amaziane - University of Pau, France
Area of expertise: Homogenization, Porous Media, Finite Volume, Multiscale Analysis
Lorenzo Brasco - University of Ferrara, Italy
Calculus of Variations, Elliptic Regularity, Shape Optimizations
Erwin Brüning - University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Areas of expertise: Solving (nonlinear) PDEs, variational methods, operator theory, generalized functions, quantum information theory, mathematical physics
Daomin Cao - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Areas of expertise: PDE (especially elliptic equations), nonlinear analysis (especially variational methods), elliptic PDEs, nonlinear Schroedinger equations, critical point theory, nonlinear variational problems
Siegfried Carl - Martin Luther University, Germany
Areas of expertise: Smooth and nonsmooth variational problems of elliptic and parabolic type, elliptic parabolic problems, variational inequalities
Der-Chen Chang - Georgetown University, USA
Areas of expertise: Elliptic and sub-elliptic PDE, heat kernels, sub-riemannian geometric related to control problems
Grigory Chechkin - Moscow State University M.V.Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
Areas of expertise: Partial differential equations, homogenization, spectral theory
Alberto Cialdea - University of Basilicata, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics, Italy
Areas of expertise: Elliptic PDEs. Dissipative Operators. Potential Theory. Integral Equations
Andrea Cianchi - University of Florence, Italy
Areas of expertise: Elliptic partial differential equations. Geometric-functional inequalities
Adrian Constantin - University of Vienna, Austria
Areas of expertise: PDE, ordinary differential equations, fluid mechanics, mathematical physics
Ming Fang - Norfolk State University, USA
Areas of expertise: Variational problems of elliptic and parabolic type and its applications, asymptotic methods, multiscale analysis, mathematical modeling in economics and finance
Elisa Francini - University di Florenze, Italy
Area of expertise: Inverse problems for partial differential equations, ill-posed problems
Antonio Gaudiello - University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
Areas of expertise: Nonlinear PDE, homogenization
Gung-Min Gie - University of Louisville, USA
Areas of expertise: Asymptotic analysis of PDEs in fluid mechanics, Singular perturbations and boundary layers, Numerical methods for PDEs
Rejeb Hadiji - University Paris-Est Creteil, France
Areas of expertise: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Ginzburg-Landau Equation, Variational Methods, Asymptotic Analysis.
Scott Hansen - Iowa State University, USA
Areas of expertise: Control theory of PDEs: controllability and stabilization, infinite dimensional systems theory; modeling of elastic, thermo-elastic and fluid-elastic structures, composite and layered plates; spectral methods and non-harmonic Fourier series
Dinh Nho Hào - Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, VAST, Vietnam
Areas of expertise: Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, Numerical Analysis, Optimal Control of PDEs
Benny Y. C. Hon - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Areas of expertise: Numerical methods for inverse and ill-posed problems, Meshless computational methods, Integration-based computational methods
Chanbing Hu - University of Louisville, USA
Areas of expertise: Partial differential equations
Irena Lasiecka - University of Memphis, USA
Areas of expertise: Evolution equations and semigroups, PDEs: parabolic, hyperbolic, linear, nonlinear, problems with interface (coupled evolutionary systems), calculus of variations, control theory: stabilization, controlability optimal control, mini-max, infinite dimensional system theory, dynamical systems and long time behavior as applied to PDEs, numerical analysis pertinent to evolutionary PDEs, optimization
Kiseop Lee - University of Louisville, USA
Areas of Expertise: Stochastic analysis, Mathematical finance, Stochastic optimal control, General probability theory
Salvatore Leonardi - Universita degli Studi de Catania, Italy
Areas of expertise: Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions of elliptic and parabolic PDE
Ming Mei - McGill University, Canada
Areas of Expertise: hyperbolic conservation laws (Euller equations, Navier-Stokes equations) and time-delayed reaction-diffusion equations
Boris Mordukhovich - Wayne State University, USA
Areas of expertise: Variational analysis and generalized differentiation, optimization, optimal control, nonlinear analysis, equilibria
Dumitru Motreanu - Université de Perpignan, France
Areas of expertise: nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems; nonlinear eigenvalue problems; variational methods
Yvonne Miao-Jung Ou - University of Delaware, USA
Areas of expertise: dehomogenization for composite materials, time-reversal for elastic composites, mathematical biology for trabecular bones, Wave propagation in composite materials, multiwavelet methods for definite and indefinte Helmholtz equations
Adrian Muntean - Karlstad University, Sweden
Areas of Expertise: Asymptotic methods in partial differential equations, multiscale modeling, interacting particle systems
Zuhair Nashed - University of Central Florida, USA
Areas of expertise: Inverse and ill-posed problems, sampling theory and signal analysis, integral equations, nonlinear functional analysis, approximation theory and numerical functional analysis
Milan Pokorny - Mathematical Institute of Charles University, Czech Republic
Areas of expertise: PDEs, mathematical fluid mechanics, complex fluids, mixtures.
Andrey Piatnitski - Narvik University College, Norway and Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Areas of expertise: Homogenization, stochastic homogenization, singularly perturbed operators, thin and singular structures, variational approach in media with highly oscillating characteristics, behaviour at infinity of solutions to parabolic and elliptic PDE, random walk in random environment
Keith Promislow - Michigan State University
Area of expertise: nonlinear analysis of infinite dimensional dynamical systems arising from physical processes, with a focus on phase change and entropy driven problems
Maria Alessandra Ragusa - Università di Catania, Italy
Areas of expertise: Partial Differential Equations of the Elliptic type and the applications of these to physical problems
Donal O’Regan - National University of Ireland, Ireland
Areas of expertise: Nonlinear analysis
Paolo Salani - University of Florence, Italy
Areas of expertise: Geometric properties of solutions to Parabolic and Elliptic PDEs, overdetermined problems, Geometric and Functionals inequalities
Pablo SelesonOak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Areas of expertise: Nonlocal boundary value problems, peridynamics.
Henrik Shahgholian - The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Area of expertise: Nonlinear PDE and Free boundary problems
Junping Shi - College of William and Mary, USA
Areas of expertise: Reaction-diffusion modeling and analysis, mathematical biology, bifurcation theory, nonlinear elliptic equations/systems
Meir Shillor - Oakland University, USA
Areas of expertise: Modeling and analysis of contact problems, variational inequalities, free boundary problems, PDEs
Lukasz Stettner - Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Area of expertise: Stochastic control: optimal stopping, impulse control, control of diffusion and Levy processes, nonlinear filtering, control with partial observation, stochastic analysis, mathematics of finance
Jiguang Sun - Michigan Technological University, USA
Areas of expertise: eigenvalue problems, finite element method, electromagnetic, inverse scattering problems, spectral theory.
Tatiana Suslina - St-Petersburg University, Russia
Areas of expertise: PDEs, operator theory, spectral theory.
Julian Tugaut - University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France
Areas of expertise: Large deviations principle; McKean-Vlasov diffusions; Mean-field interacting particles systems; Perturbed random dynamical systems
Vitaly Volpert - University Claude Bernard, France
Areas of expertise: Reaction-diffusion equations, mathematical biology
Patrick Winkert - Technical University Berlin, Germany
Areas of expertise: A priori bounds for elliptic and parabolic problems, nonlinear elliptic and parabolic differential equations and inclusions, (anisotropic) double phase problems
Dinghua Xu - Zhejiang Sci-Tech University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Areas of Expertise: Computable modeling, Parabolic equations, Inverse problems.
Masahiro Yamamoto - The University of Tokyo, Japan
Areas of expertise: Inverse problems, ill-posed problems, these theories and its numerical analysis, applications to the real world
Jen-Chih Yao - National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Areas of expertise: Variational analysis, optimal control, variational inequalities, optimization, calculus of variation
Irwin Yousept - Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Areas of expertise: Optimal control of PDEs, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic phenomena, numerical analysis, inverse problems
Bo Zhang - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Areas of expertise: Scattering theory, inverse problems, computational wave propagation, boundary integral equations
Quanxin ZhuSchool of Mathematics and Statistics, China
Areas of expertise: Stability and control of stochastic nonlinear systems, stochastic control, scholastic differential equations
Alexander Zlotnik - Department of Mathematics, Higher School of Economics University, Moscow, Russia
Areas of expertise: Numerical methods for partial differential equations, viscous gas and fluid dynamics.
Jun Zou - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Areas of expertise: Numerical PDEs, fast solvers, numerical methods for inverse problems, inverse scattering, parameter identification, identifiability, convergence and error estimates of numerical methods
Xingfu Zou - University of Western Ontario, Canada
Areas of expertise: Ordinary and delay differential equations, reaction diffusion equations

Abstracting and indexing

This journal is abstracted and indexed in:
Astrophysics Data System
Australian Research Council ERA list 2015
Baidu Scholar
British Library Inside
Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents® / Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
Clarivate Analytics: Science Citation Index Expanded™
CNKI Scholar
Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI)
DTU Findit
E-lib Breman
EBSCO Databases
Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
Genamics JournalSeek
Google Scholar
Microsoft Academic
Naver Academic
New Jour
Norwegian Register of Scientific Journals and Publishers
ProQuest Advanced Technologies and Aerospace
ProQuest Computer and Information Systems Abstracts
ProQuest Technology Collection
Scopus™ - click here for current CiteScore
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Web of Science
WorldCat Local (OCLC)

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