About this journal

Aims and scope

Consumption Markets & Culture (CMC) focuses on consumerism and the markets as the site of social behaviour and discourse. It encourages discussion of the role of management and organisations in society, especially in terms of production, consumption, colonialism, globalisation, business performance and labour conditions. Combining theories of culture, media, gender, anthropology, literary criticism, and consumption with analyses of business and management, the journal is international in its scope and iconoclastic in its aims. The editor considers marketing to be the ultimate social practice of postmodernity, blending art and commerce and requiring the constant renewal of styles, forms and images. Educating readers about the conscious and planned practice of signification and representation is, thus, the journal’s primary aim; its second is to take part in inquiring in and construction of the material conditions and meanings of consumption and production.

Peer Review Policy:
Articles that are published in Consumption Markets & Culture (CMC) go through a double-anonymized peer-review process of greatest integrity.

Journal metrics


  • 157K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.9 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 2.3 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 4.8 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.347 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.776 (2023) SJR


  • 12 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 99 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 13 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 13% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Professor Alan Bradshaw
University of London
Department of Marketing

Email: [email protected]

Associate Professor Joel Hietanen
University of Helsinki
Centre for Consumer Society Research

Email: [email protected]

Book Review Editor
Alice Wickstrom - Aalto University, Finland

Media Editor
Stephen Dunne - University of Edinburgh Business School, UK

Associate Editors
Mikael Andéhn- Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Eric Arnould - Department of Marketing, Aalto University, Finland
Bendetta Cappellini - Durham University, UK
Robert Cluley – University of Birmingham, UK
Franck Cochoy - University of Toulouse, France
James Cronin – Lancaster University, UK
Aron Darmody – Carleton University, Canada
Karen Fernandez - University of Auckland, New Zealand
Mehita Iqani - University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Elif Izberk-Bilgin - University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA
Aliette Lambert – University of Bath, UK
Timothy Malefyt - Fordham University, USA
Jacob Ostberg - Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden
Joonas Rokka - EM Lyon Business School, France
Ozlem Sandikci Turkdogan - University of Glasgow, UK
Rohit Varman - Deakin University, Australia

Editorial Advisory Board
Søren Askegaard - University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Russell W. Belk - York University, Canada
Janet Borgerson - DePaul University, USA
Stephen Brown - Ulster University, UK
Bernard Cova - Euromed Management, France
Paul du Gay - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Eileen Fischer - York University, Canada
Robert Foster - University of Rochester, USA
Güliz Ger - Bilkent University, Turkey
Markus Giesler -  York University, Canada
Christina Goulding - University of Birmingham, UK
David Hesmondhalgh - Leeds University, UK
Paul Hewer - Strathclyde University, UK
Rika Houston - California State University, Los Angeles, USA
Annamma Joy - University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada
Laurie Meamber - George Mason University, USA
Julie Ozanne - University of Melbourne, Australia
Mike Saren - University of Leicester, UK
Lynne Segal -  Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
John F. Sherry Jr. -  University of Notre Dame, USA
Craig Thompson -  University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Detlev Zwick - York University, Canada

Editorial Review Board
Oscar Ahlberg - Aalto University School of Business, Finland
Luis Araujo - Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
Adam Arvidsson - University of Milan, Italy
Domen Bajde - University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Fleura Bardhi - Cass Business School, City University London, UK
Anders Bengtsson - Protobrand, Boston, USA
Kushagra Bhatnagar - Aalto University School of Business, Finland
Sammy Bonsu - Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ghana
Stefania Borghini - Bocconi University, Italy
Jan Brace-Govan - Monash University, Australia
Norah Campbell - Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Antonella Caru - Bocconi University, Italy
George Cheney - University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA
Janice Denegri-Knott - Bournemouth University, UK
Giana Eckhardt - King's College London, UK
Karin M. Ekström - University College of Boras, Sweden
Bernardo Figueiredo - RMIT, Australia
James Fitchett - University of Leicester, UK
Susi Geiger - University College Dublin, Ireland
Craig Gent - Novara Media, UK
Hélène Gorge - Université de Lille, France
Pierre Guillet de Monthoux - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Benjamin Hartmann - Gothenburg University Sweden
Paul Haynes - University of London, UK
Alison Hulme -  University of Northampton, UK
Ashlee Humphreys - Northwestern University, USA
Martina Hutton - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Gavin Jack -  Monash University, Australia
Aliakbar Jafari - University of Strathclyde, UK
Vikram Kapoor  - University of London, UK
Seema Khanwalkar -  CEPT University, India
Hans Kjellberg -  Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Alev Kuruoglu - University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
John Lastovicka - Arizona State University, USA
Holly Lewis -  Texas State University, USA
Jean-Sebastien Marcoux - HEC Montreal, Canada
David Marshall - University of Edinburgh Business School, UK
Pierre McDonagh Bath University, UK
Jeff Murray -  University of Arkansas, USA
Stephanie O'Donohoe - University of Edinburgh Business School, UK
Thomas C. O’Guinn -   University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Nil Özcaglar-Toulouse - University of Lille, France
Marie-Agnes Parmentier - HEC Montreal, Canada
Simone Pettigrew Curtin University, Australia
Andrea Prothero -   University College Dublin, Ireland
Tanja Schneider - University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Stevphen Shuikatis  -  University of Essex, UK
Clifford Shultz - Loyola University Chicago, USA
Robert Spencer - Euromed Management Marseille, France
Katherine C. Sredl - Loyola University Chicago, USA
Ahmet Süerdem Bilgi University, Turkey
Pascale Trompette - CNRS, University of Grenoble Alpes, France
Ela Veresiu - York University, Canada

Updated 25-08-2023

Abstracting and indexing

Consumption, Markets and Culture is abstracted and indexed in the CAB Abstracts, Leisure Recreation and Tourism Abstracts, OCLC, World Agriculture Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts, Global Health and International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).

Open access

Consumption Markets & Culture is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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