About this journal

Aims and scope

Ferroelectrics is designed to provide a forum for people working in ferroelectrics and related materials such as ferroelastics, ferroelectric-ferromagnetics, electrooptics, piezoelectrics, pyroelectrics, nonlinear dielectrics, and liquid crystals. Ferroelectrics publishes experimental and theoretical papers aimed at the understanding of ferroelectricity and associated phenomena and applied papers dealing with the utilization of these materials in devices and systems. An important aspect of Ferroelectrics is to provide a vehicle for the publication of interdisciplinary papers involving ferroelectricity.

The editor invites original papers and short communications on the theory, fabrication, properties, and applications of ferroelectrics and related materials. In addition to research papers, Ferroelectrics publishes appropriate and timely review articles.

Peer Review

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and if found suitable for further consideration, will be peer-reviewed by independent and anonymous expert referees.

CrossRef Similarity Check

Please note that Ferroelectrics uses CrossRef Similarity Check™ (Powered by iThenticate) to screen papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to the journal you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer-review and production processes.

Journal metrics


  • 136K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 0.6 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 0.7 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 1.3 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • 0.346 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.200 (2023) SJR


  • 98 days avg. from acceptance to online publication

Editorial board

Founding Editor and Emeritus Editor
George W. Taylor (Editor-in-Chief: 1970-2023)
Princeton Resources
P.O. Box 211
Princeton, New Jersey 08542-0211, U.S.A

Deborah J. Taylor
Crawley Research Associates
3300 Bee Cave Road Suite 650-226
Austin, Texas 78746, U.S.A

Associate Editors
Amar S. Bhalla
Department of Electrical Computer Engineering
University of Texas, San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, Texas 78249 USA

Jirí Hlinka
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Na Slovence 2
18200 Prague 8
Czech Republic

Yoshihiro Ishibashi
Professor Emeritus
Nagoya University
Nagoya, 466-0815 Japan

Sidney B. Lang
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Beer Sheva 84120, Israel

Alexander Sigov
Moscow Technological University (MIREA)
78 Vernadsky Avenue
119454 Moscow, Russia

Editorial Board
A.J. Bell - Leeds, UK
C.L. Choy - Hong Kong
J.A. Eiras - Sao Carlos, Brasil
V.M. Fridkin - Moscow, Russia
A. Lopez Garcia - La Plata, Argentina
A.M. Glass - Murray Hill, New Jersey
M.D. Glinchuk - Kiev, Ukraine
J.A. Gonzalo - Madrid, Spain
S. Gridnev - Voronezh, Russia
P. Günter - Zurich, Switzerland
R. Guo - San Antonio, Texas, USA
G.H. Haertling - Albuquerque, New Mexico
B. Hilczer - Poznan, Poland
N. Ichinose - Tokyo, Japan
T. Janssen - Nijmegen, The Netherlands
S. Kamba - Prague, Czech Republic
A. Kholkin - Aveiro, Portugal
W. Kleeman - Duisburg, Germany
J. Kobayashi - Tokyo, Japan
S. Kojima - Tsukuba, Japan
S. Lagerwall - Göteborg, Sweden
R. Le Bihan - Nantes, France
M. Maglione - Bordeaux, France
A. Onodera - Sapporo, Japan
C.A. Paz de Araujo - Colorado Springs, Colorado
J. Petersson - Saarbüucken, Germany
K. Roleder - Katowice, Poland
G. Salamo - Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA
V.H. Schmidt - Bozeman, Montana
N. Setter - Lausanne, Switzerland
V.Ya. Shur - Ekaterinburg, Russia
W.A. Smith - Arlington, Virgina
A. Sternberg - Riga, Latvia
T.-Y. Tseung - Hsinchu, Taiwan
K. Uchino - University Park, Pennsylvania
T. Volk - Moscow, Russia
Y. Xi - People’s Republic of China

Abstracting and indexing

Ferroelectrics is currently abstracted/indexed in:

  • Chemical Abstracts Service
    Chemical Abstracts (Online)
  • EBSCOhost (various)
  • Elsevier BV
  • FIZ Technik e.V.
    TEMA - Technology and Management
  • Genamics JournalSeek
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
    INIS Collection Search (International Nuclear Information System)
  • National Library of Medicine
  • OCLC
    Electronic Collections Online
  • Ovid
  • ProQuest (various)
  • The Engineering Index Monthly (DVD)
  • Clarivate Analytics
    Current Contents
    Science Citation Index Expanded
    Web of Science
  • World Ceramics Abstracts (Online)

Open access

Ferroelectrics is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

Why choose open access?

  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
  2. Make an impact and reach new readers, not just those with easy access to a research library
  3. Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
  4. Comply with funding mandates and meet the requirements of your institution, employer or funder
  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

Article Publishing Charges (APC)

If you choose to publish open access in this journal you may be asked to pay an Article Publishing Charge (APC). You may be able to publish your article at no cost to yourself or with a reduced APC if your institution or research funder has an open access agreement or membership with Taylor & Francis.

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