About this journal

Aims and scope

International Interactions is a leading interdisciplinary journal that publishes original empirical, analytic, and theoretical studies of conflict and political economy. The journal has a particular interest in research that focuses upon the broad range of relations and interactions among the actors in the global system. Relevant topics include ethnic and religious conflict, interstate and intrastate conflict, conflict resolution, conflict management, economic development, regional integration, trade relations, institutions, globalization, terrorism, and geopolitical analyses. The journal aims to promote interaction among social science disciplines by encouraging interdisciplinary work among political scientists, economists, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers, statisticians, and mathematicians.

Peer Review Policy: All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double-anonymous peer review by at least two referees after an initial editor screening.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106


Political scientists, economists, historians, mathematicians, statisticians, anthropologists, sociologists, and other social science researchers with an interest in international relations, as well as informed members of business, government, non-government.

Journal metrics


  • 122K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.5 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q2 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 1.8 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 2.4 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.742 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.612 (2023) SJR


  • 9 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 69 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 25 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 18% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Editorial Team

Susan Hannah Allen, Editor in Chief - University of Mississippi, USA

Sean Ehrlich, Editor - Florida State University, USA

Jill Haglund, Editor - University of Kentucky, USA

Ben Jones, Editor - University of Mississippi, USA

Tim Nordstrom, Editor - University of Mississippi, USA

Managing Editors

Noëlie Frix - Kansas State University, USA
Jungmin Han - University of Pittsburgh, USA

Editorial Board

Aysegul Aydin -  University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Stephen Bagwell -  University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
Navin Bapat -  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Kyle Beardsley -  Duke University, USA
Rebecca Best -  University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA
Cristina Bodea -  Michigan State University, USA
Nils-Christian Bormann -  University of Exeter, UK
Margit Bussmann -  University of Greifswald, Germany
Olga Chyzh -  Iowa State University, USA
Michael Colaresi -  University of Pittsburgh, USA
Courtenay R. Conrad -  University of California, Merced, USA
Rebecca Cordell -  University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Brian Crisher -  University of West Florida
Orlandrew Danzell -  James Madison University, USA
Ursula E. Daxecker -  University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jacqueline H.R. DeMeritt -  University of North Texas, USA
Matthew di Giuseppe -  Leiden University, Netherlands
Paul F. Diehl -  University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Austin Doctor -  Eastern Kentucky University, USA
Andrew Enterline -  University of North Texas, USA
Michael G. Findley -  University of Texas at Austin, USA
Hanne Fjelde -  Uppsala University, Sweden
Michael E. Flynn -  Kansas State University, USA
Benjamin O. Fordham -  Binghamton University, USA
Kimberly A. Nolan García -  FLACSO, Sede México
Scott Gates -  University of Oslo, Norway
Ana Carolina Garriga  - University of Essex, UK
Faten Ghosn -  The University of Arizona, USA
Theodora-Ismene Gizelis  - University of Essex, UK
Kristian Gleditsch -  University of Essex, UK
Laura Gómez-Mera -  University of Miami, USA
Belén González -  Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Kyle Haynes -  Purdue University, USA
Tobias Heinrich -  University of South Carolina, USA
Patrick James -  University of Southern California, USA
Sung Chul Jung -  Myongji University, South Korea
Arzu Kibris -  University of Warwick, UK
Matthew Krain -  The College of Wooster, USA
Brett Ashley Leeds -  Rice University, USA
Carla Martinez Machain  - Kansas State University, USA
Heather Elko McKibben -  University of California, Davis, USA
Elena V. McLean -  University of Buffalo, USA
Roseanne W. McManus -  Pennsylvania State University, USA
Covadonga Meseguer -  London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Sara McLaughlin Mitchell -  University of Iowa, USA
Bumba Mukherjee -  Pennsylvania State University, USA
Marie Olson Lounsbery -  East Carolina University, USA
Jeffrey Pickering -  Kansas State University, USA
Jonathan Powell -  University of Central Florida, USA
Karen A. Rasler -  Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Toby J. Rider -  Texas Tech University, USA
Idean Salehyan -  University of North Texas, USA
Belgin San Akca -  Koç University, Turkey
Burcu Savun  - University of Pittsburgh, USA
Gerald Schneider -  University of Konstanz, Germany
Mi Jeong Shin -  Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, People's Republic of China
Mark Souva  - Florida State University, USA
William Spaniel -  University of Pittsburgh, USA
Atsushi Tago -  Waseda University, Japan
William R. Thompson -  Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Daniel C. Tirone -  Louisiana State University, USA
Dawid Walentek -  University of Warsaw, Poland
James Igoe Walsh -  University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Clayton M. Webb -  University of Kansas, USA
Scott Wolford -  University of Texas at Austin, USA
Joseph K. Young  - American University, USA 

Ex Officio

Lisbeth Aggestam - University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Mark A. Boyer -  University of Connecticut, USA
Jamie Gaskarth -  The Open University, United Kingdom
Brian Lai -  University of Iowa, USA
Helen V. Milner -  Princeton University, USA
Amanda Murdie -  University of Georgia, USA
Brandon C. Prins -  University of Tennessee, USA
James M. Scott -  Texas Christian University, USA
Asaf Siniver -  University of Birmingham, USA
Brent J. Steele -  University of Utah, USA
Jelena Subotic -  Georgia State University, USA
Cameron Thies -  Arizona State University, USA
Krista E. Wiegand -  University of Tennessee, 

Abstracting and indexing

Abstracted/indexed in: CSA; EBSCOhost Online Research Databases; Elsevier’s Scopus; International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS); OCLC; PAIS International; RePEc; Thomson Reuters© Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences; and Thomson Reuters© Social Science Citation Index.

Open access

International Interactions is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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