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Journal overview

Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, under the sponsorship of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), provides an interdisciplinary and international publication outlet for conceptual, empirical, and methodological developments and emerging trends in the field of identity research.

The Journal brings together leading research in identity undertaken by scholars across different subdisciplines within psychology (e.g., social, developmental, educational, experimental, clinical, work and organizational psychology), as well as across other social and behavioral disciplines (e.g., educational research, social work, family studies, sociology, anthropology, cultural and ethnic studies, communication, psychiatry).

As the construct of identity refers to the multi-faceted and complex ways in which individuals define themselves, manuscripts addressing any of the many domains in which such self-definitions develop are aligned with the scope of Journal. Such domains include, but are not limited to, multiple components of personal and social identity, such as ethnic identity, vocational identity, job identity, religious identity, moral identity, political identity, and identity established within a relationship context, such as with a romantic partner, a friend, or as a parent. Also, studies addressing cognitive and affective dimensions of the self, such as self-concept clarity, self-esteem, possible and multiple selves, are welcome.

Identity welcomes high-quality empirical contributions (including also registered reports), theoretical and methodological papers as well as systematic reviews and meta-analyses (see

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