Journal overview

Peabody Journal of Education (PJE) publishes quarterly symposia in the broad area of education, including but not limited to topics related to formal institutions serving students in early childhood, pre-school, primary, elementary, intermediate, secondary, post-secondary, and tertiary education. The scope of the journal includes special kinds of educational institutions, such as those providing vocational training or the schooling for students with disabilities. PJE also welcomes manuscript submissions that concentrate on informal education dynamics, those outside the immediate framework of institutions, and education matters that are important to nations outside the United States. Finally, it includes topics that are linked to the social and organizational context in which formal and informal education take place.

The Editor cooperates with groups of scholars to present multifaceted, integrated expositions of important topics. A given issue of PJE may contain contributions from social scientists, historians, philosophers, attorneys, practitioners, and policymakers.

Unsolicited proposals for special issues--including designation of participating scholars and an outline of articles--will be accepted for review. Additionally, the Editor cooperates with Editorial Board members to identify potential topics, Guest Editors, and contributors. PJE has the flexibility to consider publishing monographs or a series focused on particular lines of inquiry. In all cases, the Editor and the Editorial Board will ensure that each issue is carefully reviewed and its articles will comprise a high-quality contribution to understanding and practice.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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Cover image for Peabody Journal of Education, Volume 99, Issue 3
Volume 99, Issue 3, 2024

Broadening Our Understanding of How Research-Practice Partnerships Support Educational Improvement and Equitable Transformation

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