About this journal

Aims and scope

Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing case reports from all fields of oto-rhino-laryngology and head and neck surgery.

Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports is an international and independent journal derived from Acta Oto-Laryngologica.

The journal publishes case reports reflecting remarkable experiences with one or more patients with unexpected symptoms or clinical course as well as rare complications and their management. The objective of presenting these case reports is to shed light on unconventional clinical situations that could benefit future patients. This journal has short publication times in order to bring these case reports to the scientific community in a timely manner and without delay to maximize clinical benefit.

The journal operates a double-anonymized peer review policy.

Journal metrics


  • 81K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 0.3 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 0.2 (2023) 5 year IF


  • 56 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 56 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 10 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 86% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Eva Munck af Rosenschöld Wikland - Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Associate Editors
Andreas Ekborn - Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Linda Marklund - Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Editorial Board
Petra Ambrosch - Professor, Kiel University, Germany
Matti Anniko - Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Maurizio Barbara - Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Ricardo Bento - Professor, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Cecilia Engmér Berglin - Dr, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Henrik Bergquist - Professor, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen - Professor, University of Barcelona, Spain
Oleg Borysenko - Assistant Professor, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Christian von Buchwald - Professor, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Lars-Olaf Cardell - Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Anders Cervin - Professor, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Pankaj Chaturvedi - Professor, Centre for Cancer Epidemiology Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, India
Tomas Ekberg - Dr, PhD, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Per Olof Eriksson - Assistant Professor, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Francesca Forli - Assistant Professor, University of Pisa, Italy
Signe Friesland - Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Caroline Gahm - Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Bee See Goh - Professor, University of Kebangsaan, Malaysia
Pawel Golusinski - Professor, University of Zielona Gora, Poznàn, Poland
Lalle Hammarstedt Nordenvall - Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Sten Hellström - Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Ann Hermansson - Professor, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Shigeru Hirano - Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
Preben Homöe - Professor, Zealand University Hospital, Köge, Denmark
Ju Park Hong - Professor, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea
Romain Kania - Professor, Lariboisière University Hospital, Paris, France
Göran Laurell - Professor, Uppsala University, Sweden
James W Loock - Professor, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Michal Luntz - Professor, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa, Israel
Antti Mäkitie - Professor, Helsinki University, Finland
Gino Marioni - Assistant Professor, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Hisham Mehanna - Professor, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Ken-ichi Nibu - Professor, Kobe University, Japan
Johan Nilsson - Dr, PhD, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Katarina Olofsson - Professor, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Koichi Omori - Professor, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Anne Pitkäranta - Professor emerita, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Stefan Plontke - Professor, Halle University, Germany
Milan Profant - Professor, University of Bratislava, Slovakia
Raymond Sachs - Professor, University of Sydney, Australia
Guri Sandhu - Professor, Imperial College Health Care NHS Trust, London, UK
Sebastien Alphonse Schmerber - Professor, University Hospital of Grenoble, France
Hai-Bo Shi - Professor, The Sixth People's Hospital and Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Jorge Spratley - Professor, Hospital Lusíadas Porto, Portugal
Krister Tano - Assistant Professor, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Mariela Torrente - Assistant Professor, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
Elina Toskala - Professor, Jeffersoon Health - Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Shin-ichi Usami - Professor, Shinshu Universtiy School of Medicine, Japan
Jun Yang - Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, China
Yi-Ho Young - Professor, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Lisheng Yu - Professor, People's Hospital of Peking University, China
Liang Zhou - Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Abstracting and indexing

Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports is indexed/tracked/covered by the following services:

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
EMBASE (Elsevier)
Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
Open Access Journals Integrated Service System Project (GoOA)

Open access

Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports is an open access journal and only publishes open access articles. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

Why choose open access?

  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
  2. Make an impact and reach new readers, not just those with easy access to a research library
  3. Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
  4. Comply with funding mandates and meet the requirements of your institution, employer or funder
  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

Article Publishing Charges (APC)

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