About this journal

Aims and scope

Providing an authoritative open forum on asthma and related conditions, Journal of Asthma publishes clinical research around such topics as asthma management, critical and long-term care, preventative measures, environmental counselling, and patient education. The journal discusses asthma from the perspectives of:

  • Clinical Immunology
  • Allergy
  • Pulmonary Physiology
  • Psychosomatics
  • Pharmacology
  • Other asthma-related clinical health trends

This journal uses double-anonymized peer review.

Journal metrics


  • 241K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.7 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 1.9 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 4.0 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.755 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.609 (2023) SJR


  • 26 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 30 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 15 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 56% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Fulvio Braido
University of Genoa
Genoa, Italy

Associate Editors

David M. Lang, MD
Professor of Medicine
Chair Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Co-Director, Asthma Center
Director, Allergy Immunology Fellowship
Respiratory Institute
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH

John M. Weiler, MD, MBA
Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa
President, CompleWare Corporation
Iowa City, IA

Editorial Board

Lara J. Akinbami, MD
National Center for Health Statistics, CDC
Hyattsville, Maryland

Elizabeth D. Allen, MD
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
The Ohio State University, College of Medicine
Columbus, Ohio

Kimberly Arcoleo, PhD, MPH
The Ohio State University
College of Nursing
Columbus, Ohio

Cristina Ardura, PhD
Institute of Social and Preventative Medicine
University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland

Bengt B. Arnetz, MD, PhD, MSCEPI, MPH
Michigan State University
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Don Arnold, MD, MPH
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee

Koichiro Asano, MD
Tokai University School of Medicine
Kanagawa, Japan

Adaeze Ayuk, M.B.B.S., FMCPaed
Senior Lecturer, College of Medicine
University of Nigeria
Red Cross Children’s Hospital
Cape Town, South Africa

Kenji Baba, PhD
Professor of Respiratory Medicine
Aichi Medical University
Aichi, Japan

Charles Barnes, PhD
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Director, Allergy/Immunology Laboratory
The Children’s Mercy Hospital
Kansas City, Missouri

Ellen Becker, PhD, RRT, AE-C, FAARC
Cardiopulmonary Sciences
Rush University
Chicago, IL

David Bennett, MD, PhD
Respiratory Diseases and Lung Transplant Unit
University Hospital of Siena
Siena, Italy

Jocelyn M. Biagini Myers, PhD
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio

Andras Bikov, MD, PhD
North West Lung Centre
Wythenshawe Hospital
Manchester, UK

John D. Blakey, PhD
Department of Respiratory Medicine
Sir Charles Gairdner Osborne Park Health Care Group
Perth, Western Australia

Mark A. Brown, MD
University of Arizona
College of Medicine
Tucson, Arizona

Scott Burgess, PhD, FRACP
Mater Children’s Hospital
Queensland, Australia

Arlene Butz, Sc.D., CRNP
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Baltimore, Maryland

Christopher L. Carroll, MD, MS
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Hartford, Connecticut

Christopher D. Codispoti, MD, PhD
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois

Íkaro Daniel de Carvalho Barreto, PhD
Federal Rural University of Pernambuco
Programa de Pós Graduação em Biometria e Estatística Aplicada
Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

Qihong Deng, PhD
Xiang Ya School of Public Health
Central South University
Changsha, Hunan, China

Stephanie Hom Deveau-Rosen, MD
Inova Children's Hospital
Fairfax, Virginia

Melanie Dispenza, MD, PhD
Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois

Christina Duncan, PhD
Associate Professor
Clinical Child Psychology Program Area
West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia

John Eckman, MD
Allergy and Asthma Associates, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio

David Evans, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Columbia University Medical Center

Lauren Fine, MD
University of Miami
Miller School of Medicine
Miami, Florida

Sean Frey, MD, MPH
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, NY

Texas State University

Maureen George, PhD, RN, AE-C, FAAN
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chris Gillette, PhD
Wingate University School of Pharmacy
Wingate, North Carolina

Francisco-Javier Gonzalez-Barcala, MD, PhD
University of Santiago de Compostela
Clinical Consultant, Asthma Clinical Research Unit
Clinic Universitary Hospital
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

William Adam Gower, MD, MS
Dept. of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Weijie Guan, PhD
Guangzhou Medical University
State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease
Guangzhou, China

Ronald Harbeck, PhD
Medical Director, Advanced Diagnostic Laboratories (ADx)
Director, Core and Microbiology Laboratories, ADx
Department of Medicine
Division of Pathology
National Jewish Health
Denver, Colorado

Grace Hardie, PhD, RN
San Francisco State University, Emerita School of Nursing
Consultant, International Education Research Foundation, Inc
San Francisco & Culver City, California

Andrew Harver, PhD
Professor of Public Health Sciences
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, N. Carolina

Fusun Kalpaklioglu, MD, PhD
Kirikkale University Faculty of Medicine
Kirikkale, Turkey

Michael S. Kaplan, MD
Kaiser Permanente
Los Angeles, California

Jessica Kearney, MD
University College, London

Krzysztof Kowal, MD
Medical University of Bialystok
Bialystok, Poland

Inger Kull, PhD.
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Karolinska Institute
Stockholm, Sweden

Alison C. McLeish, PhD
Department of Psychology
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio

Joseph J. Moellman, MD
University of Cincinnati
Department of Emergency Medicine
Cincinnati, Ohio

Ariel Munitz, MD
Department: Human Microbiology
Faculty of Medicine
Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel

Laura Nabors, PhD
University of Cincinnati
School of Human Services
Cincinnati, Ohio

Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett, PhD
University of Georgia

Kathryn Pade, MD
Rady Children's Hospital
San Diego, CA

Jill A. Poole, MD
University of Nebraska Medical Center
College of Medicine
Omaha, Nebraska

Manuel Praena-Crespo, MD, PhD
Andalusian Health Service
Seville, Spain

Troy Quast, MD
University of South Florida
College of Public Health
Tampa, FL

Santiago Quirce, MD, PhD
Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research
Madrid, Spain

Timothy H. Self, Pharm.D
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Memphis, Tennessee

Miwa Shinohara, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics
Juntendo Univeristy
Tokyo, Japan

Jens-Oliver Steiß, MD
University of Gießen
Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy
Gießen, Germany

Editor Emeritus
Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD
Professor of Medicine
Director of Clinical Research
University of Cincinnati
Department of Internal Medicine
Cincinnati, OH

Abstracting and indexing

Journal of Asthma is included in the following abstracting and indexing services:

Academic Search Complete; Biomedical Reference Collection: Comprehensive; Chemical Abstracts; Consumer Health Complete; Current Contents/Clinical Medicine; Current Contents/Life Sciences; EMBASE; HINARI; PopLine; PubMed/MedLine; PsycInfo; SCI-E; SCOPUS

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