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Journal overview

Neurodegenerative Disease Management presents findings, analysis and commentary in the ongoing battle with this range of debilitating illnesses. The journal provides guidance to the multidisciplinary disease management community regarding the most effective treatment strategies and the implications of cutting-edge research as it emerges.

Topics covered include:

  • All neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, ALS and multiple sclerosis
  • Disease mechanisms
  • Epidemiology
  • Genetic and environmental influences on disease pathogenesis
  • Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of disease
  • Use of biomarkers in diagnosis and prognosis
  • Use of technology to track symptoms and impact of treatment
  • Therapeutic options
  • Evaluation and management of cognitive impairment and dementia
  • Prospects for new treatments such as cell and gene therapy
  • Medical treatment guidelines
  • Adverse events and drug safety
  • Pharmacoeconomics, outcomes research, real-world evidence and quality of life
  • Disease management in developed and developing countries
  • Palliative care

Articles are subject to peer review by three independent referees on a double-blind basis. Authors publishing in the journal are asked to disclose any professional or financial interest that may be perceived as causing a conflict of interest in the context of the article.

The journal welcomes unsolicited article proposals.

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