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Journal overview

*Please note that Small GTPases converted to a full Open Access journal from Volume 14 (2023). Previous volumes will continue to provide access through a Pay to Read model.

Small GTPases have emerged as key signal transducing proteins involved in every facet of cell and organismal biology. To reflect their prominence in health and disease, the journal Small GTPases aims to be a dedicated forum for the sharing of information at the forefront of the field, covering a broad range of research including cell and in vivo biology, structural studies, biochemistry, and drug discovery. In addition to the GTPase proteins themselves, Small GTPases features research focused on the structure, regulation, and function of their regulators and effectors. To reflect the advances in methodologies used for biological research, Small GTPases is particularly interested in manuscripts that make use of emerging approaches, including systems biology, biophysics, advanced imaging and, bioinformatics. These approaches complement classical experimental techniques to discover the underlying mechanisms that small GTPases employ to regulate fundamental biological processes.

Small GTPases publishes 6 issues per year and accepts:

  • Original Research Papers
  • Brief Reports
  • Reviews
  • Commentaries
  • Extra Views

Article submissions should be made at, after which they will be assessed by the Editor in Chief, and if found suitable, will be sent for peer-review. Pre-submission enquiries can be sent to the Editor in Chief Michael Olson at [email protected].

Please note, from 2023 the Print ISSN is not in active use as this journal is no longer published in print.

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