About this journal

Aims and scope

Included in the Financial Times FT50 list.

In the AIS senior scholars 'basket of 8' https://aisnet.org/page/SeniorScholarBasket

JMIS is a widely recognized top-tier forum for the presentation of research that advances the understanding and practice of organizational information systems. The Journal serves the researchers investigating new modes of information technology deployment and the changing landscape of information policy making, as well as practitioners and executives managing the information resource. Along with the pursuit of knowledge, the quarterly aims to serve the societal goals, and to bridge the gap between theory and practice of information systems.

The journal accepts for double anonymized review, full-scale research submissions that make a significant contribution to the field of information systems. Such contributions may present:

  • Impactful and methodologically sound research work leading to the progress of the knowledge field
  • Paradigmatic and generalizable designs and applications
  • Analyses of informational policy making in an organizational, national, or international setting
  • Investigations of societal and economic issues of organizational computing, in particular aiming at the improvements in health, sustainability, and equality

Analytical attention is focused on the following key issues:

  • Information systems for competitive positioning
  • Business processes and management enabled by information technology
  • Business value of information technology
  • Resilience and security of information-technology infrastructures
  • Entrepreneurial deployment of information technology
  • Management of information resources
  • Relationship between information technology and organizational performance and structures
  • Enterprise-wide systems architectures and infrastructures
  • Electronic business, net-enabled organizations, and platforms
  • The organization and impacts of big data and data analytics
  • Artificial intelligence with machine learning in organizational information systems
  • Social media, social commerce, and social networks in the organizational perspective
  • Systems sourcing, development, and stewardship in organizations
  • Informational support of collaborative work
  • Knowledge management, organizational learning, and organizational memory
  • The human element in organizational computing

Consistent with its role as a leading journal of the IS discipline, JMIS pursues the objectives of diversity and inclusion with respect to all of its stakeholders.

Contributors are invited to submit their best work for publication in Journal of Management Information Systems.

All papers are refereed in a double anonymized process by the internationally recognized expert referees and by Associate Editors who serve on the distinguished Editorial Board of JMIS.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Journal metrics


  • 323K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 5.9 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 10.3 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 10.2 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 2.114 (2023) SNIP
  • 3.070 (2023) SJR


  • 66 days avg. from acceptance to online publication

Editorial board


Professor Vladimir Zwass, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Editorial Board

Professor Maryam Alavi, Georgia Institute of Technology
Professor Ravi Aron, University of Houston
Professor Sulin Ba, University of Connecticut
Professor Anitesh Barua, University of Texas at Austin
Professor Geneviève Bassellier, McGill University
Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School
Professor Wai Fong Boh, Nanyang Technological University
Professor James I. Cash, Jr., Harvard University
Professor Eric K. Clemons, University of Pennsylvania
Professor Thomas H. Davenport, Babson College
Professor Alan Dennis, Indiana University
Professor Line Dubé, HEC Montrèal
Professor Amitava Dutta, George Mason University
Professor Michael J. Earl, Oxford University
Professor Juan (Jane) Feng, Tsinghua University
Professor Robert G. Fichman, Boston College
Professor Dennis F. Galletta, University of Pittsburgh
Professor David Gefen, Drexel University
Professor Paulo B. Goes, University of Arizona
Professor Janis L. Gogan, Bentley University
Professor Varun Grover, University of Arkansas
Professor Thomas Hess, University of Munich
Professor Oliver Hinz, Goethe University Frankfurt
Professor Rudy Hirschheim, Louisiana State University
Professor Lorin M. Hitt, University of Pennsylvania
Professor Susanna Ho, Australian National University
Professor Kai-Lung Hui, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Professor Jannis Kallinikos, LUISS University, Rome and London School of Economics and Political Science
Professor Karthik N. Kannan, Purdue University
Professor Robert J. Kauffman, Copenhagen Business School
Professor Mark Keil, Georgia State University
Professor Lara Khansa, Virginia Tech
Professor Benn R. Konsynski, Emory University
Professor Karim R. Lakhani, Harvard University
Professor Christine Legner, HEC Lausanne
Professor Jan Marco Leimeister, University of St. Gallen
Professor Paul Benjamin Lowry, Virginia Tech
Professor Ann Majchrzak, University of Southern California
Professor James R. Marsden, University of Connecticut
Professor Sunil Mithas, University of South Florida
Professor Tridas Mukhopadhyay, Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr., University of Arizona
Professor Arun Rai, Georgia State University
Professor Fei Ren, Peking University
Professor Yuqing Ren, University of Minnesota
Professor Ronald E. Rice, University of California, Santa Barbara
Professor Suzanne Rivard, HEC Montréal
Professor Timo Saarinen, Helsinki School of Economics
Professor Rajiv Sabherwal, University of Arkansas
Professor Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia
Professor Abraham Seidmann, Boston University
Professor Carsten Sørenson, London School of Economics and Political Science
Professor Shirish C. Srivastava, HEC Paris
Professor Edward A. Stohr, Stevens Institute of Technology
Professor E. Burton Swanson, UCLA
Professor Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Professor Bernard C.Y. Tan, National University of Singapore
Professor Yong Tan, University of Washington
Professor Monideepa Tarafdar, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Professor Alfred Taudes, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Professor Amrit Tiwana, University of Georgia
Professor Ofir Turel, University of Melbourne
Professor Joseph S. Valacich, University of Arizona
Professor Viswanath Venkatesh, Virginia Tech
Professor N. Venkatraman, Boston University
Professor Hugh J. Watson, University of Georgia
Professor Bruce W. Weber, University of Delaware
Professor Peter Weill, MIT
Professor Andrew B. Whinston, University of Texas at Austin

Abstracting and indexing

Abstracted/Indexed in:

• EBSCOhost

° Academic Search R&D

° Advanced Placement Source

° Applied Science & Technology Source

° Biotechnology Source

° Business Source Alumni Edition

° Business Source Complete

° Business Source Corporate

° Business Source Corporate Plus

° Business Source Elite

° Business Source Premier

° Computer Science Index

° Computer Source

° Computers & Applied Sciences Complete

° Corporate ResourceNet

° Current Abstracts

° Engineering Source

° Health Business Elite

° Inspec

° IT Source

° Russian Academy of Science Bibliographies

° STM Source

° TOC Premier

• Elsevier BV

° Compendex (COMPuterized ENgineering InDEX)

° Scopus

• Ovid

° Inspec

• ProQuest

° ABI/INFORM Collection


° ABI/INFORM Research

° Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database

° Business Premium Collection

° Computing Database

° International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Core

° ProQuest 5000

° ProQuest 5000 International

° ProQuest Central

° ProQuest SciTech Collection

° Research Library

° SciTech Premium Collection

° Technology Collection

• SCIMP (Selective Cooperative Index of Management Periodicals)

• The Engineering Index Monthly (DVD)

• Clarivate Analytics:

° Current Contents

° Science Citation Index Expanded

° Social Sciences Citation Index

° Web of Science

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