About this journal

Aims and scope

This journal has ceased (2007).

Fragblast is an interdisciplinary international journal, publishing high quality contributions from those working at the interface of rock blasting, explosives engineering and rock mechanics, with the emphasis on fragmentation by blasting. The journal will create a common platform and serve as a bridge between academia and industry. The contents of the journal refelct both the current state of research and the state of the art in engineering practice in the field of rock fragmentation by blasting. Papers cover all fields of engineering associated with the design, manufacture, testing and application of explosives in rock fragmentation, the breakage and movement of rock by blasting, as well as the prediction, control, assessment and evaluation of blasting. Reviews, case studies and educational studies are also published.


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Abstracting and indexing

Fragblast is abstracted and indexed in British Library Inside; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Construction and Building Abstracts; EBSCO Databases; Electronic Collections Online; INSPEC®; New Jour; OCLC ArticleFirst; Scopus™ and Zetoc.