About this journal

Aims and scope

Vehicle System Dynamics

is an international journal, providing a source of information for the vehicle engineer and the applied scientist. The journal emphasizes the theoretical background of research and development problems of all kinds of road, rail and other ground-based vehicles. Main topics are:

  • Dynamics of vehicle systems and their components

  • Control of motion and forces affecting vehicle behaviour

  • Mathematical modelling, computer aided modelling and simulation, validation, parameter identification and testing, driver modelling

  • Vehicle dynamics simulation tools and platforms

  • Vehicle interactions with the environment including wheel-rail and tyre-ground behaviour

  • Active safety systems including collision and derailment warning, avoidance and mitigation

  • Intelligent vehicles, guided vehicles, automated traffic systems related to vehicle dynamics, unconventional vehicles

Authors are advised that all papers submitted to Vehicle Dynamic Systems must fit the following criteria:

  • Provide archivable technical information of interest to the vehicle system dynamics community

  • Broaden the understanding of the dynamic behaviour of the entire vehicle based on physical models and test results

  • Include an adequate level of modelling detail, e.g. on the tyre-road or wheel-rail contact, to represent real or realistic system dynamics

  • Preferably include both physical models and experimental results, e.g. for model development or system validation

If Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have been used in the preparation of the manuscript, a detailed statement regarding the tool(s) and the nature of their use must be included.

Upon submission, all manuscripts undergo an initial editorial evaluation. At this stage, manuscripts may be rejected for reasons including insufficient originality, serious scientific issues, poor grammar use, or being outside the journal's scope and criteria. Only manuscripts meeting these requirements proceed to a formal peer review process.

All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous formal peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.

Journal metrics


  • 299K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 3.5 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 4.2 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 8.4 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 2.277 (2023) SNIP
  • 1.268 (2023) SJR


  • 23 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 82 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 9 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 23% acceptance rate

Editorial board

S. Horiuchi - Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
S.D. Iwnicki  - University of Huddersfield, UK
M. Plöchl  - Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Email: [email protected]

Founding Editors:
H.B. Pacejka -
TU Delft, The Netherlands
H.K. Sachs - Wayne State University, Detroit, USA

Previous Editors:
M. Abe  - Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan
M. Ahmadian  - Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA
A. Alleyne  - University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
R.J. Anderson  - Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
J.K. Hedrick  - UC Berkeley, USA
P. Lugner  - TU Wien, Austria

Senior Advisors:
K. Guo  - Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China
P. Lugner - TU Wien, Austria
W. Schiehlen - University of Stuttgart, Germany
H. True - Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
A.H. Wickens - Loughborough University, UK
J.Y. Wong - Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Associate Editors:
B. Liu 
- Politecnico di Milano, Italy
M. Massaro - University of Padova, Italy
M. Spiryagin  - Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia
V. Vantsevich - Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA

Editorial Board:
M. Abe - Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan
J.A.C. Ambrosio - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
M. Berg  - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
I. Besselink  - Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
N. Bosso  - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
D. Cole  - University of Cambridge, UK
J. Deur  - University of Zagreb, Croatia
J. Edelmann - TU Wien, Austria
C. Funfschilling  - SNCF, France
T. Gordon  - University of Lincoln, UK
P. Gruber  - University of Surrey, UK
M. Guiggiani  - University of Pisa, Italy
D. Hrovat  - UC San Diego, USA
W. Huang  - National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada
A. Khajepour  - University of Waterloo, Canada
M. Klomp  - Volvo Car Group, Sweden
Z. Li  - TU Delft, The Netherlands
G. Mastinu  - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
S. Mueller - TU Berlin, Germany
J. Nielsen - Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
A. Orlova  - Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Russia
O. Polach  - Independent Consultant, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Switzerland
R. Rajamani  - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
S. Rakheja  - Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
J. Rauh - Mercedes-Benz AG, Sindelfingen, Germany
Z. Ren  - Beijing Jiaotong University, People's Republic of China
Y. Suda  - The University of Tokyo, Japan
E. Tseng  - Ford Motor Company, USA
M. Valasek - Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
E. Vollebregt  - Vtech CMCC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
M. Yamakado  - Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan
W. Zhai - Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, People's Republic of China
X. Zhang  - Jilin University, Changchun, People's Republic of China

Abstracting and indexing

Vehicle System Dynamics is abstracted and indexed in: Applied Mechanics Reviews; Astrophysics Data System; British Library Inside; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Compendex®; EBSCO Databases; Electronic Collections Online; Engineering Information Inc; INSPEC®; ISI Current Contents® - Engineering, Computing & Technology; ISI Science Citation Index Expanded™; New Jour; OCLC ArticleFirst; Scopus™; Transport Research Information Services and Zetoc.

Open access

Vehicle System Dynamics is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

Why choose open access?

  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
  2. Make an impact and reach new readers, not just those with easy access to a research library
  3. Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
  4. Comply with funding mandates and meet the requirements of your institution, employer or funder
  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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News, offers and calls for papers

News and offers

Society information

Members of the following society are eligible for a discounted personal print subscription to Vehicle System Dynamics :

International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics

Please see the pricing or subscribe page for details.

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