College student mental health: Tomorrow’s leaders in peril today

Created 04 Jan 2024| Updated 06 Jun 2024 | 5 articles

For many of the brightest minds of the future, college stands as a bridge between adolescence and adulthood. It comes with its own challenges, beyond – but including – academic pressures, developing one’s identity, experimenting with the freedoms of newly found independence, exploring career possibilities, establishing friendships, and prioritizing values. Recent studies have highlighted the substantive distress that college students experience across the world, namely in terms of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and suicide. Additional research is needed to better understand the causes and consequences of mental health problems among college students, as well as effective treatments for psychological problems. Furthermore, we have limited empirical knowledge of what constitutes the “good life” for college students, and so research that examines psychological wellbeing in this population also would be beneficial.

This collection investigated the multiple aspects of college life and the circumstances that may prompt both problematic and optimal mental health. A step back to look at wider factors provided insight into how higher education itself could change worldwide, as well as treatment at campus counseling centers.

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