About this journal

Aims and scope

Self and Identity is devoted to the study of social and psychological processes of the self, including both its agentic aspects, as well as the perceived and construed aspects as reflected in its mental representations. Work on self and identity has a special place in the study of human nature, as self-concerns are arguably at the center of individuals’ striving for well-being and for making sense of one’s life. Life goals develop and are influenced by one’s view of what one is like, the way one would ideally like to be (or would like to avoid being), as well as one’s perceptions of what is feasible. Furthermore, conceptions of self and the world affect how one’s progress towards these goals is monitored, evaluated, redirected, re-evaluated, and pursued again. Thus, the "self" as a construct has far-reaching implications for behavior, self-esteem, motivation, experience of emotions and the world more broadly, and hence for interpersonal relationships, society, and culture.

The Journal aims to bring together empirical work on self and identity undertaken by researchers across different subdisciplines within psychology (e.g., social, personality, clinical, development, cognitive), as well as across other social and behavioral disciplines (e.g., sociology, family studies, anthropology, neuroscience). Special emphasis is placed on new empirical research that is relevant for extant theoretical models and generative in opening new terrain for future investigation. A second continual motivating goal of the Journal is empirical research that offers integration at the level of basic processes. The Journal provides scientists, practitioners, and students in psychology, sociology, consumer behavior, behavioral medicine, and psychiatry around the world with access to cutting edge empirical research and occasional theoretical pieces.


Practitioners and scholars of social, personality, developmental, and clinical psychology, as well as professionals in sociology, psychiatry, anthropology, social work and other disciplines with an interest in the study of self and identity.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial Editor screening and refereeing by at least two independent, expert referees. All peer review is single anonymized and submissions may be made online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

Self and Identity Best Paper Award 2014

On behalf of the Editor and Editorial Board of Self and Identity, with the approval of the International Society for Self and Identity, we are delighted to announce the winning article of the journal’s Best Paper Award 2014:

Self-regulatory responses to unattainable goals: The role of goal motives
by Nikos Ntoumanis, Laura C. Healy, Constantine Sedikides, Alison L. Smith & Joan L. Duda

Related Links

Visit the Social Psychology Arena where you can browse books in Gender Identity, Personality, Prejudice and Self and Social Identity.


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Journal metrics


  • 167K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.7 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 2.6 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 5.1 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.186 (2023) SNIP
  • 1.070 (2023) SJR


  • 43 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 170 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 11 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 10% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Kimberly Rios - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA


Chuan-Peng Hu - Nanjing Normal University, China 

Carola Leicht - University of Kent, UK

Alysson Light - University of Chicago, USA

Keith Markman - Ohio University, USA

June Tangney - George Mason University, USA

Sabrina Thai - Brock University, Canada 


Analia Albuja - Northeastern University, USA 

Jill Allen - Drake University, USA

Kathryn Bruchmann - Santa Clara University, USA

Gabriel Camacho - John Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA

Patrick Carroll - The Ohio State University - Lima, USA

William Chopik - Michigan State University, USA

Clayton Critcher - University of California, USA

Erin K. Davisson - Duke University, USA

Tracy DeHart - Loyola University, USA

Kathy Espino-Perez - Western Oregon University, USA 

Corey L. Guenther - Creighton University, USA

Anthony Hermann - Bradley University, USA

Joshua Hicks - Texas A&M University, USA

Jill A. Jacobson - Queen's University, Canada

Ulrich Kühnen - Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

Franki Kung - Purdue University, USA 

Erin O'Mara Kunz - University of Dayton, USA 

Kristin Laurin - University of British Columbia, USA

Michelle Luke - University of Sussex, UK 

David M. Marx - San Diego State University, USA

Allen R. McConnell - Miami University, USA

Chanel Meyers - University of Oregon, USA 

Dominik Mischkowski - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA 

Carolyn C. Morf - University of Bern, Switzerland

Kristin Naragon-Gainey - SUNY Buffalo, USA

Cécile Nurra - University of Grenoble, France

Rebecca Pinkus - University of Western Sydney, Australia

Michael Poulin - University at Buffalo, USA

David E. Rast - University of Alberta, Canada

Anna-Kaisa Reiman - SUNY Albany, USA  

Jessica Remedios - Tufts University, USA

Zachary C. Roth - University of Maine at Augusta, USA 

Nathaniel Schermerhorn - University of Essex, UK

Brandon J. Schmeichel - Texas A&M University, USA

Abigail A. Scholer - University of Waterloo, Canada

Golan Shahar - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Carolin Showers - University of Oklahoma, USA 

Paul Silvia - University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA

Erica Slotter - Villanova University, USA 

Rachel Smallman - Texas A&M University, USA 

Danu Anthony Stinson - University of Victoria, Canada

Brenda Straka - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA 

Sander Thomaes - Utrecht University, The Netherlands 

Negin R. Toosi - California State University, East Bay, USA 

Rebecca Totton - Oberlin College, USA

William Tov - Singapore Management University, Singapore 

Michelle R. van Dellen - University of Georgia, USA

Wijnand Van Tilburg - University of Southampton, UK

Clara L Wilkins - University of Washington, USA

Ethan Zell - University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA

Abstracting and indexing

This journal is abstracted and indexed in the following publications and databases:

Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences



Social Sciences Citation Index

Social Scisearch

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Society information

Self and Identity is the official journal of the International Society for Self and Identity (ISSI). ISSI was founded to promote communication and collaboration among researchers who study the self and identity, to foster the scientific study of self, and to communicate knowledge about the self to the general public.

Membership is open to social and behavioural scientists of all disciplinary affiliations, including (but not limited to) psychology, sociology, psychiatry, communication, education, family studies, anthropology, and social work. Membership includes a personal subscription to the journal Self and Identity.

  • Professional membership is US $45.00
  • Student membership is US $37.50 (Student ID is required)

Visit the ISSI website here

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