Special issues

Browse all special issues from Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement.

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Land Grabbing in Latin America
Volume 33, Issue 4, 2012 pages 401-ebi
Social Protection in International Development
Volume 32, Issue 4, 2011 pages 351-474
Africa Confronts Development
Volume 27, Issue 2, 2006 pages 121-ebi
Gender and Development
Volume 26, Issue sup1, 2005 pages 569-ebi
International Development Studies in Canada
Volume 25, Issue 1, 2004 pages 9-ebi
Gender and Civil Commons
Volume 22, Issue 4, 2001 pages 799-ebi
Participatory Development
Volume 21, Issue sup1, 2000 pages 401-ebi
Labour and Employment Under Globalization
Volume 20, Issue 4, 1999 pages 645-ebi
The Quest for Food Security in the Twenty-First Century
Volume 19, Issue 4, 1998 pages 7-ebi
Results-Based Performance Reviews and Evaluations
Volume 18, Issue sup1, 1997 pages 557-ebi
Governance Democracy & Human Rights
Volume 17, Issue 4, 1996 pages 5-ebi
Evaluating Experiences: Doing Development with Women
Volume 16, Issue 4, 1995 pages 5-ebi
Indonesia Multidimensional Development
Volume 14, Issue 1, 1993 pages 9-ebi
Sustainable Water Rescources Management in Arid Countries
Volume 13, Issue 4, 1992 pages 7-ebi

Special issue information

Call for special issue proposals

The Canadian Journal of Development Studies /Revue canadienne d’études du développement welcomes Special Issue proposals from researchers in the field. Guest editors for special issues manage the review process for their special issue, with full support from our editorial team.

Topics should be within the Aims & Scope of the journal. At present we particularly welcome proposals in: Post-COVID development; Southern paradigms of Development; the Poverty/Climate nexus; and Food and energy security. However, we encourage any topic that has the potential to advance research in the field and generate high-quality scholarship , providing we have not recently published an issue on a closely related area.

  • Articles in a special issue can be in either French or English.
  • As guest editor(s) you will be selecting suitable reviewers for the submitted articles using our online system; it is vital that you are aware of those working in the area concerned, internationally.
  • All articles go through peer review.
  • Articles developed from conference presentations or workshops can be considered as a Special Issue. However, they should not have been published elsewhere in their submitted form, either as a collection or as individual articles.
  • When submitting an article, authors should follow the Instructions for Authors at the journal’s home page.

Before making a proposal, please look at the last few years of the published journal to ensure that you are not duplicating a topic covered recently as either a Special Issue or Special Section (a shorter collection within a journal issue). Please also consider whether your topic is likely to attract sufficient high-quality research – in particular consider whether the topic is too broad, or too specialized, to be of interest to potential authors.

Making a proposal
Special Issue proposals may be for an ‘open’ call, or for a ‘closed’ call. Closed calls are preferred: this is where the Special Issue guest editors have already identified and obtained agreement to submit an article from specific authors and have details on the proposed articles. In both cases, please prepare an initial proposal in the required format. If your proposal is of interest, we will invite you to submit a full proposal for consideration by the CJDS/ La Revue Editorial Board.

Further information
For a guide to the required proposal format, please contact the managing editor.

Please read the guidance carefully before sending your proposal.