Journal overview

Eurasian Geography and Economics welcomes original research articles on geographical and geo-economic issues in the Eurasian region, broadly defined as encompassing China, Russia, East, Central, and South East Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Europe.

We welcome theoretically informed original research articles which address any key current geopolitical and geo-economic developments in the region. We primarily seek to publish articles in the field of Geography, but also welcome articles from related disciplines where an interdisciplinary approach is undertaken, and where different disciplines explicitly intersect with geographical approaches and literatures.

Articles should clearly contextualise the topic in the relevant literature and the development of the region itself. They should make explicit the article’s central contribution to knowledge regarding the region and/or applicable theory. We also welcome articles which have an explicit comparative dimension, either within the region or between Eurasia and the rest of the world, or submissions that link regions across Eurasia, as well as sub-national scales of analysis. Articles which seek to integrate studies of Eurasian geography and economics into wider disciplinary debates, and which bring out what those debates can learn from studying the region, are particularly encouraged.

The journal does not publish articles which: fail to make clear what the key contribution of the article is or do not make clear its relevance to the wider region and appropriate geographical literature; are descriptive or report the results of a narrow case study - or present an in-depth account and/or evaluation of an economic model - without developing the wider implications for the region; do not make clear how they make a substantial, original contribution to geographical knowledge and theory; focus on suggesting policy recommendations.

The journal will also consider focused literature Review articles on significant issues in, or theoretical approaches to, the region (particularly in its global context). In addition, we will also welcome shorter articles for the Eurasian Pulse section of the journal which provide critical topical analyses of key current events in the region, or succinct Research Notes which present a key finding in a short format. The journal also publishes reviews of individual books or longer review essays reviewing multiple books.

We welcome proposals for guest edited Theme Issues (making up a full issue of the journal) or Research Colloquia (collections of fewer or shorter articles or reports which make up part of an issue) on topics which generate insight into the development of the region or a significant part of it. For further information please see the journal's Instructions for Authors.

Peer Review Statement

All research articles, including those which form part of special issue sets, are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double anonymized peer review by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Read full aims and scope

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